Life imitates the commercials.

Bob Kerrey stayed at a Holiday Inn Express, and all’s we got was this lousy carpet bagger.
Go back to New York, Bob, You’ve never met a lefty cause you didn’t love — including saying ObamaCare “didn’t go far enough”. Now’s where you can go far enough. Away.

This post was last modified on January 26, 2021

perlcat: Computer geek/loudmouth

View Comments (14)

  • Dumbass Bob Kerry won the Medal of Honor; Dumbass John Kerry won the Silver Star. These men are combat heroes. Then, there are heavy-flow Kotex cowards like you. Change your pad, pussy. You stink.

    • Yep, & John McCain was tourtured nearly to death & your leftist a-hole buddies trashed him as well. BTW, the next time the left gives damn about the military, it will be the 1st time. You a-holes were spitting on our returning soldiers in the Vietnam era, & your side has not stopped. Every so often a story pops up. The 1st thing you a-holes try to cut the budget of when you are out of money is the military. Not welfare, not EBT, none of that unconstitutional sh!t. But funding our military, which IS in the constitution, cut it. Money for illegals, yes, our mititary, no. Get your sh!t in order before you bring that weak ass sh!t here.

      • who trashed John McCain? That would be your pussy-buddy George Bush, who was protecting the shores of Texas from invasion while the Kerry's were earning the Medal of Honor/Silver Star. Hey, pussy-boy? How many of your right wing-nuts have served? Huh, pussy? You talk smack, but you sure don't walk. Change your pad, bitch.

        • It's bacccccccccccccccccccccccck...Still trying to be relevant talking about his maxi-pads.....Bet Mitch is on a sex registrants website somewhere..

          • Bitch Poops doesn't get it. Conservatives are way more likely to have served than libtards. Personally, I volunteered when Reagan took office. Everyone told me I was nuts because they were sure he would have us in a war, but I joined up anyway. Bitch was probably still sitting in poop filled diapers when I was in the military.

      • Another reason the internet slows down, shitheads like penis boy keep posting comments that no on here cares about....Mitch needs a hobby, perhaps painting dirty words on bathroom walls would work.

  • Let him keep spouting his uber liberal ideas around Lincoln. The rest of the state will see right through him.
    What is it about high profile Vietnam Vets? They all seem to be leftist morons! Then, the Kerry/Kerrey families have the stigma of 2 dumbasses with the same last name, just slightly different spellings.

  • Didn't they use to tar and feather Carpetbaggers when they caught them? What's next? He going to buy a house in Lincoln with taxpayer dollars, like that douchbag Clinton?

    • I'm sure that one of their big donors will furnish him with a mailing address. Lincoln's a big lefty hangout.

    • Yeah, and usually the donk that gets elected manages to act conservative if they want to stay in office. Clearly, not only was Nelson not clear on the concept of 'acting conservative', but the Nebraska donk party as a whole is so unclear on the concept that they doubled down on stupid.

      I want to get my snark about the Holiday Inn Express spread all through Nebraska politics, put an end to this using my twin superpowers of scorn and ridicule.