British wanker suggests that free speech is the problem and chains are the solution

Apparently the news that crazed nutter Jared Loughner was a psychopath fond of leftist philosophy hasn’t made it across the pond nor to the desk of one Simon Jenkins, former editor of the Times of London.

Insufferable British prig Simon Jenkins shoots off his mouth (Please pardon our violent rhetoric, Simon)

Sit back and enjoy as this man makes a fool of himself through his opinion piece at the Guardian UK:

Today’s culprit is freedom of speech, or at least the speech of the American right and its broadcast cheerleaders. Shock-jock radio presenters feed on biased television news to present a view of the world divided between goodies and baddies. The baddies are always on the brink of victory and must be confronted with virile aggression. Language that might not disturb a balanced mind can clearly stimulate and legitimise an unbalanced one.

Seriously, Mr. Jenkins, if you are looking to save this country from people who have the nerve to express a opinion different from yours, then perhaps you’d be interested in joining a new organization called Friends Against Speech Crime In Society Today.

It meets weekly in Keith Olberman’s mother’s basement to discuss how free will and personal choice have become dangerous to our democracy. Members also discuss how best to silence dissenters and make sure that actions undertaken by the individual do not diverge from the larger will of the all mighty community. You’re guaranteed to have a goose-stepping good time!

RSVP now so they can be sure to have a brown shirt and pair of jackboots waiting for you at the door.

– Written by Kip Hooker at

Source: Guardian UK

This post was last modified on January 26, 2021


View Comments (15)

  • The guys picture makes him look like a poster boy for child molestation...What a creepy looking nutjob. Olivia is that your dad?

  • This idiot is an idiot, don't give him another thought! F***ING IDIOT!!!! Do you think he heard me? What a turd burglar.

  • Simon Jenkins is an English wanker but there are too many American wankers who agree with him. The enemies of the First Amendment and free speech always seem to come from the Left.

  • Wanker needs to be reminded what happened the last time our free speech was threatened by British tyrants.

    Up The Rebels!

  • jenkins, I'd bet your new muslum leaders in britanistan are happy with your statements. It's liberal pansys like that, which are handing most of Europe over to the muslums. jenkins you'll be bending over to the new muzzy leaders if you aren't already to take your daily muzzy sauce injection.

  • Another Limey in survival mode. That's what the Left in Old Country and here in the states are doing... hedging their bets that Islamo-Fascism will prevail over a constitutional republic so they can say on their own and their progeny's behalf, "We were on your side, remember?" when the head-removers eventually out-birth, out-vote and come to come power.