Yes We Cain: Herman Cain is officially running for President

herman cain announcing

We love Herman Cain. The former Godfather’s Pizza CEO announced Saturday that he is officially running for President of the United States. And he did it in front of a crowd of 15,000 rabid supporters.

He closed his speech by saying that when the votes are counted on Election Day in November 2012, and everyone wakes up the day after with Herman Cain as the new President, “We’ll all be able to say, ‘Free at last, free at last, thank God Almighty this nation is free again.'”

The Hermanator’s our man. At least until Marco Rubio or Allen West or Chris Christie decide to run. Then we have a tough decision to make.


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  • Author: Kip Hooker
    Oh, stop bawling and whining. Can you name even one civil right or liberty you’ve been ordered to surrender since Obama took office?

    Hmm how about administration support for reading citizen's emails without a warrant. Or tracking them through cell towers their mobile devices have pinged to, or DNA sampling upon arrest or directing LEO on how to target citizen's with Ron Paul stickers or those showing messages of constitutional support. And how much of the PATRIOT act has Obama worked to do away with? Oh but that's not his fault is it. He didn't actually reauthorize the bill . . . that was Autopen.
    I'm opposed to the Patriot Act, and I have been ever since Bush instituted it. (Oddly enough, there were very few complainers from the right, at the time, even though it's currently fashionable for right wingers to boast that they were opposed to it.)

    But we're talking about Obama here, not Bush. I'm as disappointed as anyone that Obama extended that act, but he didn't start it. And there's no reason to suppose that McCain, if he'd won the election instead of Obama, would have stopped it.

    So, once again: Can you name even one civil right or liberty you’ve been ordered to surrender since Obama took office?


    Your assertion that national socialism is a far right ideology is indicative of an understanding of political ideology that doesn't even extend to the high school level. In politics (especially world politics) terms like left wing and right wing lose much of their meaning unless they have first been determined by a time and location. In 1950 Moscow Joseph Stalin was a conservative . . . while if he were to visit Washington DC of the same year he could have been properly categorized as a liberal. Although not the sort of classical liberal that I sometimes identify myself as.
    You're a "classical liberal," like I'm Queen Hatshepsut of Egypt. ;)

    The Nazi aversion to art and all that does not glory the state is what comes after the revolution or coup. After the useful idiots have wrested control away from the established powers and given it to the upstarts its weekly shaves, haircuts and gulags for those who don't praise the glory of the collective.

    If your want to know about military pageantry I suggest you watch some video of May Day celebration's from the history of The Soviet Union.
    I don't need any lessons on military pageantry, Kip. One thing you seem to be losing sight of is that socialism is an ECONOMIC system, not a form of government. Both the USSR and Nazi Germany were totalitarian governments, and I assure you I'm not a fan of totalitarian governments, even if I am evil and radical enough to believe in affordable health care for all citizens. ;>)

    If you want to see some leo brutality why don't you watch some video of the Obama era TSA.
    Why don't you show me some concrete evidence that Obama has ordered LEO brutality? Or stop making up fairy tales?
    If you want to know about eugenics do some research into the American progressive movement of the early 20th century.
    I already "know about eugenics," Kip. Liberal here, remember? A liberal who's actually studied biology, anatomy, physiology, anthropology and evolution? Yes, there were some liberals who believed in eugenics 80 or so years ago. It hadn't been discredited as thoroughly then as it is now. But eugenics has been known to be junk science for decades now, and I don't know any liberals who support it any more. In stark contrast to those right wingers who flatly reject the study of evolution (even though most of them don't seem to understand what it is or how it works), even today.
    And applying the term national socialism to the Nazi's is not a misnomer. They were national socialists. Complete with a central command control of the economy that is the hallmark of most socialist systems.
    Wrong again. You still seem to be confusing the concept of socialism with those of totalitarianism and republic-with-some-social-programs. The fact is, there are quite a few social democracies in existence today, and they have nothing in common with Nazism. The right wing spinmasters have done such a thorough job of frightening right wingers to death at the very sound of the word "social," that they tend to see Commies hiding behind every tree, every time the government provides a service other than military actions.

    • ”I'm opposed to the Patriot Act, and I have been ever since Bush instituted it. (Oddly enough, there were very few complainers from the right, at the time, even though it's currently fashionable for right wingers to boast that they were opposed to it.)

      But we're talking about Obama here, not Bush. I'm as disappointed as anyone that Obama extended that act, but he didn't start it. And there's no reason to suppose that McCain, if he'd won the election instead of Obama, would have stopped it.

      So, once again: Can you name even one civil right or liberty you’ve been ordered to surrender since Obama took office?”

      Of course. How silly of me to forget. You became a neo con on January 20, 2009.

      ”You're a "classical liberal," like I'm Queen Hatshepsut of Egypt. </i”

      Nice to meet you Queen Hatshepsut. BTW Locke, Bastiat and Mr. Jefferson say you’re an idiot.

      ”I don't need any lessons on military pageantry, Kip. One thing you seem to be losing sight of is that socialism is an ECONOMIC system, not a form of government. Both the USSR and Nazi Germany were totalitarian governments, and I assure you I'm not a fan of totalitarian governments, even if I am evil and radical enough to believe in affordable health care for all citizens. “

      I’ve not lost sight of that. I am a little surprised that you didn’t include the Marx prophesy that the state would simply wither away. But perhaps you didn’t really want him brought into this. What you’ve lost sight of is a matter of practicality and mechanics. Socialism is an economy that demands compulsory service. If people are allowed to opt out then the most productive will . . . and very little will be left to fund all the precious resource eaters. This requires a government. Or an entity that assumes many of the conscription funcions usually reserved for the state. Even anarcho-communists call for “cooperatives” that will mandate service to the collective.

      I’m a big fan of affordable health care. It becomes remarkably less so when I have to start providing it for everybody else. But being that socialism isn’t tied to the government then I suppose they won’t have the authority to pay for this program with my money? Or force me to insure my body as if it were their property.

      ”Why don't you show me some concrete evidence that Obama has ordered LEO brutality? Or stop making up fairy tales?”

      He is the President of the United States. He can stop them any time he wants.

      ”I already "know about eugenics," Kip. Liberal here, remember? A liberal who's actually studied biology, anatomy, physiology, anthropology and evolution? Yes, there were some liberals who believed in eugenics 80 or so years ago. It hadn't been discredited as thoroughly then as it is now. But eugenics has been known to be junk science for decades now, and I don't know any liberals who support it any more. In stark contrast to those right wingers who flatly reject the study of evolution (even though most of them don't seem to understand what it is or how it works), even today.”

      Yeah sorry, Hitler and the progressives had a lot in common. Including a belief in eugenics. You can’t blame that on modern right wing America. And you can’t spin it away by belittling some of them for rejecting evolution. In fact a rejection of evolution seems like a rejection of a belief in the possibility of eugenics. After all natural selection does suggest that the fittest propagating their genes (while those dying before reproducing will have their gene’s removed from the aggregate pool) is what leads to the transformations of a species. Eugenics is the stupid, clumsy, discredited way of men attempting to do this.

      BTW I am not equating evolution with eugenics. I

      Wrong again. You still seem to be confusing the concept of socialism with those of totalitarianism and republic-with-some-social-programs. The fact is, there are quite a few social democracies in existence today, and they have nothing in common with Nazism. The right wing spinmasters have done such a thorough job of frightening right wingers to death at the very sound of the word "social," that they tend to see Commies hiding behind every tree, every time the government provides a service other than military actions.

      Of course they have something in common with Nazism. A command control of the economy. The ability of the state to determine to subvert the rights of the individual in the cause of the collective and the community. Nazism is an inevitable stage of the evolution from individual liberty to “collective liberty”.

  • Olivia you are awesome and I'm sorry that all your posts get blocked it just shows that people are ignorant. Can just one person respond to you by answering any of the questions you asked without it turning into a I hate Obama comment? Keep up the truth Olivia and please continue to "pollute" the conservative sites and posts because it drives the america, teachers, union, and poor people haters crazy also known as the republicans.

      • Did anybody else ever notice that the CHP used to get into all kinds of other stuff besides patrolling the highways when CHIPS was on? Investigating smuggling rings, organized crime, etc. Or was that just the TV show? I still enjoyed watching it. Especially when my old buddy Bruce Penhall was on.

  • Gawdamn you people are so incredibly ignorant. You're a joke...a cartoon. Each and every one of you douchebags are pathetic.'s a hearty FUCK YOU to each of you whiny little morons. I look forward to hearing you bitch and moan when once again America rejects your corrupt beliefs and lack of any sort of serious policy.

    • Wow...Thanks for the insults, havent had my feelings hurt in a while, I was begining to think I was actual human being with intelligent thoughts, but you have really put it into perspective. Thanks a bunch!

      "Pathetic douchebag, a.k.a., whiny little moron"
      oops and, "inbred loser, racist a**h##e"

    • You mean like they rejected our corrupt beliefs and lack of any sort of serious policy in the 2010 elections?

      By the way, Larry, loved your work in CHIPS.

      • Hmmm...riddle me this asshole. Where were you and your TeaBagiin' brethern the 8 years of the Miserable Failure? You douchebags keep saying you were against Bush's spending...but for some reason I don't remember you inbred losers bitching about it. What a pathetic group of racist assholes. Goodnight assholes.

        • We were bitching about the over spending then, too. You just couldn't call it racist then.

        • Actually, Larry's mommy just told him to turn off his wretched computer and get to bed. He has finals this week and this year, he had better pass because a 21 year-old high school senior is a pathetic sight.

          Uh, Larry... I griped about Bush's spending and cooled on him years before the end of his presidency. Your ears are not potent enough and you are not omnipresent so as to have heard all the conservative moaning about Bush spending.

        • Oh Larry, don't go away mad...just go away! Oh, and BTW, Larry, ten times back at ya with all your venom and vitriol! Pathetic homoerotic floosie--I never liked your caracter...too limp wristed!

  • HELL YES!!!!! Double fist pump!!!! Lets get the word out and watch his supporters grow :)!

    *posting to my fb page now!

    • It would be a good thing that Obama creates a situation where the US votes for conservative "minorities", it has kind of started actually last year so I hope the trend continues. I believe a lot of able "minorities" saw Obama and how he was such an embarrassment and placed their names in the hat and went for it. I think that is a good unintentional hope and change moment.

  • Finally someone to support. I could support Michelle Bachman but I think the media pukes will be able to do a major hatchet job on her and sway the nitwits...again. I expect/hope Cain will hand them their lunch when they go after him, and they will.
    Newt? (barf) Mitt? (retch) Pawlenty? (Mushball) These guys simply suck up to the media and hope they will be nice to them. How did that work for McCain?

    • I like him. I like West, too. A lot. I like Bachman. A lot. I'll vote for the anti-Obama

      • You mean somebody that will FIGHT BACK against the media? I like it. I don't see Herman pulling any punches when the liberal media goes after him. I'm glad he's running.