Schadenfreude in Munich for Global Warming nitwits

A fleet of private jets bound for a Global Warming conference in Dubai was grounded by snow last week.  Between the extreme snowfall and the freezing temperatures, the Munich airport looked like a giant practical joke played by God on the stupid people.  One can only hope John Kerry and Greta Thunberg were among the snowbound, and have to stay there all winter.

Army begging soldiers discharged for refusing COVID shot to come back

With recruitment goals unmet and war looming:  “Dear Former Service Member, Individuals who desire to apply to return to service should contact their local Army, U.S. Army Reserve (USAR), or Army National Guard (ARNG) recruiter for more information.”

Biden kicked them out, now Biden wants them back.  Biden refused to keep building the wall at the border, now Biden realizes we need wall at the border.  Biden reduced oil production, now Biden wants more oil production.  Biden adamantly declared his son never made money from China, now he admits his son made money from China.  There is a pattern here.

New Orleans DA comes face to face with Karma

And we all know what Karma is.  “Earlier this week, two criminals carjacked New Orleans’ Soros-backed district attorney, Jason Williams, as he walked his 78-year-old mother to his SUV.”  Ouch.  Lesson learned?  Turning New Orleans into America’s Murder Capital didn’t wise him up, but when your stupidity results in guns pointed at your own mother’s face…

“It was an odd fire because it went off like bottle rockets.”

Tesla crashes into farmland near Spokane, creating test case for how to fight EV fires.    Between the inferno caused by leaking battery cells, the noxious heavy-metal-laden fumes, the fire that will not extinguish by normal means, the bottle rocket-like eruptions, and the hazardous detritus left strewn around the crash site afterward, Spokane firefighters faced unprecedented problems.

Trump and eighteen others indicted in Georgia in reality show prime time special

After melodramatically walking through the courthouse with TV cameras in tow, and signing the charges in front of them, Fulton County officials announced they WILL be releasing mug shots of the former president.  The mug shots are the icing on the cake for Democrat Nazis, the final piece of humiliation theatre to convince naive holdouts who still believe America works… in case there was anyone anywhere who doubted the political motivation behind all these ridiculous indictments.  It’s official now, the USA is a banana republic.

What in the F—?

The President of the United States just terrorized a young child in Finland by repeatedly licking her.  Like a crazy man.  And then, as if that wasn’t enough, once he had her crying he leaned in for a sniff.  Seriously, this man should never be allowed on the world stage again, nor be allowed near children.  Ever.  He more properly belongs in a home for the senile, not visiting NATO allies and embarrassing everybody in his vicinity.

Wagner Group has left Ukraine and turned its sights on Moscow

Putin must be shitting himself, they say his plane was spotted heading for St. Petersburg.  This is like something from a Hollywood movie.  Crazed dictator wages war so unpopular with his people he can’t get volunteers to enlist and participate, so he hires mercenaries to do his dirty work.  Then the mercenaries get mad at crazed dictator, look around, and decide, “Hey, we can turn around and take Russia instead!”

The nightmare finally happened, Biden and Fetterman on same stage

The videos from this one event tell the whole story of what’s wrong with the USA.  Two people, both too brain-damaged to communicate, sharing the same stage and microphone.  It would be funny if it wasn’t so pathetic… and so frightening.  That’s the President of the United States, after all, and a U.S. senator (who can’t ever be bothered to wear anything but cutoffs and a hoodie) displaying pre-schooler mental abilities.

Biden takes massive nosedive at Air Force Academy commencement

Mainstream media immediately makes excuses for him.  There was a sandbag in his way, they say.  Could have happened to anybody, they say.  (Although it didn’t.)  But this is getting ridiculous.  It’s gotten so bad, it’s only gonna be news when the president shows up and does NOT fall down.

Biden team kills wrong man again

Biden team kills wrong man again.  What is this, the third or fourth time?  Last week they announced they had killed “a top-level al-Qaeda official” in Syria with a drone strike.  Now they’re walking it back, admitting he wasn’t top-level anything.  But they still feel fairly sure he belonged to al-Qaeda.  Uh huh.  His family says he was a former bricklayer and father of 10 peacefully tending his sheep when a Hellfire missile landed on him.

Navy decides to solve recruiting problems by using drag queen as spokesman

U. S. Navy looks at Anheuser-Busch’s problems and says, “Hold our Bud Light!”  There is no explaining this, it’s too far past stupid to be called stupid.  You would have to be living under a rock not to know the marketing disaster which has befallen Anheuser-Busch for this same thing.  And who in the world did the Navy’s recruiting masterminds think this was going to attract?  Dylan Mulvaney?  You gonna win the next war with Dylan Mulvaney?

Once again socialism achieves the impossible

Cuba, the “country of sugar,” is almost out of sugar.  No, seriously, they are rationing sugar in Cuba.  In 2002, you see, Fidel Castro decided to restructure the sugar industry to make it more efficient.  Since then they’ve gone from producing 8,000,000 tons per year to producing 400,000 tons per year, not even enough for domestic needs.

Students banned from photographing trans teacher with giant fake breasts

Students banned from photographing trans teacher with “z-size” fake breasts. What is the school district worried about? Embarrassing the guy? That ship has already sailed. They might better worry about his safety, specifically the possibility of him catching those six-inch-long nipples in the radial saw.

Infamous transgender Navy SEAL to resume living as a man

Former transgender Navy SEAL to resume living as a man. He says CNN and doctors at the VA took advantage of his psychological confusion to push an agenda, an agenda promulgated by a billion dollar industry that is less concerned about patient welfare than making a profit off hormone treatments and lucrative gender surgeries.

Virginia Democrats’ manual instructs operatives on how to get votes of dead people

Virginia Democrats’ manual instructs operatives on how to get votes of dead people. The Democrat Party was founded and based upon a philosophy of cheating in elections. They’ve been doing it for almost two centuries. We all know they’ve been doing it and nobody has stopped them. Why shouldn’t they be open about it?

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