How to get free Internet and screw the American taxpayer

If you liked the government’s “free cell phones for the poor scam,” you’re going to love the new “free high-speed internet access for the poor” program.

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It's free! Free! Free! Except for the overburdened American taxpayer.

If you liked the government’s “free Safelink cell phones for the poor scam,” you’re going to love the new “free high-speed internet access for the poor” program. Or as we like to call it, the precursor to free internet radio, free internet TV, and free internet movies for all.

Unfortunately, that free internet service isn’t coming from companies like or Google TiSP. It’s coming from the government. Which means you, the American taxpayer, will be paying for someone else’s free internet. tells the tale of our new free broadband Big Brother:

Former FCC Commissioner Deborah Tate is back with a vague plan to get Big Government away from “dictating what Americans ‘should’ get or what is ‘best for them'” when it comes to broadband. Forget setting mediocre targets, like the “4Mbps for all Americans by 2010” goal of the National Broadband Plan. Instead, just give people vouchers for really crappy broadband service and the problem will take care of itself.”

Tate actually thinks it’s good sales technique to describe the program as food stamps for broadband or “broadband stamps.” Great.
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