102 NYC police and firefighters caught in disability scam

102 NYC police and firefighters caught in disability scam. “The alleged ringleaders, which included 83-year-old Raymond Lavallee, a former Nassau County assistant district attorney…” Yeah, but spending can’t be cut, you know… the poor would suffer, or something.

Bonfire of the Absurdities: After 35 year career writing software for IBM mainframes, am now self-employed contractor thinking of joining a union and striking for higher wages. Cured morbid fear of heights when I learned to look at them as lengths standing on end. Uncompromising in refusal to accept browser cookies. Amateur investor who has accumulated a small fortune in the market after starting out years ago with a large one. For recreation, I run, hike, kayak and play tennis but will not consider synchronized swimming under any circumstances.

View Comments (20)

  • I bet they snort coke and "protect" small business owners too!

    kinda like james best in once upon a time in america.

    just following their leaders.

    sorry pus-filled p's-o-s

  • There seems to be an abundance of corrupt union public service worker stories like this coming from NY/NYC. A few years ago they did a story on some nyc school district employees doing similar fraud. One head custodian-making 100K/yr-was filmed buying stuff for a 36' yacht he bought with embezzled school dist. funds and working on the boat while on district time. I believe he went to jail, as he should have. Can't stand people like that who have good jobs w/great benefits and screw the system.

    • The same "Abundance" is here on the left coast....they just have not caught up yet....WE are too busy building transgender bathrooms but we will get em I am sure....

  • How about all the hoards and hoards of welfare and medicaid scammers? I am not trying to defend these guys, they should throw the book at them. But, my prediction is that like the welfare and medicaid scammers, this too shall pass with no consequences. They're in a union you know.

  • Right after 9-11, it became the rave for these guys to wear their NYPD and NYFD Ts everywhere. I've seen these guys wearing these shirts all over the country and in foreign countries as well. Probably got them a lot of freebies and upgrades is my guess. Maybe they'll stop wearing their NYPD and NYFD t-shirts everywhere now out of embarrassment.

    • They'll be kept separate, they always are, adding more cost to this mess..Years ago the CHP had a female officer who had "back problems" from work and could not sit in a patrol car for more than a couple hours, her husband was a Sheriff's Deputy who had the same mysterious aliment. Both were video tapped ridding in rodeo's, and the rodeo riding didn't seem to aggravate their back problems...they both went to jail...as they should and so should these shitheads...figure they would have an attorney as the ring leader..

      • They caught a Fremont cop years ago. Hurt his back out on disability. Funny when he decided to build a new deck he went to the lumberyard, filled his pickup with lumber, went home and unloaded it all into the garage all by himself. All on video of course. He didn't do jail time but was fired and lost all his pension and benefits.

        • I have absolutely no cartilage between the 2 lower disks in my back.
          Sometimes I can work for months with just the "normal" pain it causes, but then if I even THINK about moving wrong I can be laid up for a week.
          But then, I have never filed for disability and screwed over the system for it either... Damn that sense of ethics.

        • It happens all the time..As I get close to retirement I have been offered jobs at companies who work for the insurance/disability companies to go out and videotape and follow people who might be scamming the system...Not sure if thats how I wanna spend my golden years....