Electric vehicles release more toxic emissions, are worse for the environment than gas-powered cars: study

Electric vehicles release more toxic emissions, are worse for the environment than gas-powered cars: study. Let’s add mining cobalt and lithium, increased pollution due to how long these cars burn when they catch fire, and the fact they are easily totaled in an accident increasing the amount of junk cars and requiring yet more to be made as accident replacements.

Electric vehicles release more toxic particles into the atmosphere and are worse than the environment than their gas-powered counterparts, according to a resurfaced study.

The study, published by emissions data firm Emission Analytics, was released in 2022 but has attracted a wave of attention this week after being cited in a Wall Street Journal op-ed Sunday.

It found that brakes and tires on EVs release 1,850 times more particle pollution compared to modern tailpipes, which have “efficient” exhaust filters, bringing gas-powered vehicles’ emissions to new lows.

Today, most vehicle-related pollution comes from tire wear.

As heavy cars drive on light-duty tires — most often made with synthetic rubber made from crude oil and other fillers and additives — they deteriorate and release harmful chemicals into the air, according to Emission Analytics.

Author: CO2Insanity

Tired of the CO2 BS and all the other BS in the US and the world.

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