Mmmm, mmmm: Gallup says Americans have some hot, hot love for Israel

This is not going to sit well in the White House. Despite the best efforts of the Obama administration to destroy the special relationship the United States has always had with Israel, the American people show more support than ever for the Middle East’s only democracy.

Gallup explains it in one short paragraph and one simple chart:

Americans’ views toward the Israeli-Palestinian conflict held fairly steady over the past year, with a near record-high 63% continuing to say their sympathies lie more with the Israelis. Seventeen percent sympathize more with the Palestinians.

Call us crazy, but we’re pretty sure this isn’t the kind of change the Obama administration had hoped for.


This post was last modified on March 3, 2011


View Comments (15)

  • Interesting that the poll numbers favoring Israel have been steadily increasing after 9/11. Perhaps getting a taste of what Israel has had to put up with since its inception is starting to resonate since America was attacked!

  • Aside from the historical ties we have with Isreal as a nation, this is the ONLY country that does not have its people out in the streets everyday chanting " death to america" , death to ________ you fill in the blank.

  • I can't understand why, Israel being the only democracy in that $hithole of a place. And what is that flop eared Kenyan doing? - Denigrates Israel why embracing fundamentalists, of course all in the name of diversity and inclusion.

    • Likely the biggest mistake in the 230+ years of our existence has been the horrible idea (mandate actually) that I$rael is some kind of ally......They are not by any means....

      • Excuse me? How exactly has Israel NOT been an ally? Do you even know what you are talking about?

        I for one KNOW that our affiliation to Israel has been a bonus for this country.

        • That is exactly my point, Kimmy. I really wanted this guy to explain exactly what he meant. I don't appreciate these hit and run commenters who don't seem to have a clue. It's been several hours since I made my first comment and I don't think he's going to return to explain.

          • It seems he returned just for enough time to give me a thumbs down. He's a coward a**hole.

          • I assume he's the one who gave me the thumbs down, also.
            Couldn't care less. He's the one with the problem, not us.

          • LOL he probably got different accounts or ask pathetic little friends to come in and put more thumbs down. Is that really all they got?

            Come out to play. I want to be entertained. They are idiots.

          • Kimmy, AC, You know trollish turds that spout that kind of BS are not able to back up their statements.

          • Well, I did call Orrin Hatch a window-licker without proof or explanation, but I just kinda consider that to be tribal knowledge.
            Ben's statement DEMANDS facts.

      • You shouldn't just perform a drive-by assault, albeit implied, on Israel or anyone with no explanation or facts.

        There are dozens of reasons for supporting Israel, but one of the best reasons is that they took a land that had been occupied by Mooslims for 1000 yrs and made it a useful resource. In all of those years the camel-f*****s had done absolutely nothing but murder and pillage their neighbors.(nothing has changed) The Israelis created the most productive
        agricultural, industrial and democratic nation in the region, in less than 25 yrs. Go read some modern history of the Israeli nation, you should be impressed, if not then you are no better than the Palestinians, hating the Jews because they are Jews.

  • Brainwashed fundamentalists........Per Ron and Rand Paul-DEFUND THE ILLEGAL/IMMORAL $TATE....!