Bin Laden death photos show “brains hanging out of the eye socket.” Cool.

We guess we’re supposed to be shocked and horrified about this, but we’re not. Far as we’re concerned, it couldn’t happen to a nicer guy.

Oklahoma Senator Jim Inhofe, one of the select few who was allowed to view the infamous death photos of Osama Bin Laden, told Fox News’ Shep Smith exactly what he saw.

Bin Laden must have had a premonition, because he’s always worn a bandage on his head

Mediaite has the explicit details:

Inhofe confirmed that the photographs from the compound, taken right after SEAL Team Six members shot and killed bin Laden, are indeed “gruesome,” and clarified that he was also shown three older photos as a means of comparison. So. What, exactly, constitutes as gruesome? Inhofe described two, close-up pictures taken of bin Laden’s ear, adding that he is unsure whether a bullet went through the terrorist’s ear and out his eye, or went through his ear after entering his head through his eye socket. The Senator added that brain matter was visible exiting through the socket.

Inhofe added that bin Laden’s beard was shorter and grayer than it had appeared in older photos, and that he was wearing “underwear.” (Smith, amusingly, seemed to find this rather shocking.)

To tell the truth, we’re far more horrified by the thought of Bin Laden in his underwear than we are by his brains hanging out of his eye socket.

Call us callous. We’ve been called worse.

Source: Mediaite

This post was last modified on May 25, 2023


View Comments (27)

  • He accidentally said Obama, I think- it doesn't matter to me, because I make that mistake just as often. So does me liberal Government teacher...

    I've actually seen a small thumbnail of the picture, thanks to WikiLeaks (gleep!), and even from what I saw the gunshot-wound was not as "surgical" as was the operation. Nasty business, head wounds.

    As for the senator's thoughts on provoking terrorists, I soundly agree. They want us to "convert or die", and I don't think shielding the public from an icky JPEG is going to change much either way. Heck, we've seen photos of 9/11 victims and I don't think many Americans are ticked off ENOUGH for those poor folks!

    • "Heck, we’ve seen photos of 9/11 victims and I don’t think many Americans are ticked off ENOUGH for those poor folks!"

      Quayzar, the reason for that is because some commie at the top decided that Americans were getting too sentimental and patriotic for their own good and pulled the plug on continually showing the planes crashing into the Twin Towers and the poor people who were on the floors above the crash sites jumping to their deaths. No, they wanted us to forget all that, but these are the same asswipes who forced us to watch the beating of Rodney King and the vilification of the Duke Lacrosse team ad nauseum.

    • MSM had no problems playing the calls from flight 93, the calls from people inside the towers as they came down or pictures of people jumping to their deaths to avoid burning alive or the pictures of US servicemen with their guts hanging out (see Nat Geo Vietnam reference above)!

      F*CK THEM! That POS should have been hung as a new whitehouse chandelier for the Embassies and whoever pulled off 9/11 should be cut into 300 million little pieces with each one set in acrylic to be mailed to every man woman and child in this country.

      ( I will take Oberman's teeth or the tip of Racheal Maddow's penis in acrylic as a consolation prize though).

  • Who cares, put the pictures out here for the rest of the world to see, or don't, because many of us that have served our country have seen much worse. Up front and personal is much worse than some picture of a raghead that needed to be dead.

    Even National Geographic published worse pics than these are supposed to be. If you can find some old editions, I'm thinking about 1972 or so, they had photos on their cover page of the carnage in Cambodia. Ain't no big deal to those of us that were there, up front and personal.

  • Editor. Small correction suggestion. Change "Couldn't happen to a nicer guy" to "Couldn't happen to a more deserving guy."

  • Brains? There were brains? Well, it wasn't bin Laden, then. I am now joining the conspiracy camp!

  • Personally I'd like to see Bin Laden's head on a pole in the center of "ground zero"- But thats just me :)

    Here's an Email I received:

    Bin Laden Given Religious Funeral Prior to Sea Burial

    Osama bin Laden was given a religious funeral prior to his burial at sea, senior military officials told Fox News.
    Religious rites were conducted on the deck of the USS Carl Vinson aircraft carrier at about 1:10 a.m. Monday in the Persian Gulf.

    In accordance with Islamic practice, bin Laden was washed and wrapped in a white sheet before buried at sea at 2 a.m. local time, senior U.S. military and intelligence officials said.

    Then, "In accordance with common US Navy SEAL practice, the Team pissed on him, stuck a pulled pork sandwich in his mouth. stuffed a kosher hot dog up his ass, and pushed the f**king asshole overboard with the other garbage," a senior SEAL officer said

    • Probably hard to really pull off since he died at Tora Bora a decade ago.

      He publicly condemned the 9/11 attacks too...not that you'd ever hear that from the MSM.

      For a website called "ihatethemedia" you folks swallow an awful lot of thier shit. The MSM is there to sell you something just like that sham-wow guy. You are free to not believe their story just the same (though the sham-wow is freakin' awesome at absorbing stuff)

      • You misspelled their shit but you correctly spelled their story YT, not an error of consistency, just saying...

  • So Bin Laden was shot in his "underwear", my question is: briefs or boxers?

    My only regret is that Osama wasn't sitting on the can when he was shot dead.

    Anyway, I don't need to see the pictures, I'm satisfied he's dead (I think they'll be released eventually---probably around election day 2012).

  • The description of what his dead body looks like is alright to a point. However, I want to see the image just like that of Nick Berg and Daniel Pearl. The MSM had no problem showing those did they.

    By showing the image it will be a warning to the others that wish to follow in Bin Laden's foot steps.