“We don’t have a deficit problem. Every economist in the country knows that.”

AFL-CIO head honcho Richard Trumka has apparently gone off his meds and needs to get back on them immediately.

He actually called the deficit problem fiction and said, “We don’t have a deficit problem. Every economist in the country knows that.”

No, Richard, what we have is a union problem. A moron problem. A head up our ass problem. A “I’m-gonna-say-something-really-stupid-and-the-liberal-media-outlet-won’t-have-enough-integrity-to-call-me-on-it problem.” A “What you talkin’ about, Willis?” problem. A lust for power problem. A socialist utopia problem. A problem dealing with reality problem.

That’s what we have.

This post was last modified on August 11, 2010


View Comments (14)

    • Public sector unions should be illegal.

      BTW, here is something to consider, Porky Pig Trumka & his ilk want Card Check. I would give it to them, ON 1 CONDITION...Card Check should work both ways. If you can bring a union into the workplace, it should be possible to get rid of a union the same way as well. I have a feeling that organized labor would NEVER go for that.

      • All that card check BS is about wrangling more and more peons up and placing them under the union bosses thumbs... The last union meeting I attended they came out and said as much... more peons = more dues in the bosses pockets, more voters to bully into following the bosses agenda, and more secret under the table "sweetheart" contracts with corporations. Just like Stalin, Mao, and the rest of the "red" gang, it's all about control of the masses and lining the bosses pockets.

  • Every word Trumka says is a lie, including "and" and "the". He's leading the union rank and file over the cliff and the country into economic ruin. He needs to be run out of office along with every Democrat in Washington.

  • You guys misheard him. He did not say 'economist'. In his world, there are no economists. He said 'communist'.

    As the Communist in chief would agree, there is no deficit problem -- it is intentional, gets him what he wants, and therefore not a problem.

    • You're right! I had to listen to it 25 or 30 more times, but eventually it came through loud and clear. He IS saying 'eh... comminist', his stutter being required in order to say the mispronunciation of his meaning. Very astute skills you have there, Perlcat.

  • WARNING: Lame Attempt at Humor Ahead!

    So this economist with a PhD, a psychiatrist and proctologist stumbled into a meeting where AFL-CIO president Trumka is ranting and raving and making absolutely no sense.

    Finally, an incredulous union member stands up and shouts, "Somebody help this poor man! Is there a doctor in the house?"

    At this, the three visitors get up to leave.

    Recognizing them, the union member asks, "Aren't you going to help?"

    "No," replies the economist, "he's too fiscally illiterate."

    "What about you?" the member asks the psychiatrist.

    "No," he replies, "this man is reprobate and beyond any mental help."

    "Well, then, how about you?" the union-ite asks the proctologist.

    "I dunno if I can. In 50 years as a practitioner, I've never seen anyone with their head so far outta my reach!"

  • He looks like he could be part of the Gambino family. I was expecting him to go all Gotti on that girl.

  • It doesn't matter how far from the truth Trumka's comments are, nor does it matter that any thinking person can see he's a buffoon. He's preaching to his choir...the union members that want to believe that the unions are actually looking out for their best interests. They'll believe anythang he says...and repeat it over and over and over...until it's actually part of the debate, and most of those lemmings will go to the polls in November thinking that the economy is in good shape.

    Rules for Radicals is these clowns' Bible, and the major tenet in that book is "the ends justify the means". What's a little lying if it keeps you in power??

  • It looks like he ate Jimmy Hoffa and he's been inside of this clown ever since, which explains why he is so full of s--- and we've never found the body. I normally don't do ad hominem attacks, but big (and I do mean BIG) labor deserves them...the word "fatcats" applies beautifully. What a heaping, steaming pile of collossal stupidity...

    • I thought he was buried in the old Giant Stadium that just got torn down.

      Trumpka ain't fooling anyone with any brains at all. He's a bully, he's got some power, & he's delusional. He's killing any future for the people he is supposed to represent, & he does'nt care.

  • At least Hoffa and his buddies weren't stupid enough to kill the goose that lays their golden egg. Power - it's so intoxicating.