Obama makes the baffling claim that his father served in World War II

Here’s a brief clip from an 2008 Obama campaign speech in which he makes the baffling claim that his father served in World War II.

Why is it so baffling? Because both his father and his step father were mere children at the time.

Barack Obama, Sr. was born in 1936, making him 9-years old and at the war’s end. And before you say that he must have been referring to his step father, be aware that Lolo Soetero was born in 1935, which means he was only ten when Japan surrendered.

But what the hell. This tall tale’s no wackier than Obama’s nonsensical claims that his father came to America thanks to John F. Kennedy or that his parents met at the Selma civil rights march.

Or for that matter, no wackier than his claim that ObamaCare will save the economy.

H/T: Gateway Pundit

This post was last modified on January 26, 2021


View Comments (20)

  • Barry's pop in WWII? As what? A drummer boy? They still had those? Maybe he was hauling and passing out lunch buckets and water cans to Rosie the Riveter so something...

    By the time Obama's father was 9 years old... He already had started and abandoned one family, was known for drunk driving and liked to smack his dames around. So hell- being in WWII is not too big of a fib for Obama to tell about his old man! LOL! After all only some mega sleaze/ ultra liar could sire a spawn as vile as Obama.

    I am with the others who find this to be nonsense. I am all for fact checking- this is not even a matter of fact checking! It is a matter of simple MATH!

    Of course math is now considered to be racially biased (somehow) and under the Obama education czars will not be taught any longer. Still, just add it up! LOL!

    At least now I know what the big stink from the liberals over the Texas school book matter was. In the new 'non politically correct' text books to be printed in which the educators had omitted the parts where Barry's father, being only 9, beat Tojo in a Judo contest and pinned him for the Allies to capture. Then the wonder youth shot Hitler in the face (in the FACE!) and said “Take that Nazi! Not in America will we tolerate National Socialism nor its spread! Not yet anyway!” That was how WWII ended according to Obama. His dad won both Theaters of Operations single handedly. That bitch Tom Hanks got it WRONG both times. Band of Bother and Pacific my ass! It was Obama all the way!

    Too bad Texas was all about facts and telling the truth and sh*t like that... So Barry's story could not be put in as historical fact and taught to kids. Those same f*cking kids probably now have learned math and other skills for living too. What a disgrace!

    I did not find Obama's remarks to be odd. I wish he told the full version though: His dad not only fought in WWII but to enhance the legend (via total bulls*it) Obama's pop was BORN during the end of WWI! Wow! On the battlefield no less- right in No Man's Land!

    The only downside to that fact was that it happened to be Obama's pop who got Walt Disney started on his smoking habit which later killed him. Even as a baby on the battlefield of WWI and again as a ten year old in WWII (don't ask! This is 'Hope and Change'! Stop with your logic and questions!) Obama's old man was destined for greatness. Obama, the first Socialist POTUS to be born in Kenya and later come to America, proves this point thus!

    The moral of this story? Obama is a large and grand liar who will spew BS without any compunction at all. 95% of you knew that going into this though. Of that 95% all but 25% will openly acknowledge this (those of the 25% know but deny until they die). So (math again) at least 70% of the country gets it. 5% of you would probably vote for Barry again on matter what he said. 5% of you are fu*king idiots...

    I did not want to be the one to have to say this... If some 23 year old starts to tell you about how the toughest fight of his life was when he and his buddies battled to repel the Chinese in 1951, fought to establish the 38th parallel and set up the DMZ, call him on it. He would say that the Korean War might be the “Forgotten War” to many but from what he went through it will be forever remembered in ever cell of his being... FYI- he is lying you! That or he is an Obama speech writer prepping for Barry's next teleprompter chat.

    Like I said: 5% of you will hang on every word and believe him full on. President Obama thanks you brave 5% for your continued support, gullibility, and faith in him as a leader. That is no lie!

  • His father served in WWII?
    What side did Kenya join? The Axis or the Allies?
    Did he help Rommel or fight against him in the North African campaign?

    This guy is so full of schitt that it just spews out of his mouth frequently and without warning, like a geyser.

  • His father served his young sphincter to the big mussies that requested it in the dessert maybe? We are continually taught that homosexuality is genetic. Maybe his old man was into it in his youth, too. Have you read about barry and friend Larry Sinclair from his days in Chicago?

    • Find a box fan. Using your deepest voice, say this into it, nice & slow:

      "Barack. I am your father."

      Now you know!

  • This is the real reason to see Obama's original birth certificate. Who is listed as his father? Barry Soetoro? Pedophile/pornographer Frank Marshall Davis? Unknown?

    • Nah, Idi Amin's older mercenary brother, Idiot Amin.

      OK, keyboard count. How many of you spewed coffee on your keyboards?

  • Perhaps he meant his grandfather?? I mean he was raised by his grandparents, maybe he is just confused. It wouldn't be the first time he misinterpreted reality.

    • he has been confused his entire life, confused enough to "dislike his mother's race" confused enough to have a devout socialist as his mentor, a radical hate filled pastor for twenty years, confused enough to hide his entire school and personal history and make sure it stays out of the light of day, he is confused enough to want to rewrite the constitution in his own image, confused enough to take over "illegally" the banking industry, auto industry, housing and now the medical, confused? I think it is a choreographed destruction of the very fabric of America, the shredding of the constitution and a hate of America, after all as he said " I will stand by my muslin brother should a turn in politics become ugly" The only thing confusing about his presidency is how we can have so many willing to vote and support a malignant slime mold like him in exchange for taking money from those who work and giving it to those who will not

  • Do anything, say anything...doesn't matter. The media will never ask the difference and if anyone else does, the race card gets played (or the useful idiots shout down the opposition) and the rightfully-concerned become the bad people. That's how communism works.

    • Franco, let me start by saying I COMPLETELY AGREE! This so very much bothers me. We all know what sacks of $#!t the media is. But WHY do so many people still believe them??? If it weren't for the MSM, there is no way Obombie-the-commie would have been elected, even with the piss poor candidate McCain't is. How the hell did he get elected??? (Maybe a more pressing question is how do we impeach Skanky Pelosi?

      • It's amusing to me in that a person can spout bong water like this, and the media won't call him on it. Spell potato like it is on the spelling list, and the media states that your son is stupid because of it. (before you say "he should know better than to blindly trust what was written", just remember this. "corpse-man, corpse-man,corpse-man." neener neener neener.) This sudden emphasis on good education is brought to you by the same media that pushes "feel good" Education Lite, where habitual misspellers and ungrammatical morons get to feel good about themselves. After all, there is no way in the libtard book to misspell insults to conservatives and their values. In a just world, Hunter Biden would consequently get tarred with the same brush as his dad, who should get tarred with a brush commensurate with the proportionate foolishness of his gaffes.

        Simply put -- the media says Quayle & son are stupid, while Biden actually is. Can't speak for his son, other than that he is another damned lobbyist.Obviously he knows where the food trough is.

        This is the oppression of dissent masquerading as reporting. It is manifestly unfair, people can see it, and become very uncomfortable when you make them confront it. Why just the other day, I had an English teacher tell me how nobody really knows what the original language in the Constitution means, and that it is is unclear. I asked him if English teachers still teach Shakespeare. He said "Yes.". I asked him why they wasted their time -- obviously the language is unintelligible, being older than the language in the Constitution. He was really uncomfortable with that. I feed on moments like that.

        Word to the wise and the unwise. The minute someone tells you a provision in the Constitution is unclear should be the minute you realize they do that because they have no intention of following its 'inconvenient' restrictions. It is also the minute you should realize you are dealing with an ass-hat and a fool.

        It amuses me in that every form of oppression generates its own opposition. The more oppressive and irrational, the more people realize the unfairness of it all. There is a backlash coming. I have talked to more and more ex-libs these days. It is always a pleasure to see someone come to their senses.

    • Me too! I knew WWII partly in Africa, but I didn't know Kenya was involved-- Maybe that is where we got the 57th state from!! So much we have to learn from The Messiah!