Harry Reid says, “Illegal aliens? Nope. None of those guys here in Nevada.”

Just when the latest Rasmussen poll showed Harry Reid climbing within three points of his Republican opponent, the doddering old Democrat went out and said something guaranteed to send his poll numbers in the opposite direction.

Believe it or not, he told KLAS-TV reporter Nathan Baca that no illegal aliens are working in Nevada’s construction industry.

Baca: Why didn’t you allow for a vote?
Reid: That’s the reason we need to do comprehensive immigration reform. We cannot do it piecemeal.
Baca: You go to the unemployment office, though, and there’s many US citizens who are unemployed construction workers and they don’t have specific jobs because, right now, some of those construction companies find it easier to hire undocumented workers.
Reid: I think that any information you have in that regard is absolutely without foundation
Baca: We told Senator Reid of a Pew Hispanic Center study showing 17% of all construction workers are here illegally.
Reid: That may be someplace, but it’s not here in Nevada.
Baca: But their latest 2009 numbers show that Nevada is the state with the highest percentage of unauthorized immigrants in the labor force.

Amazing, isn’t it, that someone who opposes the Second Amendment was so quick to pull out a gun and shoot himself in the foot.

We just have one question for Harry: If there are no illegals working in Nevada’s construction industry, how do you explain those lunch wagons pulling up at construction sites while playing La Cucaracha?


View Comments (22)

  • Interesting... basically if there no source of a problem, so there is no problem to speak of and thus we should concentrate on the BIG picture and not deal with individual issues at hands. The problem is that they are not fixing the BIG problem right now, so fixing the smaller ones would make things easier, but fixing the smaller ones would make it harder to get what they want which is amnesty.

  • It would seem America is waking up. And the liberal demoncraps like Reid are continually shooting themselves in the foot.

    Well done, Harry. Keep it up and you can check in to your retirement home. You know, the one you chewed through the straps to escape?

  • "if the retards in NV reelect this piece of donkey shit-they deserve the misery that comes with him!" I agree with that Matthew. And to Necron-99 next time you get one of those put something nasty in the free return evelope and mail it back.

  • Good boy, Harry! I just love it when you talk like that. Keep it up. Soon you'll have NO credibility whatsoever, and no political office after Nov 2. Aw, shucks.

    Instead of trying to shoot-from-the-hip on answers you should do as your "Golden Boy" does - get a matching set of teleprompters along with a set of pre-programed answers. Just pop one into the machine and follow the bouncing ball. Just don't forget to turn the power on.

  • He is telling the truth. The majority of illegal construction workers in the US is in Texas. Whoever wrote that article is a liar! :-)

      • So what the three of you are saying is that there are no illegal aliens in Nevada doing construction work? Really? Now, that may be due to the fact that Nevada is one of the most bankrupt states in the Country...what with all those incredibly wonderful liberal policies that provide homes to everyone whether they can pay for them or not.

        I also noticed that he also did not say that there were no illegals in Nevada in the hospitality industry. "Nope, no illegals here....just us typical moron Nevadans that keep voting for me! Come on down to Nevada.

        If there are fewer illegals in the Construction industry in Nevada today, its only because they all fled the place when the predictable liberal policies took hold, and it all started to crumble around them....unlike liberals, the Mexicans do come here to actually work.

        If anywhere ought to be boycotted, and it ain't Arizona, it should be Nevada. Between this incompetent baboon Reid and the union takeover of the hospitality arena there....