U.S. Special Operations troops aiding Libyan forces in major battle against Islamic State

U.S. Special Operations troops aiding Libyan forces in major battle against Islamic State. Seriously, can’t the morons in the Obama administration keep their damn mouths shut? This is endangering our troops and the British troops. Why don’t they just give ISIS the effing GPS coordinates?

U.S. officials, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss a mission that has not been announced publicly, said the American troops were operating out of a joint operations center on the city’s outskirts and that their role was limited to supporting forces loyal to the country’s fragile unity government.

Couric’s new daytime talk show to be titled “Katie”

Couric’s new daytime talk show to be titled “Katie.” We can only guess that “Perky Little Twit” just didn’t focus group as well. Doug Steckler, guesting with Tim Conway Jr on KFI/Los Angeles commented, “No offense, Katie Couric, here’s a tip. If you’re going to get into the TV talk game, be prepared to give away cars. You’re going to have to give away something to get people to watch you.”

Unique defense: Underwear Bomber thinks he should be released because the Koran okays killing infidels

Unique defense: Underwear Bomber thinks he should be released because the Koran okays killing infidels. Screw you and the goat you road in on, Umar. Oh, wait, screwing goats is also okayed by the Koran. Never mind.

Obama’s promise that the stimulus would lower unemployment was “the stupidest thing that basically any administration probably ever said.”

Obama’s promise that the stimulus would lower unemployment was “the stupidest thing that basically any administration probably ever said.” Believe it or not, a Democrat said that. To be specific, it was Rep. John Yarmuth (D-KY). He has not, apparently, heard that Barack Obama is the most intelligent man who’s ever graced the Oval Office.

“Irene’s got a middle name, and it’s name is Global Warming.”

“Irene’s got a middle name, and it’s Global Warming.” Far be it from us to be pedantic, but wouldn’t Irene need a last name in order to have a middle name? Perhaps the folks at the Daily Beast/Newsweek meant to say “Irene has a middle name, and it’s Global.” See, that would make Warming the last name. Irene Global Warming. Yeah, that makes a lot more sense. But sense has rarely been a concern at the Daily Beast, so let’s just forget the whole thing.

The truth about Texas job growth (Liberals, please go look up the definition of “truth” before proceeding)

It seems that Dallas Fed chief Richard Fisher has a different take on things Keynesian and uses Texas as a shining example:

Obama and his loony tune financial advisers seem to think that doing all things Keynesian will get the economy back on track.

We'd love to see a Rick Perry vs. Jerry Brown death match on the next UFC card

It seems that Dallas Fed chief Richard Fisher has a different take on things and uses Texas as a shining example:

On Wednesday, Richard Fisher, President and CEO of the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, gave a speech in which he separated “fact from fiction” about the record of job creation in Texas.

We can help but wonder whose fiction he was talking about?

Texas job gains are a result of pro-growth policies on taxes, spending and regulations: “…people and businesses have been picking up stakes and moving to Texas in significant numbers over a prolonged period… And yet Texas, like all states, is subject to the same monetary policy as all the rest… From this, I draw the conclusion that private sector capital and jobs will go to where taxes and spending and regulatory policy are most conducive to growth.”

Want further proof this guy is right? Look at the financial mess the U.S. is in and look at what’s going on in California, a state losing businesses daily to Texas and other states with better business climates.

Don’t believe us? Let’s send Rick Perry to California and send Jerry Brown to Texas and see what happens. We’d wager millions of unemployed workers in California would soon be working again and Texas would be bankrupt.

– Written by CO2Insanity

Source: The Cypress Times

Now it can be revealed: ObamaCare contains an appetite suppressant

They had to pass it to find out what was in it and now it’s been discovered that Obamacare contains an appetite suppressant.

They had to pass it to find out what was in it and now it’s been discovered that Obamacare contains an appetite suppressant. Specifically, the uncertainty the bill creates regarding future healthcare costs suppresses any appetite companies may have for investing money in their operations.

At least, that’s what CKE Restaurants (owner of Hardee’s and Carl’s Jr restaurants) CEO Andy Puzder says in this video:

Healthcare is probably the most significant unknown at the moment. People are unsure how much it will impact their business but they know … it will be negative. It’s very hard to model the costs because the [Obamacare] bill was so complex and it’s very difficult to find people that understand it. We have a national healthcare … consultant that we use …. and the range that they gave us for our healthcare costs increasing at CKE restaurants was between $7.3 and $35.1 million dollars. That’s a huge range… Their estimate was that it would increase our healthcare costs by about 18 million dollars. We spent about 9 million dollars last year building new restaurants so that would be totally wiped out.

OK, demolishing the only “achievement” he has to show for his political career ain’t as much fun for Obama as taking bus tours or dropping mega-bucks for a train from Nadaville to Zerotown. But if he’s serious about creating jobs, the surest way is to remove his roadblocks and let those who normally do it, do it. That’s the problem.

Unfortunately, allowing the private sector to create jobs now would mean Obamacare, the Stimulus and all of his Keynesian delusions were wrong. Ensuring high unemployment and blaming his opponents appears to be the strategy around which his 2012 campaign is wrapped.

Obama has to make sure nothing (nor anyone) works.

PS – Your new Carl’s Jr. advertising campaign sucks, Andy. Dull, dull, dull.

– Written by Bonfire of the Absurdities

Charles Blow: Suddenly it’s a name and not a sexual demand

Charles Blow, the New York Times columnist who seems to spend his fantasy time fellating Barack Obama, surprised the world by writing something critical about The One.

Charles Blow, the New York Times columnist who seems to spend his fantasy time fellating Barack Obama, surprised the world by writing something critical about The One.

Of course, force of habit required that he spend the first 2/3 of his column setting up the criticism by comparing Republicans to robots but then he did the unthinkable and concluded by nothing Obama’s cold, aloof robotic personality:

Charles Blow, perhaps the most appropriately named man in the world

Blow, Charles, blow:

But one person I never thought would fall into this valley was Barack Obama, the charismatic candidate who electrified the electorate in 2008 and whom many saw as the fulfillment of the dream of the even-more-electrifying Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Yet here Obama is, down in the valley, struggling to connect with the American people and failing, increasingly coming across as dispassionate to some and outright revolting to others.

A robotic Sustainer-in-Chief with an eerie inhumanity will not satisfy.

And we know from countless previous columns that Charles likes to be satisfied by President Obama.

Source: New York Times

Mom was right! You will go blind from masturbating too much.

Do the porn attorneys think this guy downloaded their porn flick and then went blind after watching it over and over and over?

Or, at least that sounds like what the attorneys for porn studio Imperial Enterprises, Inc., must think. We mean really, do they think this guy downloaded their porn flick and then went blind after watching it over and over and over?

She's got a great set of dots

In what seems to me to possibly be the stupidest lawsuit we’ve ever seen:

A porn studio is accusing a blind man of illegally downloading the company’s pornographic content.

The blind man, known only as John Doe in the suit, is one of the 3,500 people being sued by California porn studio Imperial Enterprises, Inc.

He claims he was too busy to password-protect his wifi connection and that someone else must have used his network and downloaded the porn in question.

… The firm are now demanding a few thousand dollars from him in a settlement.

Looks to be proof-positive that attorneys are not only sleazebags, they work for sleazebags, too.

What next? Will they check to see if he’s got hairy palms?

– Written by CO2Insanity

Source: Daily Mail

On Wall Street three piece suits now come with bulletproof vests

In the wake of Britain’s riots, a group of American radicals are planning a “Day of Rage” targeting Wall Street and U.S. capitalism.

Yes, Wall Streeters, you are evidently the next target for anarchy, violence and looting, brought to you by the kind folks at ACORN, SEIU and a host of others who want you to work your ass off so they can reap your rewards and sit on their asses. Just think London riots and you’ll know what we’re talking about.

The latest British fashions are coming soon to Wall Street

World Net Daily channels the rage:

In the wake of Britain’s riots, a group of American radicals are planning a “Day of Rage” targeting Wall Street and U.S. capitalism.

The upcoming protests, replete with a planned tent city in downtown Manhattan, is closely tied to the founders of ACORN and leaders of major U.S. unions, including the Service Employees International Union, or SEIU.

There are indications the protesters are training to incite violence, resist arrest and disrupt the legal system.

The protest aims to take root nationwide.

Activists are advertising on social network sites such as Facebook and Twitter for a “Day of Rage” on Sept. 17 to begin with the “occupation” of Wall Street and continue with protests across the nation.

It will be interesting to see if Mayor Bloomberg sits on his ass while New York burns or if he’ll do something needed like sic the whole NYPD on these clowns.

It’s amusing (and when we say amusing we mean sickening) that when the liberals don’t get their way they go from 0 to violence in 7 seconds, something they accuse conservatives of doing.

In psychology it’s called projection. It blogging it’s called unadulterated bullshit.

– Written by CO2Insanity

Source: World Net Daily

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