Americans say, “Waterboard the son of a bitch”

American voters want to break out the waterboard for Nigerian underpants bomber Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab. Or worse. Whatever it takes to get him to spill his guts.

Rasmussen reports the demoralizing details for Democrats:

Fifty-eight percent (58%) of U.S. voters say waterboarding and other aggressive interrogation techniques should be used to gain information from the terrorist who attempted to bomb an airliner on Christmas Day.

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that just 30% oppose the use of such techniques, and another 12% are not sure.

Men and younger voters are more strongly supportive of the aggressive interrogation techniques than women and those who are older. Republicans and voters not affiliated with either major party favor their use more than Democrats.

Seventy-one percent (71%) of all voters think the attempt by the Nigerian Muslim to blow up the airliner as it landed in Detroit should be investigated by military authorities as a terrorist act. Only 22% say it should be handled by civilian authorities as a criminal act, as is currently the case.

We’d say squeeze his nuts in a vise until he coughs up everything he knows. Unfortunately, that won’t be possible because his own pork and beans were the only thing this moron damaged in his attempted attack.

We don’t need Jack Bauer here. We need Oscar Meyer.

Source: Rasmussen Reports

This post was last modified on January 2, 2010


View Comments (16)

  • The Christmas Bomber gives up valuable Intel without getting water boarded… I just put on my thong backwards then had a double bean burrito, that almost blew my Jihaditts off… ouch !

  • Muslim Freedom of Speech

    If your free speech offends any Muslim they have the right to kill you and your 5 year old granddaughter (or at least sincerely try to). So if that is what they want to do to us for doing some drawings why can't we break out the Aquafina for when they DO try and kill us? Parity?

    More on topic... We can't violate his poor terrorist's 'civil liberties' just because he tried to murder Americans. That would make us as bad as he is.

    Water up the nose that can't kill you but will scare and confuse you (after you have been arrested for REALLY attempting terrorist activities) vs trying to blow up an airplane because it has innocent non Muslims on it who must be killed since there are innocent non Muslims? Whose civil liberties are really getting violated?

    Why they f*ck do most terror attacks nowadays seem to get stopped by the PASSENGERS?! Seriously, what does the TSA do but grab the tits of underage girls and blast you with X -Rays and make you almost miss your flight since they have 4 monkey brained staff to screen 4000 people an hour?

    Profile and enforce it!

    ACLU F*gs say that is not right? Really? From McDonald's to your credit card company to the TV networks to Google to the video game companies - they ALL PROFILE YOU!! They do it to sell you good and services.

    Profiling is a tool. Any tool can be used for ill or for good. Let's stop the PC nonsense and PROFILE some crazy Muslims who want to kill us and STOP THEM BEFORE HAND!

    Then again if Navy SEALS can't just give a real hard core terrorist a punch in the mouth after then almost get killed capturing him and not get in trouble then what good is our 'security' under Muslim in Chief BHO going to do to keep us safe?

    I don't hate Muslims. I hate people who are nuts and want to hurt innocent people. At the moment I will say I sure as hell DO NOT trust Muslims! For good cause I might add.

    I am not driving around looking to beat them up nor do I want to have some Muslim holocaust and nuke them all nor wish them any ill will or ruin: I don't trust them and there is much sound evidence for this. Self defense in all justified cases however should be taken. That is a basic human right.

    Thankfully most of them seem too dumb to know you do not light an explosive compound directly- you need to light the fuse to a blasting cap/primer charge or trigger a shock producing detonation device to get an explosion to happen. How good are the schools in Muslim nations? Any they say we are falling behind in science...

  • How did this guy get on the plane without a passport? Can we please get some real friggin answers! Was there really someone else there that helped him get on the plane? Why was some guy taping the incident...sorry not to be conspiracy theorist like...but witht he lies coming out of Washington and the media...why should i believe anything they push on me?

    • I have a feeling money changed handsor there are terrorist agents within airports. Background checks mean nothing these days.

  • We shouldn't waterboard him, just give him a car with that stupid coexist bumper sticker to drive around tolerant multicultural nations like Saudi Arabia and Yemen.

  • There is a fear that violence begets violence although true in this particular case the Muslim (radical) world has shown us that it doesnt take anything to incite violence for example the swedish or danish cartoons. So with the understanding that if we do nothing we will get hammered if we do something we will still get hammered we should choose to do something at least we have a fighting chance.

  • My bad, I thought when BHO said there was a systemic failure.. I just assumed he was talking about security not how well the cable system worked. Guess its better to understand, than to be understood?

  • Sorry - old news America. Go back to watching football and talking about sports. The system worked. Go watch cable tv. The system worked.

  • Well, there's, Fort Hood. WH Dinner. Gitmo's to NY, Illinois, Yamen. Delta Xmas fiasco. Iran hotdog suck up. Prosecute Navy Seals. Imbecile in Homeland Sec. Wow I feel so safe? Let's invite al Qaeda to WH for a beer summit and some cash.

  • Don't worry Obama will give all terrorist free health care.THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY WILL NEVER PROTECT THIS COUNTRY.

  • Yemen says: It worked boys WTG! Those USA dummies are sending us MORE taxpayer money that we can use to help us fund our Jihad. You don't mud wrestle with pigs, you both get dirty, but the pig loves it.