IL Common Core School Assignment Requires Parents to Self-Identify as Conservative or Liberal

IL Common Core School Assignment Requires Parents to Self-Identify as Conservative or Liberal. We would have written “None of your damn business” on it and asked  shouldn’t the title be be “Are You a Communist?”

Low-Information Leadership

Low-Information Leadership. “The president’s problem right now is that people think he’s smart. They think he’s in command, aware of pitfalls and complexities. That’s his reputation: He’s risen far on his brains. They think he is sophisticated.” Seriously, Peg, I think most of us dopes were long ago disabused of that particular canard. It’s only now that the political class is getting it, and it took months worth of hits with the 2×4 we call “ObamaCare” to make the point.

Detroit bankruptcy judge rules public pensions haircuts OK

Detroit bankruptcy judge rules public pensions haircuts OK. “…decision is a critical milestone. …pensions, like any contract, can be cut, adding that a provision in the Michigan Constitution protecting public pensions isn’t a bulletproof shield in a bankruptcy.” So much the canard that Detroit can’t declare bankruptcy because it would be “failing to honor President 404.”

Archie Comics CEO sued for gender discrimination

Archie Comics CEO sued for gender discrimination. Nancy Silberkleit is accused of calling male employees “Penis” instead of using their names. Her official response in a court filing is that white males are not a protected class so she can call them whatever she wants… otherwise known as the “Eric Holder Theory of Civil Rights.”

Official: White House to push benefits of Obamacare, PR offensive on the way

Official: White House to push benefits of Obamacare, PR offensive on the way. Translation: ObamaCare is costing people more money for less service and the stupid website doesn’t even work so we’ll create a media-based sophmoric pep rally to make U like it! Even warehouses full of hammers could not be this dumb.

New York lawsuit seeks personhood for chimpanzees

New York lawsuit seeks “personhood” for chimpanzees. The lawsuit, filed by Nonhuman Rights Project, claims Tommy, the chimp plaintiff, is “a cognitively complex autonomous legal person with the fundamental legal right not to be imprisoned.” One question: have they explained to Tommy that winning will mean having to buy Obamacare?

Hard sell: Going door-to-door for Obamacare

Hard sell: Going door-to-door for Obamacare. “Non-partisan” Obamacare evangelists go door-to-door spreading the manure good news about the Holey Redeemer’s healthcare scam, and get about the reaction you’d expect. “’Obamacare!’ says Shirtless, elbowing Pitbull. Pitbull then starts making finger-pistol signs directing me down the street. ‘Keep on walking with Obamacare,’ he says, still convulsing.” And that was one of the friendlier ones.

Media attacks Obama’s ‘”Soviet-style” publicity policy

Media attacks Obama’s ‘”Soviet-style” publicity policy. “Major media organisations protest against being shut out of president’s events in favour of official photographer.” The dopes that put him on a pedestal are now bitchin’ about what they’ve wrought. If we had a 3D printer, we’d print up a nice violin to play.


Gender confused students don’t like personal pronouns

Gender-confused students at women’s college don’t like personal pronouns. Instead of “he” or “she” they want to be called “ze,” “e,” “ou,” or “ve…” although that last one sounds dangerously sexist to us. We dare anyone, at any college anywhere, to get a woman’s attention by shouting, “Hey, ve!”

Viral “Poverty Thoughts” essay is totally ridiculous

Viral “Poverty Thoughts” essay is totally ridiculous. “…not only does Linda say she’s living in seedy motels and stabbing roaches, but she’s also working two jobs, taking a full load of college courses,,, She’s in desperate need of dental work, and her body is full of infection, but she can’t afford to spend the money on medical or dental care. It’s a tragic, tragic story. It’s also tragically fictional.”

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