Israeli Knesset member says today’s Barack Obama is yesterday’s Yasser Arafat

You’ve probably seen polls in the past that peg President Obama’s approval in Israel in the mid-single digits. He may have lost a few more points with his latest Middle East speech on Thursday.

Yassar Arafat in a nicer suit

The Jerusalem Post has the particulars:

Knesset members on the Right expressed outrage on Thursday night at US President Barack Obama’s call for the creation of a Palestinian state based on the 1967 lines with mutually agreed swaps in an exchange of territory for security.

They called upon Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu to reject Obama’s plan when he meets with him on Friday in Washington.

“Barack Hussein Obama adopted the staged plan for Israel’s destruction of Yasser Arafat, and he is trying to force it on our prime minister,” said Likud MK Danny Danon. “All that was new in the speech was that he called for Israel to return to 1967 borders without solving the crisis. Netanyahu has only one option: To tell Obama forget about it.”

National Union MK Michael Ben-Ari also slammed Obama’s speech, calling it “a landmine with pretty wrapping.”

Environment Minister Gilad Erdan, who as a minister close to Netanyahu must be more diplomatic, complained on Channel 2 that according to Obama’s approach, the Palestinians would receive their demands on borders before negotiations begin.

“Once they have everything from the start, they have no reason to make any concessions, ”Erdan said.

Obama says he wants the two sides to compromise. Unfortunately, when one side wants to exterminate the other side, what’s the compromise? Exterminating every other Israeli?

Source: Jerusalem Post

This post was last modified on November 20, 2021


View Comments (16)

    • Oh, great. Then all the dummies that voted for Obama just because they thought it would be "cool" to have our first black president, will vote for Hillary simply because it would be so "cool" to have a female president. To them I say, how "cool" would it be to have Condaleeza Rice for president?

  • Obama got his foreign policy ideas from reverend Wright and Bill Ayers.Did Hillary Clinton go along with this? Obama and the toadies in the Democratic party are a disgrace.

  • "Those Who Bless Israel Will Be Blessed, and Those Who Curse Israel Will Be Cursed"

    In the Book of Genesis, Chapter 12, Verse 1-3, we see what God says about His response to how people treat Israel:

    ?"And I will bless those that bless you and curse the one who curses you. And in you shall all families of the earth be blessed.?"

    In the Book of Numbers, where the Bible is telling us about the Nation of Israel that God delivers out of bondage in Egypt, it tells us:

    ?"He crouched. He lay down as a lion, and as a great lion. Who shall stir him up? Blessed is he who blesses you, and cursed is he who curses you.? "

    Source: Bible
    Now the left's hatred of Israel makes sense, they can destroy two nations with one stone, so to speak.

    Liberals are the modern equivilant of the biblical pharisees :)

    "The name Pharisee in its Hebrew form means separatists, or the separated ones. They were also known as chasidim, which means loyal to God, or loved of God - extremely ironic in view of the fact that by His time, they made themselves the most bitter, and deadly, opponents of Jesus Christ and His message."

  • I guess I am slow on the uptake. In 1967 the Arab neighbors of Israel started a war, trying to destroy Israel. Israel ate their lunch and in the process aquired aome additional land from the aggressors. They have been utilizing the land, developing it, settling it, much as America moved and settled additional territories it acquired. Why on earth would they give that land back to the the ir attackers, and leave the citizens there exposed to whatever evil the Palestinians can dream up? I agree with establishing a Palestinian state, but I can't see the point of going back to borders that have not existed in over 40 years. Should England come and take bakc the colones, or should I move from Texas and give it back to the Mexicans? The whole idea is ludicrous. I don't blame the PM one bit and I am proud that he had the cojones to come to America and tell Obama he was psychotic if he thought Israel was just going to leave those areas. Good thing Obama does not support Muslims over Israel. . . .NOT

  • Barackie wants to make sure that his ass kissing came with some action, but he got schooled. Good for the PM.

  • “Barack Hussein Obama adopted the staged plan for Israel’s destruction of Yasser Arafat, and he is trying to force it on our prime minister,”

    Lol, one state have an army strong enough to defeat the Turkish army and hundreds of nukes, the other would be hard pressed to fight the mexican drug cartels if they decided to invade it, 1967 borders or not.

  • One old adage is still true: "You can judge a man by the company he keeps!" and we need look no further than, Noam Chomsky*, Rev. Wright, Bill Ayers, Bernadine Dorn, George Soros, et al.

    * While Barry may never actually have met Noam Chomsky, he was and still is heavily influenced by the man. Chomsky is like a spiritual mentor to him and therefore part of the list of his associates.

  • If there was any doubt about Barack Hussein Obama's sympathies, that just went out the window: moslem is as moslem does.

  • I hope most of America saw the press conference yesterday. It was a lesson in Middle East Politics and the way life truly is. Prime Minister Netanyahu gave barry a lesson that he soon will not forget. He took barry to the wood shed, wore him out and then sat him down and lectured him in front of his friends.

    barry looked like a teen ager whose dad just called bull shit on his story of how the car got a dent in it and he wanted to scream and then run out of the room.

    If there was even the slightest doubt of whose side barry was on, it all was reveled on Thursday. He attempted to embarrass the prime minister and Israel into accepting his ideas and plans for peace. Those ideas and plans would amount to the destruction of Israel. It was refreshing to see a TRUE LEADER laying out the facts and doing it with out a teleprompter.

    Those of you, who are Jewish, take note of your so called friend in the White House

    • Well put...I don't watch much "mainstream media" but I do wonder how it was portrayed...

      • Thank you. As for the MSM they all where shocked at how Prime Minister Netanyahu had spoken to barry, along with the tone of what he was saying.