Vaya con Dios, pendejo: Obama’s support among Hispanics down to 44%

That sound you just heard is Hispanic support for Obama crashing through the floor.

That sound you just heard is Hispanic support for Obama crashing through the floor.

Awwww, Hispanic voters are deserting Obama

CNS has details of the latest Gallup poll:

In the same week that Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano announced that her department was going to review the cases of 300,000 illegal aliens in deportation proceedings and allow “low priority” cases to stay in the country and receive work permits — a move House Judiciary Chairman Lamar Smith called a “back door amnesty” — President Barack Obama’s approval dropped to an all-time low of 44 percent among Hispanics, according to Gallup polling data released today.

That is a drop of 41 points from the spring of 2009, when Obama’s approval among Hispanic Americans peaked at 85 percent (in the weeks that ended April 26, 2009 and May 17, 2009).

Obama’s approval among Hispanics dropped 5 points last week alone, falling from 49 percent in the week that ended Aug. 14 to its new low of 44 percent in the week that ended Aug. 21.

Down 41 points? That doesn’t sound like a poll, it sounds like the halftime score at a Los Angeles Clippers game.

Source: CNS News

Dick Morris forecasts landslide loss for Obama in 2012

Try to ignore the fact that he looks like he’s doing a Mr. Rogers impression and concentrate on the poll numbers he reviews.

Yeah, we know that Dick (buy my book) Morris is full of crap at least 50% of the time, but that’s not enough of a deterrent to keep us from enjoying this video clip.

Try to ignore the fact that he looks like he’s doing a Mr. Rogers impression and concentrate on the poll numbers he reviews.

It’s not a pretty picture he paints for one Mr. Barack Hussein Obama.

Question of the day: Do you know anyone who supports Obama in 2012 who didn’t support him in 2008?

Seriously. Do you know anyone who’s changed their mind about Obama in a positive direction?

Let’s give credit where credit is due: We saw this question asked over at Ace of Spades HQ and thought it was a great way to get some discussion going.

no obama 2012Seriously. Do you know anyone who’s changed their mind about Obama in a positive direction?

Someone who thinks he’s doing such a bang-up job that they’ve become an Obamatron?

Someone who hears the question “Are you better off today than you were four years ago?” and answers yes?

If so, tell us more. Talk amongst yourselves.

H/T: Ace of Spades HQ

1992: “It’s the economy, stupid”
2012: “Please let it be anything but the economy, stupid.”

James Carville became famous back in 1992 for saying, “It’s the economy, stupid.” Doesn’t look like this will be Obama’s 2012 campaign slogan.

James Carville became famous back in 1992 for saying, “It’s the economy, stupid.”

David Plouffe, who ran President Obama’s 2008 campaign and is already hard at work on his 2012 campaign, doesn’t have the luxury of criticizing a sitting president’s economy so he’s working overtime to convince himself that Carville was wrong.

Unicorns. That's what Americans are interested in. Definitely not jobs and the economy.

Bloomberg details Plouffe’s delusion:

“The average American does not view the economy through the prism of GDP or unemployment rates or even monthly jobs numbers,” Plouffe said. “People won’t vote based on the unemployment rate, they’re going to vote based on: ‘How do I feel about my own situation? Do I believe the president makes decisions based on me and my family?’”

Plouffe is, of course, 100% correct. If you’re an America-hating minority who belongs to a union and wants to retire early while others support your posh lifestyle, you will definitely feel the president makes decisions based on you and your family. Otherwise, not so much.

We’ve never run a presidential campaign, but off the tops of our heads, Mr. Plouffe, sir, that seems like a bad strategy.


Five bucks for dinner with the President. And probably overpriced at that.

The Obama reelection campaign’s $5-per-chance dinner-with-the-president raffle is now a two-for-the-price-of-one deal.

Quick, write down all the dumb ways there are to waste five bucks.

Never mind. Crumple up that list and throw it away because we’ve found the absolute dumbest. It cannot be topped.

What do you expect for five bucks?

CNSNews explains the losing proposition:

The Obama reelection campaign’s $5-per-chance dinner-with-the-president raffle is now a two-for-the-price-of-one deal.

The winners will not only get dinner with President Barack Obama but with Vice President Joe Biden, too.

In an email sent out June 15, President Barack Obama’s reelection campaign announced that in return for a $5 donation the president was offering supporters a chance to participate in a raffle to win a “casual” dinner with him at an unstated location. Four lucky contributors would win this prize.

It’s not a misprint, they did say the “winners” get to eat with Obama and Biden. Second prize is two dinners with them (it’s an old joke but so is Biden.)

Naturally, it’s all legal:

In order to comply with federal law, no donation is actually required to participate in the president’s campaign dinner raffle. While the e-mail prominently displays a donation form, a separate link to register for the contest without making a donation to the campaign is included in the email’s fine print.

We suspect those who enter without donating have as much chance of winning as Obama does of naming all 57 states.

Bill Clinton peddling nights in the Lincoln bedroom seems classy in comparison. Obama’s next fundraising plan will probably feature him hustling 3-card monte on the White House lawn. Kinda makes us nostalgic for 2008 when they simply accepted unverified credit card donations from the Middle East.

– Written by Bonfire of the Absurdities

Source: CNS News

Run, Rick, run: Texas Governor Rick Perry sounds like a man running for President

When Rick Perry spoke to the Republican Leadership Conference in New Orleans the crowd seemed to sense that there was something different about this guy.

We’re all – all of us except the Ron Paul fanatics, that is – looking for a Republican candidate who can get us excited about his or her candidacy. And we’re all having a little trouble finding that person, because all our choices seem a bit flawed.

Maybe Texas Governor Rick Perry is the answer. He looks presidential. He has a big success story to tell. He has a big stack of Texas electoral votes in his pocket. And when he spoke to last weekend’s Republican Leadership Conference in New Orleans the crowd seemed to sense that there was something different about this guy.

He sounded like the kind of candidate we could support when he said, “Our opponents on the left are never going to like us, so let’s quit trying to curry favor with them!”

By the time he left the stage, the crowd was on their feet chanting, “Run, Rick, Run!” We agree with the crowd.

Here’s his entire speech. All 25 inspiring minutes of it.

Blind sow of the day: Al Franken realizes that Barack Obama might not be president in 2013

Even Democrat Senator Al Franken (Ugh. Just typing those words still makes our skin crawl) occasionally stumbles on an unavoidable truth.

Even Democrat Senator Al Franken (Ugh. Just typing those words still makes our skin crawl) occasionally stumbles on an unavoidable truth.

Fox News reveals Franken’s revelation:

Things might not be looking so good for President Obama in 2012, according to one of Washington’s most liberal lawmakers. Senator Al Franken D-Minn., forecast a potentially gloomy outcome for his party’s first-term president during a hearing about FBI director Robert Mueller, and the former comedian wasn’t kidding.

“I should note, President Obama could nominate a new director that would be there for ten years,” Franken explained. “In two years, he may not be the President. So I think that bears just a mention.”

While you’re at it, Al, it also bears a mention that you might not be a senator in four years.

But don’t give it another thought. We wouldn’t want too much reality to intrude on your socialist fantasies.

Source: Fox News

Yes We Cain: Herman Cain is officially running for President

We love Herman Cain. The former Godfather’s Pizza CEO announced Saturday that he is officially running for President of the United States. And he did it in front of a crowd of 15,000 rabid supporters.

We love Herman Cain. The former Godfather’s Pizza CEO announced Saturday that he is officially running for President of the United States. And he did it in front of a crowd of 15,000 rabid supporters.

He closed his speech by saying that when the votes are counted on Election Day in November 2012, and everyone wakes up the day after with Herman Cain as the new President, “We’ll all be able to say, ‘Free at last, free at last, thank God Almighty this nation is free again.'”

The Hermanator’s our man. At least until Marco Rubio or Allen West or Chris Christie decide to run. Then we have a tough decision to make.

“Any ad which quotes what I said Sunday is a falsehood.”

Realizing that his words had provided Democrats with advertising ammunition against Ryan and Republicans, Newt tried to redeem himself by making the dumbest single statement a politician has ever made.

We’re running out of superlatives for Newt Gingrich.

First he set the record for fastest implosion of a presidential campaign by attacking Paul Ryan’s deficit plan two days after declaring his candidacy.

Then, realizing that his words had provided Democrats with advertising ammunition against Ryan and Republicans, he tried to redeem himself by making the dumbest single statement a politician has ever made.

Newt actually said, “Any ad which quotes what I said Sunday is a falsehood.”

In other words, “Who you gonna believe? Me or your lyin’ ears?”

Gettin’ out while the gettin’s good: Huckabee alligator leaps fence and escapes

Political pundits are analyzing repercussions to Mike Huckabee’s presidential aspirations after an alligator escaped from the Huckabee Delta Rivers Nature Center.

Political pundits are furiously analyzing the tactical repercussions to Mike Huckabee’s presidential aspirations after a nine foot alligator escaped from the Gov. Mike Huckabee Delta Rivers Nature Center in Pine Bluff, Arkansas.

"Shoes" was relieved to learn that Nancy Pelosi hadn't really drained the swamp

The American alligator, affectionately nicknamed “Shoes” by male staffers at the nature center – and “Purse” by the female staffers – apparently jumped a chain link fence and then slithered under a gate in a second fence. At least that’s what staffers hope after cautiously searching the grounds and peeking under the center’s main building, which sits up on stilts.

Arkansas Game and Fish Commission spokesman Keith Stephens, standing in the bed of his Game and Fish pickup truck, his eyes darting left and right, said he believes the alligator is now in the nearby swamps mingling with other alligators that live in the water. Then he quickly left the area, saying he had business elsewhere.

In spite of assurances by the nature center, many area grade schools have cancelled planned visits.

“It’s a bad sign for Huckabee’s chances in the presidential race,” said one longtime observer of Arkansas politics (who happens to be the author of this article). “In Arkansas, when the reptiles start jumping ship, well, your campaign is in trouble. You never saw gators leaping fences to escape the Gov. Bill Clinton Nature Center.”

– Written by J.P. Travis of

Sources: Reuters, Arkansas Times, Telegraph UK

Dare we say it? Vice President Paul Ryan? President Paul Ryan?

It’s impossible to watch Ryan without getting a sense of the man’s grasp of the issues and his willingness to say things that may not be popular.

This is a great video – Congressman Paul Ryan talking about the budget crisis and our generation’s defining moment.

Ryan: What if you’re President and your member of Congress saw it coming. What if they knew why it was happening, when it was going to happen and more importantly, they knew what to do to stop it, and they had time to stop it, but they didn’t. Because of politics. What would you think of that person? Mr. Chairman, that’s where we are right now. This is the most predictable economic crisis we’ve ever had in the history of this country. And yet we have a President who is unwilling to lead. We have too many politicians worried about the next election and not worried about the next generation.

Absolutely brilliant. With no notes and no Teleprompter.

It’s impossible to watch Ryan without getting a sense of the man’s grasp of the issues, his willingness to say things that may not be popular and his ability to lay the groundwork for tough decisions that are going to have to be made.

If it looks like a leader and sounds like a leader …

Monday: Obama announces reelection bid. Thursday: Poll says only 28% say they share his political views

President Obama this week declared his intention to seek reelection, but just over one-quarter of voters say they share the same political views as the president.

On Monday, President Obama officially threw his hat in the reelection ring and it sounded suspiciously like an old joke.

Moonbats? Zombies? Doesn't matter. Both blocs vote solidly Democrat.

Man: Ask me what makes me so funny.
Woman: What makes you …
Man: Timing.

Because on Thursday Rasmussen released a new poll that made the reelection bid seem a bit quixotic:

President Obama this week declared his intention to seek reelection, but just over one-quarter of voters say they share the same political views as the president.

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey of Likely Voters shows that 57% believe the president is more politically liberal than they are, while just nine percent (9%) say he is more conservative. Twenty-eight percent (28%) of voters say their political views are about the same as the president’s.

Of course, that’s just 28% of living voters. Democrat polls show that Obama’s political views are shared by 100% of dead voters, so he’s expected to cruise to an easy reelection victory.

Source: Rasmussen

We hate to say this, but we’re starting to like the idea of President Trump

Meredith Vieira of the Today Show interviews Donald Trump and he makes mincemeat of her. Watch the entire interview for yourself and tell us if you don’t start to take this guy a little more seriously.

Meredith Vieira of the Today Show interviews Donald Trump and he makes mincemeat of her. Watch the entire interview for yourself and tell us if you don’t start to take this guy a little more seriously.

By the way, what the hell is mincemeat?

The good news: Poll shows Obama tied with generic Republican. The bad news: They’re all friggin’ generic.

This new Gallup poll shows both the opportunity and the problem. The opportunity: Obama can be beaten. The problem: All the Republican candidates seem pretty damn generic to us.

This new Gallup poll shows both the opportunity and the problem. The opportunity: Obama can be beaten. The problem: All the Republican candidates seem pretty damn generic to us.

You know, generic. Vanilla. Ordinary. Plain. Unexciting. Would someone please find us a thesaurus and would someone else please find us a candidate?

We have too many damn generic Republicans has the story of our 2012 conundrum:

A new Gallup poll found registered voters are split over whether they would vote for President Obama in 2012.

Asked if they would vote for Obama or a generic Republican next year, 45 percent said they would support Obama and 45 percent said they would vote for the GOP candidate in the survey released Wednesday.

The poll shows opportunity for the large field of potential Republican candidates looking to defeat Obama on the heels of the Democrats’ “shellacking” in the 2010 midterm elections, when they lost control of the House and six Senate seats.

Come on. Give us Marco Rubio. Give us Allen West. Give us Mike Pence. Give us Paul Ryan. Give us Chris Christie. Give us somebody who can get us fired up.

Because we’re bored to death with these generic Republicans.


Tough to argue with Herman Cain: “Stupid people are ruining America.”

We love Herman Cain. He’s all black, all conservative and all business. reports on Hermanator’s barnburner of a speech at CPAC this weekend.

We love Herman Cain. He’s all black, all conservative and all business. reports on Hermanator’s barnburner of a speech at CPAC this weekend:

Herman Cain told conservative activists the country is being ruined by “stupid people” and said liberals attempt to discredit President Obama’s critics with accusations of racism.

Cain, a one-time Senate candidate and former CEO of Godfather’s Pizza, is the most prominent African-American considering a run for the GOP presidential nomination.

Print up the bumper stickers now: Hermanator 2012.


“Marco Rubio reporting from Afghanistan, sir”

Marco Rubio can say he’s not interested in higher office all he wants, but he’s not fooling us. Why else does a freshman senator rush off to Afghanistan if not to burnish his foreign affairs experience?

Marco Rubio can say he’s not interested in higher office all he wants, but he’s not fooling us. Why else does a freshman senator rush off to Afghanistan if not to burnish his foreign affairs experience?

Rubio made the trek to Afghanistan to get a feel for how things are going. In this clip, he reveals what he learned.

Don’t print the Rubio 2012 bumper stickers yet. But Rubio 2016 is probably a pretty good bet.

Could the man with the mustache be your next President?

Has their been an American President with facial hair since, who, maybe Teddy Roosevelt? Well, former U.N. Ambassador John Bolton is considering running for President.

Off the top of our heads, we’d say there hasn’t been an American President with facial hair since, who, maybe Teddy Roosevelt? Well, former U.N. Ambassador John Bolton is considering running for President.

Russian Television gave him an 18-minute sit-down interview, which is about 15 more minutes than all the American networks combined have given him.

Unlike Katie Couric, Russian television asked him tough questions. And he gave honest answers. How honest? He said on Russian television that Russia is a threat to the United Sates.

Russian Television describes it:

RT’s Dina Gusovsky sits down with former UN Ambassador John Bolton for a candid conversation about his views on the new START Treaty, relations with China, defense spending, and a potential run for President in 2012.

Bolton says that he believes if he were to run, he would get the Republican nomination and go head to head with President Obama in 2012. Bolton feels that the Obama administration has mishandled several national security issues, which has driven him to consider his own presidential run.

We love this guy. We’ve always loved this guy. How about Bolton-Christie 2012. (That might actually work, because Christie said his one year as Governor of New Jersey didn’t give him the experience to be President, which conveniently weasel-worded around the possibility of running for Vice President.)

President Bolton could run foreign affairs. Vice President Christie could run domestic affairs. And after four or eight years, Vice President Christie would definitely have the experience necessary to take over the big chair.

Yeah, yeah, we know all the stuff about Christie being a RINO. But we’re fantasizing here. Can’t a guy fantasize?

Source: Russian Television

Dan Rather says Obama will face primary challenge if he caves on taxes, immediately followed by Obama caving on taxes

Dan Rather warned today on MSNBC that a deal to extend all of the current tax hikes would create a demand for a primary challenge to Barack Obama from the Left in 2012.

Oh, that colorful country boy Dan Rather. He’s just full of homespun homilies. Why, as he might say, “I’m full of what comes out of the south end of a northbound bull.” described the situation pretty damn well:

Dan Rather warned today on MSNBC that a deal to extend all of the current tax hikes would create a demand for a primary challenge to Barack Obama from the Left in 2012. Big progressive contributors to the Democratic Party have already concluded that Obama won’t fight for his principles, Rather told the “Lean Forward” network, and that the Bush-era tax rates would be the straw that broke the camel’s back. Actually, Rather offers a more complicated down-homish colorful metaphor, but essentially says that the Left is so shocked, shocked! that this lifetime backbencher provides no leadership that they will actively recruit someone with those qualities for the 2012 cycle.

Of course, mere hours after Rather made this dire forecast, Obama caved on all the Republican demands for extensions of the Bush tax cuts and then poked his left wing supporters in the eye by proposing his own Social Security tax cut.

As Dan might say, “I’m feeling lower than a snake’s belly in a wagon rut.”


Three Stooges meet the Marx Brothers: Washington Post list of libs who should challenge Obama in the primaries

Ladies and gentlemen, straight from three nights headlining at the Comedy Corner in Biloxi, Mississippi, here’s the WaPo on who should challenge Barack Obama on the far left.

The Washington Post has turned to comedy. They think the only way the Obama presidency can be saved is with a primary challenge from the left. The extreme left.

Ladies and gentlemen, straight from three nights headlining at the Comedy Corner in Biloxi, Mississippi, here’s the WaPo:

President Maxine Waters. Stop it, Washington Post, you're killin' us.

But there is a real way to save the Obama presidency: by challenging him in the 2012 presidential primaries with a candidate who would unequivocally commit to a well-defined progressive agenda and contrast it with the Obama administration’s policies …

This policy platform must be matched with a willingness to talk unequivocally about the spiritual and ethical need for a new bottom line – one of love, kindness and generosity. We need a progressive push for a new New Deal, which in the 21st century could be the Caring Society: “Caring for Each Other and the Earth.”

Public officials who would make excellent candidates should they run on this platform include Sens. Russ Feingold, Bernie Sanders, Barbara Mikulski or Al Franken; Reps. Joe Sestak, Maxine Waters, Raul Grijalva, Alan Grayson, Barbara Lee, Dennis Kucinich, Lois Capps, Jim Moran and Lynn Woolsey. Others include Jim McGovern, Marcy Kaptur, Jim McDermott or John Conyers. We should also consider popular figures outside of government. How about Robert F. Kennedy Jr.? Why not Rachel Maddow, Bill Moyers, Susan Sarandon or the Rev. James Forbes?

Yes, why not Rachel Maddow? Why not Alan Grayson? Why not Maxine Waters? Why not the rest of these leftist losers?

And if our Congresswoman, the brainless, spineless and chinless Lois Capps should choose to run, it would truly be a comedy trifecta.


Breaking News: Bear doesn’t shit in woods, Pope isn’t Catholic and CBS believes Hillary is telling the truth

With just a year or so before the presidential campaign of 2012 really starts heating up, Hillary Rodham Clinton has assured the world that she has no intention of seeking the White House. Of course, we all know what a Hillary Clinton assurance is worth.

There she goes again. With just a year or so before the presidential campaign of 2012 really starts heating up, Hillary Rodham Clinton has assured the world that she has no intention of seeking the White House. Of course, we all know what a Hillary Clinton assurance is worth.

It's just more happy talk from Hillary Clinton

True to the old saying “Fool me once shame on me, fool me twice then we must be the CBS News Department,” that venerable agency has the following report:

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has once more reiterated that she will not run for president in 2012, going so far as to refer to her current role in government as “my last public position.”

In case you’ve forgotten, this is the very same Hillary Clinton who expected you to believe:

She never suspected Bill of messing around with Monica and knew that those accusations were simply the creations of “a vast right wing conspiracy.”

She brought peace to Northern Ireland.

On the morning of September 11, 2001 Chelsea was jogging around the WTC.

She braved sniper fire on a trip to Bosnia.

She was named after Edmund Hillary when she was born in 1947, although he was an obscure New Zealand beekeeper until he scaled Mount Everest 1953.

She had no intention of running for President (in the 2008 election).

And, of course, she’s always been a Yankees fan.

– Written by Kip Hooker at

Source: CBS News

Yesterday’s elections are old news. What about 2012?

Democrats will have to defend 23 Senate seats compared to only ten for the Republicans. And to make matters even worse, the Republican seats all seem relatively safe while nearly half of the Democrat seats could be in jeopardy.

They say a month is an eternity in politics, so two years is … uhhh … even longer. Nevertheless, it looks like the Democrats face some big, big problems in 2012.

The United States Senate in 2012: Red, redder, reddest

They’ll have to defend 23 Senate seats compared to only ten for the Republicans. And to make matters even worse, the Republican seats all seem relatively safe while nearly half of the Democrat seats could be in jeopardy.

Bottom line: Democrats will lose even more ground in 2012 and Republicans will take firm control of the Senate.

Here’s a quick review of what the future may hold.

Safe Democrats seats (also includes two Independents who caucus with the Democrats):

1. Dianne Feinstein of California (Feinstein will be 79 years old and has more money than God. Even if she doesn’t run, California should be a safe state for the Democrats)
2. Tom Carper of Delaware (Got 70% of the vote in 2006. Even if rumored health problems knock him out of the race, Delaware will probably elect another Democrat)

California Democrat Dianne Feinstein. She can run, but she can't hide.

3. Ben Cardin of Maryland (This seems like a pretty safe seat, but Cardin only managed 54% of the vote in 2006 against moronic Michael Steele. If the Republicans can find a strong candidate, this seat could be vulnerable.)
4. Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota (Seems popular and no strong Republicans seem to be waiting in the wings.)
5. Jeff Bingaman of New Mexico (Got 71% of the vote in 2006. Probably one of those safe Democrat seats.)
6. Ken Conrad of North Dakota (Got 69% of the vote in 2006. Likely another safe Democrat seat.)
7. Bob Casey, Jr. of Pennsylvania (Destroyed Rick Santorum in 2006. No reason to think he won’t repeat in 2012.)
8. Sheldon Whitehouse of Rhode Island (Got nearly 54% of the vote against a well-known Republican incumbent in 2006. No reason to think wacky Rhode Island voters will send him packing now.)
9. Maria Cantwell of Washington (Seems to be a safe seat in left wing Washington.)
10. Joe Lieberman of Connecticut (Quirky Lieberman will be 70 in 2012, but remains popular in the state. Will probably win reelection if he runs. Republicans will be working on him to officially switch the the Republican party the day the 2010 elections beginning on November 3.)
11. Bernie Sanders of Vermont (Lunatic socialist who probably hasn’t voted with the Republicans once since he joined the Senate. Safe Independent (read: Democrat) seat.)
12. Kirsten Gillibrand of New York (Democrats will probably hold onto the seat. Stranger things have happened than a Republican winning in New York, but we can’t think of any off the top of our heads.)
13. Joe Manchin of West Virginia (Manchin is probably the most popular politician in America. There’s no reason to think the guy who won this seat in 2010 won’t repeat in 2012.)

Questionable Democrat seats

Continue reading “Yesterday’s elections are old news. What about 2012?”

Neil Cavuto says “one and done,” predicts Obama won’t run for a second term

Every time a president gets down in the polls during his first term, some pundit predicts that he won’t run for a second term. You may remember that Rush Limbaugh made the same prediction about Bill Clinton and it seemed just as reasonable then as it seems now.

Every time a president gets down in the polls during his first term, some pundit predicts that he won’t run for a second term. You may remember that Rush Limbaugh made the same prediction about Bill Clinton and it seemed just as reasonable then as it seems now.

Nevertheless, Fox News’ Neil Cavuto makes an interesting argument.

News flash: Nancy Pelosi rules out White House run

Unfortunately, this AFP story doesn’t reveal which reporter asked Pelosi the question, so we’ll never know if it was sycophantic idiocy or a joke.

Our current president is already a bit of a nancy. We don't need another one.

Unfortunately, this AFP story doesn’t reveal which reporter asked Pelosi the question, so we’ll never know if it was sycophantic idiocy or a joke.

At a press conference with reporters and children on “Take Our Daughters And Sons To Work Day,” Pelosi had been asked whether she would ever run for president given her years of political experience.

“No. I love the job that I have,” said the speaker, who is behind only Vice President Joe Biden in the US order of succession.

“I believe that one of the reasons that I do it with the success that I have is that my members know that I am here for them, for the House of Representatives, and I’m not thinking of another career path for myself,” she said.

“But I’m very proud to be the Speaker of the House. It is a great honor, especially being the first woman,” said the California lawmaker.

The odds of Pelosi running for president are about as high as Obama telling the truth about healthcare.

First, she would have to oppose a sitting President of her own party. Second, Pelosi’s 69 years old now and if she somehow got elected, she’d be he oldest President to ever asume office. And third, her current approval level bumps along in the low 30s.

Other than minor issues, it’s a damn fine question.

Source: AFP

We’re kind of hoping George Lopez will also leave the country if Paul Ryan is elected president

Ryan’s smart as a whip. He’s a great extemporaneous speaker (translation: doesn’t need a Teleprompter). He’s telegenic. And he’s willing to call the Obama administration a “regime.” Paul Ryan 2012. We like the sound of that.

Seriously. The country needs Paul Ryan a lot more than it needs George Lopez.

Ryan’s smart as a whip. He’s a great extemporaneous speaker (translation: doesn’t need a Teleprompter). He’s telegenic. And he’s willing to call the Obama administration a “regime.”

Paul Ryan 2012. We like the sound of that.

Let us be the first to say it: Paul Ryan for President

Intelligent. Personable. Strong conservative. Great speaker even without a Teleprompter. Telegenic. Patriot. Paul Ryan for President 2012.

Intelligent. Personable. Strong conservative. Great speaker even without a Teleprompter. Telegenic. Patriot.

Paul Ryan for President 2012.

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