James Cameron goes to the Amazon, bores the hell out of natives

James Cameron Amazon
"James, James, James of the Jungle, brave as he can be. Watch out for that treeeeeeee."

James Cameron goes to the Amazon, bores the hell out of natives.

Hollywood writer-producer-director-conspicuous consumer James Cameron is starting to believe his own bullshit. After creating Avatar, he’s become a born again environmentalist.

The New York Times dutifully traipsed after Cameron on an Avatar-ish adventure to Brazil, where the director dappled himself with facepaint and spoke like a character from one of his films.

The Times reports on the hypocritical hype:

“The snake kills by squeezing very slowly,” Mr. Cameron said to more than 70 indigenous people, some holding spears and bows and arrows, under a tree here along the Xingu River. “This is how the civilized world slowly, slowly pushes into the forest and takes away the world that used to be,” he added.

As if to underscore the point, seconds later a poisonous green snake fell out of a tree, just feet from where Mr. Cameron’s wife sat on a log. Screams rang out. Villagers scattered. The snake was killed. Then indigenous leaders set off on a dance of appreciation, ending at the boat that took Mr. Cameron away. All the while, Mr. Cameron danced haltingly, shaking a spear, a chief’s feathery yellow and white headdress atop his head.

The boat pulled away and Cameron waved goodbye to his newfound forest friends.

“Can you believe that crazy American woman was afraid of a snake,” one native laughed as he waved adieu. “By the way, you owe me five bucks. I told you I could convince that moron to paint his face.”

Source: New York Times

This post was last modified on December 12, 2021


View Comments (10)

  • They killed the snake! I thought that he was an environmentalist. Nature lover. Where's PETA when you need them?!? The poor snake was just living in "his" forest. Right? And why was Cameron there in the first place? He was invading nature. What I would like to know is how much equipment he brought in? How much camera equipment? How many gas burning vehicles? Did he fly there? He's becoming another Evil-Al-Gore. Hypocrites!

  • the snake fell from the tree after an extended period of laughter

    you would have too, if you could see what that snake saw

  • I didn't see the movie or want to and agree that Cameron and his like are idiots but when it comes to conservation I seem to disagree with most of my fellow conservatives, also on the subject of religion and abortion. Religions are big buisiness filled with child molesters. And there are enough morons on this planet now you want it to end up like the movie Idiocracy? That's the direction we're headed.I happen to like large natural spaces with wildlife and trees. Over the years I've seen many places I loved filled with housing tracts and commercial areas. If the only way to maintain a healthy economy is with constant building and population growth we are in big trouble.

  • I don't get why he filmed "Avatar." Why not just tell the story to a dozen people around a campfire with some stick-men painted on rocks for visual aids? Oh! Right! He filmed it because modern technology is just a better way to go!

    Cameron's a pinhead. I hated that movie and its childish, ham-handed script.

    Now, "The Abyss" I actually liked. Chris Elliott was AWESOME!