Wikipedia scrubs Elizabeth Warren Cherokee scandal


Wikipedia scrubs Elizabeth Warren Cherokee scandal. The scandal of her fake Native American heritage used to be detailed and documented under its own subheading, but Wikipedia eliminated the whole section. Now the scandal is described by three sentences implying Harvard made a mistake, rather than the fact that Warren lied. Never trust Wikipedia – it’s edited by lying libturds (pardon the redundancy).

J.P. Travis: Born and raised in Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1976 graduate of University of Michigan, father, grandfather, husband, founder and CEO of Travelyn Publishing (, and passionate anti-government believer in individual liberty.

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  • Someone here - there is plenty of talent on this site- should create a top 10 or 20 list of ignored or scrubbed stories that push the lefty propaganda FORWARD. Benghazi and F-n-F certainly top such a list. This one, while minor, should also be included as en excellent example of how communists/control freak lefties try to create their own reality via propaganda. Directly, or indirectly via omission as here.

    • Let's do it right here:

      Fast 'n' Furious
      Wikipedia scrubbing Elizabeth Warren's Cherokee scandal
      Media ignoring Global Warming email scandal

      • - Ignoring black panther voter intimidation
        - Pigford (remember that?)
        - Giving Osama an Islamic burial instead of having a pit-bull tea-bag his dead body
        - NDAA (that's a list in and of itself)
        - You didn't build that
        - Safe school's czar Kevin Jennings
        - Information czar Cass Sunstein
        - All the czar's
        - Moving terrorists from gitmo to the US

        I really like this game.

      • - Obama's Marxist mentors and parents
        - Obama's foreign campaign contributions
        - Obama's support of terrorists during the Arab spring
        - Obama's academic records

      • Election fraud in democrat districts un-investigated
        Ignoring bad economic data
        Not reporting on an undeclared Libya war

      • OK game on:

        Solyndra et. al. (maybe we need to lump all the green energy failures into one to keep the list to a reasonable size)
        Joe Biden flubs (ditto)

  • Wikipedia can scrub what they want to, this phoney indian broad will be at the very least an embarassment. I have a feeling she will be front & center in more then a few controversies very soon. Mouthy & willing to lie are a wicked combo.

  • Fauxahontas should have been scalped for lying like that. But then lying is a hallmark of a true Commircrat.

    • For years they had one guy, an editor in a position of power, who made sure the proper PC propaganda on Global Warming was posted, and anyone who didn't hew to the company line was banished from Wikipedia. Wikipedia is a great idea ruined by the liberals who run it. Instead of honoring truth, they honor leftism. It's too bad.

  • I'd say the Legal Insurrection article (linked) sums it up pretty well, and we could all take turns reposting it.

  • Oh wow! Well considering that anyone can (I think still) update Wikipedia that can be changed if someone cares to do so.