Outrageous California school district wants to battle “homophobia” in kindergarten

Dangerous little homophobes like this must be re-educated (photo credit: phineas h)
Dangerous little homophobes like this must be re-educated (photo credit: phineas h)

Back when we were in kindergarten our biggest concern was learning our ABCs. Apparently, the kids in Alameda, California have bigger (and stranger) things to worry about.

California’s Alameda Unified School District may institute a supplemental curriculum aimed at eradicating “homophobia” in kindergarten kids.

Let’s just pause for a moment while you digest that concept.


“Nowhere at anytime did it give any protection for children being bullied because of their faith, their religion, their size, their race, ethnicity,” said Brad Dacus, founder of the Pacific Justice Institute. “It is only going to give this special anti-bullying protection for homosexuals and transsexuals.”

Welcome to Alameda, California. Where the kids don’t know their ABCs, but do know their AC/DCs.

Source: OneNewsNow.com

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