Why did the Biden Census Bureau add 2.5 million more residents to blue state population count?

2020 Census

Why did the Biden Census Bureau add 2.5 million more residents to blue state population count? Well, it just couldn’t be cheating by the Biden Administration, could it? Even at that, the dummies lost seats in the House.

Trump signs memorandum excluding undocumented immigrants from census reapportionment

Trump signs memorandum excluding undocumented immigrants from census reapportionment. President Trump just costs the Democrats some seats in the house and money to blow on garbage if this sticks.

President Donald Trump signed a memorandum Tuesday that seeks to bar people in the U.S. illegally from being counted in congressional reapportionment, a move that drew immediate criticism from Democratic officials.

CA Census Undercount Could Leave Billions On The Table

CA Census Undercount Could Leave Billions On The Table. Think a lot of people are pissed off because they’re counting illegal aliens? We are because the Democrats want them counted to pay for silly programs and pump up their count in the House of Representatives.

CALIFORNIA — As we pass the halfway point for taking this year’s census, nearly two out of every five U.S. households have yet to respond to the survey, stoking fears that billions of federal dollars could be left on the table — dollars that fund crucial services including during the pandemic.

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