Get serious about governing, Democrats!

Get serious about governing, Democrats! “So, progressives: What is the right percentage of a government budget to be spent on public sector pensions? If this requires that cities and states simply need to come up with bigger budgets (through increased taxes) precisely how much bigger would be appropriate? If you don’t want to increase overall budgets, what other government services are you willing to cut?” What, yelling “STFU!” and “raaaaacist!” ain’t a plan?

Bonfire of the Absurdities: After 35 year career writing software for IBM mainframes, am now self-employed contractor thinking of joining a union and striking for higher wages. Cured morbid fear of heights when I learned to look at them as lengths standing on end. Uncompromising in refusal to accept browser cookies. Amateur investor who has accumulated a small fortune in the market after starting out years ago with a large one. For recreation, I run, hike, kayak and play tennis but will not consider synchronized swimming under any circumstances.

View Comments (9)

  • The problem with this story is in the title. Democrats don't want to govern, they want to rule, & there is a difference. Today's Dems don't even want to govern, they wish to rule, & they will lie cheat, & steal to do it.

  • Liberal and govern is an oxymoron, they're idea of governing is to steal from the productive members of society in order to buy votes from the unproductive. (And usually pinching a not insignificant amount of the take for themselves). Because they feel they are intellectually and morally superior to everyone, they are also lazy, and and lack personal responsibility.

  • Democrats are not now, nor have they ever been "serious" about "governing". They are intent on RULING, not governing. Governing is for those who have properly elected their representatives. The Left fraud every election. They make up 20% of our populous-how do you suppose they have such a huge hold on political representation in this country? CHEATING.

    Californiastan is a bastion of leftism-because a good portion of lefties have "immigrated" there-so they can live together. Californiastan is a wasteland of wretched leftist intent gone very, very bad. We, the federal taxpayers will be bailing them out for centuries to come.

    We need to stop the bailing out of liberal bastions(wisco, michigan, california, washington, oregon, new mexico, dc, etc-and let them all perish!

    To ask Democrats to "govern" is to ask Dahmer to go vegetarian-it won't happen. Their ideology trumps what is just and good for the people.

    The big one can't hit San Fran fast enough for me!

  • Did y'all read down as far as some of the crazier things leftard writers were saying about Walker? Just unbelievable. They are truly psychopathic. They are the ones filled with hate. Caught something else - not there, forget where now- someone pointed out how prevalent the tagline was, not that Walker "won the election" but "survived the recall." Whereas, of course, the line shoulda been something more like, "Union thuggery kneecapped in WI."

    • When I posted the "Walker survives recall" item from the WSJ here on Tuesday night, I was going the put "survives" in quotes because at the time Walker was ahead something like 60-40. But, I thought I better not tempt fate, and besides I heard about unions busing "voters" in from Minnesota and Michigan and figured the gap would end up closing quite a bit. It did, of course, but not nearly as much as I'd feared. In fact, I heard somebody today say, don't remember if it was Rush or Hannity, that 40% of union votes went for Walker so maybe all those migrant voters didn't vote as they were told.

      • Sorry, maybe i didnt catch that, or i dont remember Caught it elsewhere this morning.

    • Quite right, PsychoDad, Scott Walker didn't "survive" the recall, he triumphed over it.

      Meanwhile, OWS Milwaukee, staged a minor disruption in downtown Milwuakee yesterday afternoon. One of their demands was the repeal of Walker's reforms, lol.

      In Madison, hard core recall imbeciles are still hanging around Capital Square weeping and giving out hugs to people who were shattered by Barrett's defeat.

      Sad, deluded people.

  • "The state of California's public-sector pension contributions have increased 304 percent in a decade, up to $2.2 billion of a $91 billion budget, and growing faster by the minute. Pension contributions account for 20 percent and 27 percent, respectively, of the city budgets of San Diego and San Jose, whose citizens have responded by passing initiatives asking government workers to contribute more to their own pension and health care."

    I would say citizens are starting to speak, and there in lies the problem for liberals, basically we have come to the point where we are outta other people's money, and since their whole system is based on taking from one group to give to another the house of cards has started falling. They don't and won't have a plan other than to demonize anyone who disagrees with them. In the article one writer mentioned that union members should riot..SEIU anyone? You can bet this will happen right before the election so Obutthead can try and use it to his advantage.

    All the idiots that lead the democrats have no clue what real people want or expect, they just give to get votes, like feeding rats, eventually the rats will reproduce and overrun their keepers. Wisconsin and to a smaller extent San Diego and San Jose are the opening shot in the next chapter. James Carvelle had it ass backwards, NO democrats will be in power for the next thirty years after the welfare mopes get cut off at the big screen TV, and the Unions have to play by the rules and pay the same as everyone else...There just ain't no Mo' money...and the libturds know it, and are scared shitless...

  • If you needed further proof of the fundamental disconnect between the Left and reality, their reaction to the Wisconsin recall should seal the verdict. Most Progressive 'leaders' apparently believe that if they yell loud enough people will believe them.