Reporter makes McCain look foolish

Reporter makes McCain look foolish… by asking him a simple question about his own immigration bill.

J.P. Travis: Born and raised in Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1976 graduate of University of Michigan, father, grandfather, husband, founder and CEO of Travelyn Publishing (, and passionate anti-government believer in individual liberty.

View Comments (38)

  • "Dishonest John" had nothing to do with writing "his" bill.The White House staff gave it to him to sponsor. Did he read it, not a chance. He just does what he is told.

  • Leave a trail of jello pudding cups outside McCain's office...with free shuffleboard coupons...he will follow it right out of the building....

  • "a person can be charged for a crime if they forge "3 or more passports," meaning that they potentially would not be charged if they falsely made only one or two passports. The criminal charges and penalties do not kick in until after "3 or more passports" are falsely made, issued, or transferred, etcetera."

    So, since Obama has only two well known aliases, only two known forged birth certificates, and I would assume only two illegitimate passports, granted upon those two forged birth certificates, he's good, right?

  • I hope that means that there are specific penalties for trafficking in phony passports, and that forging just ONE is still a crime! I mean, is this a distinction like between simple "possesion" and "Possesion with intent to distribute"?

    I generally like CNSN, but honestly it sounds like they were just being dicks here.

  • At first I thought the GOP should sue McCain to get the trailing R removed from his name and put a D there. But really, what difference does it make. Most of GOP is going along with the Demtards on this immigration nonsense.

    • You are assuming that those in charge of the GOP that brought you the nominations of John McCain, Mitt Romney, Bob Dole, & who forced George HW Bush onto the Reagan ticket are really conservatives. They see the world like McCain sees the world, & it's not about tossing people like McCain & Graham out of the GOP, but purging the GOP of these elements. If not, the only real option will be a 3rd party that is conservative, since the GOP has abandoned the right wing in favor of the center, with the Dems still pushing leftward as a progressive socialist party. There is a vacuum left by the GOP & I think it will be filled by a 3rd in short order. It's just a question of when & who does it.

  • My order of "They Come to America" (parts 1 and 2) arrived yesterday and
    I watched both of them last night. Dennis Michael Lynch did a wonderful job of documenting our immigration problem. Our borders are not secure at all and at the end of the DVD's my blood was close to boiling and wondering what an average American can do. For starters, maybe we need to get rid of the Gang of 8.

  • While I agree McCain has turned into a major disappointment and Richard, this is a really shitty, misleading article. A prime example of why most of us Hate The Media and exactly how the msm always acted and cnsnews whined about for years, and look at them now, acting just like the other lying losers. Show a little class CNS, or go away.

    • I remember in Tucker Carlson's book "Politicians, Partisans, and Parasites", from 2003, he talked about McCain after he pulled off an upset by winning the New Hampshire primary. He remembers seeing McCain, sitting alone in a studio location alone, after his TV stuff was done, sort of in a daze. Carlson likened it to a dog who finally caught the car & didn't know what do with it afterward.

      Now when I look back at McCain in 2008, he didn't want it. He was more then willing to lose rather then do whatever it took to win. Not understanding that Obama & the Dems along with the MSM were willing to spit in his face knowing full well McCain didn't have any fight in him. Hell, if were not for Palin, there wouldn't have been any fight at all, & McCain's handlers tied Palin down to such an extent that she couldn't do what she was best at. What a wasted opportunity that election was, & the establishment types in the GOP pissed it away to keep their invites to DC/Manhattan cocktail parties.

      • And that is a LARGE part of the problem. No true Conservative/Liberty Lover has ANY chance of getting elected to a major national office. Not with the media doing everything in it's power to distract the morons from how badly they are getting ass-fucked by the government. Any time a right thinking politician gets close to the top, they are immediately smeared as racist, or homophobic, or anti-woman, or anything the lefties can think of to prevent the real issues we face as a country from being addressed.

        Far too often, the ones doing the shouting are Republicans who are SUPPOSED to be the opposition party, but are not. We truly have a one party system, and it sickens me. Us free-market types DO have the right ideas on fiscal matters, but we stand no chance whatsoever in waking up the somnambulists we share the country with. The dems have been betting for decades that the average american voter is too stupid to understand just how bad the left is for them, and it is working.

        Dana Loesch often tries to warn us against letting Texas go blue, but it doesn't matter the in slightest in the long run. The left won, they won back in the 60s, and it is only us fools (mind you, I'm am such a fool) who keep fighting and refuse to give up that have managed to delay the inevitable for a little while. Make no mistake, this country is beyond repair, and it won't get any better. How do I know this you ask? Look around, who was the last guy or gal to hold major public office that actually understands basic free-market economics?

        Anyway, sorry for the novel, I've just had a few thoughts brewing for a bit, and needed a relief valve. I need a drink or three.

        • Don't be so glum, because there is one person you have failed to talk to on a regular basis who can actually do something about this problem and that's God. Just give him a hail, don't have to be formal, just talk to him like you talk to us...strike that, don't use profanity or he'll close the door, so be on your best behavior, but talk to him...he'll listen. He's listening.

  • Reporter makes McCain look foolish

    It's a good it was McCain, most MSM reporters only have a 3rd grade intellect, McCain is fading fast, might as well have some fun with him before he starts drooling on himself.