Christine O’Donnell finally defines herself in new TV commercial, says “I’m you”

One of the oldest rules in politics says, “Never allow yourself to be defined by your opponent.”

Unfortunately, Delaware Republican Christine O’Donnell forgot that rule and allowed her opponent to spread the message that “She’s crazy. She’s a witch. She’s unstable.”

So now O’Donnell is fighting back with a very nice commercial that attempts to retake the high ground. says, “…the goal is to humanize her as quickly and powerfully as possible. Not a syllable is breathed here about policy, party affiliation, or conservatism; it’s a straightforward “everyman versus the establishment” appeal which, thanks to O’Donnell’s poise and the direct, soft-spoken conversational appeal to the camera, ends up being quite arresting.

Nice delivery, too. Especially the last line.

We would like Christine O’Donnell to be our Senator. The Editor adds that he would also like to have her rub Crisco all over his body. The Administrator notes that he wants nothing to do with either the Crisco nor another restraining order on the Editor.


This post was last modified on April 10, 2021


View Comments (32)

  • Well, given that she is single and probably just waiting for the right guy, (no lefties need apply) - and we know she has been saving herself for matrimony.. . . if you could confine yourself to sex in marriage, you might have a shot.. . . just sayin'.

    • Yep, I can just see editor trying to explain to her how nice girls *always* use Crisco.

      Hey editor -- Mrs editor got new batteries in your shock collar yet?

  • She should run AS a witch. And will cast a spell on anyone who doesn't vote for her. Now THAT'S turnabout. I bet she would be cute wiggling her nose.

  • 'Bewitched' theme should be her campaign song - that would be brilliant, especially if she no longer made reference to the whole witchcraft thing. Mark Steyn suggested this, it's a great idea.

  • In my opinion she was smothered in Crisco long ago.... she is as light and flaky as they come. I am NOT impressed with her, or her add... and she defiantly ain't me! If she were me, she would have never acted like a total ditz on national television while looking to establish a career in politics, or elsewhere!!

    • Aw, come on Tootie. I used to be a disc jockey (back when there was music on AM) and I shudder to think that if I ran for office someone would dig out recordings of me acting like a total ditz on the air from waaaay back then.

    • Yeah, sez you. You get up in front of the cameras, and you get a hostile person behind them, and they can make Solomon look foolish. Conversely, the twisted media can make even Obama seem wise (to the functional illiterati). (But there's nothing they can do about Biden -- that says a lot about how far you can go with an image...)

      As to how good she is? Better than Castle, and better than Dingy Harry's pet, so by that measure, she's good enough.

    • Yeah, & she will be a huge step down from Joe Biden, right? He was almost never right about anything, but O'Donnell would be a problem?

  • Which once again proves my theory that hotness in women is correlated to their conservativeness. But she's full of hot air. She's not me. I would never imagine myself naked at work.

  • She is running against a guy who in high school didn't think about getting laid but about getting his hands on the classic comic's version of Karl Marx; the guys got hair running down the sides of his bald head like Bozo on crack--- and Mahr makes fun of her only. Makes you want to ditch your HBO

  • You know what? It might be a nice public service of our editor and administrator to teach us a class on restraining orders, in case she does get elected. This is the first I've really seen of her, and I've already reserved space to bay at the moon tonight through the end of time...