‘It’s morally wrong’: Green Beret discharged for shoving accused Afghan child rapist speaks out

‘It’s morally wrong’: Green Beret discharged for shoving accused Afghan child rapist speaks out. This was an asinine decision to discharge this man. This kid was tied to a post raped repeatedly for close to two weeks. We have to not only ask WTF is wrong with the Pentagon but at this point in time why in the hell we’re lifting one finger to help these barbarians. As far as we’re concerned this guy should get a medal and a 007 licence to kill the rapist.

CO2Insanity: Tired of the CO2 BS and all the other BS in the US and the world.

View Comments (26)

  • It's just time to turn the sand and mountains to glass and be done with the whole shit hole country. That way the animals are all made extinct

  • Yep, two warning shots in Center Mass. Or how we will win their Hearts and Minds, one in the heart and one in the mind.

  • No, apparently we can't impose any western values on these cavemen. However, it seems like a perfect teaching moment for our dear communder en chef. He should invite this troop to the the WH for one of his beer summits. Promote this man to Sgt. Major or offer him a commission. Oh wait, never mind... he's already chosen his teaching moment here hasn't he?

  • I believe it was back in 2010 when the last remaining Christian church in Afghanistan was torn down.

    Back then, I was asking, "Why did we ever do anything for that country? Why didn't we just nuke it?"

    I'm asking that again.

    • I would called an exodus for Christians (and any Jews) and once they are out (with some Muslims I am sure) nuke the place ... perhaps not Sodom and Gomorrah style, but definitely scorch the earth and all the freaks within.

      • Again, we are there because of the big bad boogeyman, Russia. Most of the conflicts we have been in since Korea, have revolved around trying to get Russia to keep their hands and feet to themselves. It nevercseems to workout ell. We are seriously slow learners.

        • I have come to believe that perhaps Russia should have been allowed to take over the Middle East.... the problem is that the US didn't want Russia in control of most of the oil in the world. It is a very complicated issue no matter how one looks at it. There is no clear answer. It is really too bad that US and Russia couldn't continue to have good relations after WWII... of course that would mean Russia would have had to calm down with the tyrannical government thing... again complicated... I wonder how things would have been different had Russia remained under Imperial rule...?

  • There is a world of difference trying to force Muslims to.unveil their women, and raping children. I think the gentleman should thank.his lucky stars he walked away. I am impressed the Berets didn't kill his sorry a$$ on the spot.

  • And yet Libturds wonder why no conservative or person with common sense wants these pieces of shit to migrate here....

  • I like the suggestion of ordering our soldiers to deliver a warning shot to the groin of any rapist they find. And since they also need to respect those with disabilities like hearing loss and congenital insensitivity to pain, multiple shots may be authorized at the first responder's discretion.

    • I am having a hard time... after all (for the time being) the bitch is immortal* (the devil not Obama) so it has time and it can afford to wait to do small steps here and small steps there with many different fools/tools until it gets what it want (it won't of course).

      So what could Obama/Satan be doing differently...? *shrugs* One can say that if anything the progression in the past 8 years have been EXTREME with a lot of changes that would have been unimaginable barely fifteen years ago. Not sure how anything could be done differently if the plan is world domination in the end. We are going down that road quite steadily and for the past 10 years quite fast.

      *I am assuming being thrown into the lake of fire means eventual destruction... but maybe not... either way it doesn't matter... and it is a discussion for another time.

  • That stuff about not imposing American values on a foreign country is just pure unadulterated crap. Number one, not raping little boys is a human value, not an American value. And number two, we conquered the damn place after they attacked us in a particularly cowardly and unforgiveable manner -- we can impose anything we want.

    • " Number one, not raping little boys is a human value, not an American value." Exactly

      and if they can't understand that... it means they are not human and if they are not human and they are doing evil acts, they should be killed. Liberals love to murder innocent fetus/babies in the name of convenience and health... but they have a heart for evil people? It doesn't make any sense... other than many of these libs aren't human either... so...

      • Don't forget, they are against the death penalty for murderers, but in favor of the death penalty for innocent babies.

        • So,....if the raping of children is an American value that shouldn't be imposed on a Muslim, are they saying that raping children IS an Islamic value? While they plan to allow hundreds of thousands of them into our country?

          • Rape, of any kind, even of animals IS an Islamic value indeed. In addition it is a value of many people within the Middle East, who want to live within the confines of the Middle Ages, have. That is why Islam was so easy to take over there. The acknowledgement that many Middle Easterners/Muslims are horrible people happens all the time, even under the guise of anti discrimination. When a comedian, as an example, does not make jokes about Muslims no matter what he or she says, the reason is because he or she acknowledges that there is a higher chance for a Muslim to come after him or her than anyone else they make fun of.

            So the question remains... why then would people want to lie to themselves and others about Islam being a religion of peace? They KNOW deep inside of themselves that is a lie. It is suicide for any country to allow large numbers of these people in. The few (and yes I said few) that are "good" people does not merit them coming here in droves. Even if there are many who won't actually kill people... most Muslims (let's speak truth) will NOT stand in front of people to defend them, will NOT stop terrorism and will NOT moderate the religion nor its practices. The few that will/do are a minority. We all know this deep inside, but for some reason there are a lot of people who just don't value their lives nor the lives of others and are okay with these people coming in here.

          • Oh... It is a Muslim value... Momo was a pedophile. Not into boys (seemingly) but he was a pedophile and a rapist of any women that he subjugated. One of them poisoned him and his insides hurt for years until he died. So... yeah regardless of what they say rape is a method of control that is completely fine in Islamic culture.

          • Since they worship a child molester, I consider them to be condoning the practice. This is precisely why I refuse to be lieve in the mythical "good Muslim."

    • Fundamentally chaned America:
      1. Child rapists are cool.
      2. A clerk not giving homos marriage licenses is jail time.

    • If it was me, they wouldn't have ever found the body.
      Even if they did, he wouldn't be in any condition to complain, much less testify.
      This Green Beret deserves a Silver Star and a promotion, Obama deserves impeachment and castration, with a rusty, dull, hacksaw.