Corzine is going to be the best show since Watergate

Corzine is going to be the best show since Watergate. New evidence says MF Corzine “gave direct instructions” to transfer $200 million in segregated consumer funds to JP Morgan for payment on an overdraft and used a lower level functionary to do the dirty work. MF Corzine told a House panel last December he did not order any improper transfer of customer funds and had no idea where missing customer money went. Pass the popcorn.

This post was last modified on January 26, 2021

Bonfire of the Absurdities: After 35 year career writing software for IBM mainframes, am now self-employed contractor thinking of joining a union and striking for higher wages. Cured morbid fear of heights when I learned to look at them as lengths standing on end. Uncompromising in refusal to accept browser cookies. Amateur investor who has accumulated a small fortune in the market after starting out years ago with a large one. For recreation, I run, hike, kayak and play tennis but will not consider synchronized swimming under any circumstances.

View Comments (11)

  • I TOTALLY forgot about this guy! Ha! Wonder why... in any case this guy is dirty and the media should be putting the squeeze on him.

  • This story would be on the back page if the media would report the other four stories that are being swept under the carpet. (1) Obama's eligibility (2) Operation Fast and Furious (3) Obamacare Unconstitutionality (4) Solendra.

  • Mmmm popcorn! Thanks Bonfire for the snack suggestion. Not gonna lie, I was really debating on brownies or chips, but popcorn sounds much better!

    Wonder how they will cover this "little" scandal up, with some white-out perhaps? More paper shredders?

  • Unless the money that is missing is "family" money and Corzine may suddenly become missing.

    The big question. Will barry and the DNC give the money back that Corzine stole? My guess is NO and HELL NO.

  • A significant part of the "missing" money will suddenly turn up, all well laundered, in the bank accounts of the congressional investigators. Case dismissed.

  • Based on his Congressional testimony, Corzine will no doubt use the Uncle Leo defense at his trial -"I'm old...I was confused."