Unclear on the concept

More history in the purging. As you dredge through the drivel where the author is gleefully listing the history he’d like to have stricken from the books, reading his gleeful “The URL reveals all” comments, bear in mind that his URL is ‘fastcoexist.com’, the website title is ‘Co-Exist’, and his goodspeak name for his previous gig was ‘Good’. Word to the unwise: The thing about co-existing is that purging your opponents is, by definition, NOT co-existing. But hey, what do you expect from the “If the data don’t fit, you must omit’ crowd — intelligence?

an acronyism he can live with

A modest proposal; people seem to have a hard time coming up with a term to describe Bill if Hillary should manage to lie, cheat and steal her way into the oval office. Many of the terms just don’t really cover it — “First Dude”, and whatnot. I’d like to suggest this term to more accurately describe Bill and his relation to his “wife”: First Unindicted Co-Conspirator. Going by his behavior, it’s an acronym he can live with.

Stupidity virus runs rampant in Democrat land

Stupidity virus runs rampant in Democrat land: This stuff just writes itself: I can only hope it’s a hoax. Scientists have discovered a “stupidity virus”. Enjoy the “man on the street” interviews with a collection of people who clearly suffer from it. Most mockable comments? “The gov’t must *do* something about it.” and “I hope they can come up with a vaccine for it.” I’ll give yoou three guesses as to their politics, and the first two don’t count.

A modest proposal

A Modest Proposal:

Our Dear Leader insists that we cannot contract the Ebola virus through airborne means. His reasoning is that this is a “Junior Varsity”-type ailment, and much like ISIS/ISIL, if you denigrate it with your intellectual superiority, it will be properly ashamed at troubling the “Smartest Guy In The Room”(tm), and beat a hasty retreat from public life. I feel that as he *never* lies to us, and is always truthful, that we need to take him at his word. His cronies at the CDC all back him up — there is no reason to worry, and no reason to use the quarantine measures that that bad boy, GW Bush put in place, as the ACLU feels that impinges upon the “rights” of those “undocumented workers” A.K.A. “disease vectors”.

If you are ill, and feel you have contracted this minor ailment, hop in the old car, drive to DC, and hug your politician or your favorite ACLU lawyer. As they say, there’s no harm in it, so there shouldn’t be a problem. Just remember, kids, do it quick, while you’re still alive.

(Can anybody tell I’m being sarcastic here?)

I honestly don’t know why Bubblehead Jr. resigned

I honestly don’t know why Bubblehead Jr. resigned.

  • Ethics problem? Not a problem for Democrats.
  • Sex trouble? Not a problem for Democrats.
  • Drugs? Not a problem for Democrats.
  • Incompetence? Not a problem for Democrats.
  • Incontinence? Not a problem for Democrats.
  • Voter fraud? Not a problem for Democrats.
  • Over-the-top bigotry? Not a problem for Democrats.
  • Unable to properly do his job for whatever reason? Not a problem for Democrats.
  • Batsh*t insane? Not a problem for Democrats.
  • Conflict of interest? Not a problem for Democrats.

I thought he was above all that.

Weren’t the oceans were supposed to stop rising once 0 took office. Now his hacks whine that he can’t stop the oceans from impacting his campaign? I figure that it’s like Dire Straits said in Industrial Disease about two people claiming to be Jesus — “One of them must be wrong.” So which is it, Tingles? Is he still Jesus, and intentionally inflicting misery on poor people in New York, or is he just another loud-mouthed schnook looking for an excuse as to why the entire nation is turning on his bankrupt policies?

H/T RobertW

No Flukes are given

StrinaM says it best:

Ah yes. Children hate women. Children are the ultimate glass ceiling. Children stand in the way of a woman’s. success. No mention of PERSONAL responsibility on behalf of the woman, but….

With one caveat. If I was dating, and knew my gf was like ol’ Sandy there, I’d have a good reason to get the ol’ snip snip, save her a few bucks.

On sale now:

On sale now: The Obama accomplishment card pack. Buy now, so you can truly say that you’re not playing with a full deck. They say that it is a “a tool you can use to help family, friends and others understand what change really looks like”. I say it’s more like “tools for tools”.

I wonder how many actual accomplishments are in there. Kinda hate to describe what Barry has in Washington as an “Administration”. More like “co-conspirators”, “accomplices”, and “henchmen”.

Slap China with a tariff? Why or why not?

Moving the tariff thread over from the tips thread. If you’d posted on it, copy your posts over, and then feel free to chime in on the subject: Slap China with a tariff? Why or why not?

It all began with Alien saying: “Romney said he’d label China a currency manipulator, which would grant him authority to hit them with tariffs. Love it”…

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