Dershowitz: Zimmerman prosecutor threatening to sue Harvard for my criticism

Dershowitz: Zimmerman prosecutor threatening to sue Harvard for my criticism. That would be State Attorney Angela Corey, who Dershowitz says called Harvard and engaged “in a 40-minute rant, during which she threatened to sue Harvard Law School, to try to get me disciplined by the Bar Association and to file charges against me for libel and slander.” On what grounds? “STFU!”, she explained.

This post was last modified on March 8, 2021

Bonfire of the Absurdities: After 35 year career writing software for IBM mainframes, am now self-employed contractor thinking of joining a union and striking for higher wages. Cured morbid fear of heights when I learned to look at them as lengths standing on end. Uncompromising in refusal to accept browser cookies. Amateur investor who has accumulated a small fortune in the market after starting out years ago with a large one. For recreation, I run, hike, kayak and play tennis but will not consider synchronized swimming under any circumstances.

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