Update: Suspect Dressed In FedEx Uniform who Killed Son Of NJ Federal Judge, Found Dead

Update: Suspect Dressed In FedEx Uniform who Killed Son Of NJ Federal Judge, Found Dead. We called it. Arkancide or suicide?

Strippers, surveillance and assassination plots: The wildest JFK Files

Strippers, surveillance and assassination plots: The wildest JFK Files. Here’s some of the highlights. We’ve been going through these one by one. There’s not as many files as we’re finding duplicates all over, not to mention there’s 200-300 that haven’t been released but should.

Is Peter Fonda really training his grandchildren to assassinate President Obama?

Peter Fonda, the star of Easy Rider, told reporters that he’s encouraging his grandchildren to assassinate President Obama. Bizarre, but true.

Jane Fonda just received some excellent news from Cannes Film Festival. No, the washed up actress didn’t win any awards, but she did learn that she’s not the craziest member of her family.

Her brother Peter, the star of Easy Rider, told reporters that he’s encouraging his grandchildren to assassinate President Obama. Bizarre, but true.

Lee Harvey Fonda at the Cannes Film Festival

The Telegraph UK has Fonda’s dangerous words:

“I’m training my grandchildren to use long-range rifles,” said the actor, 71. “For what purpose? Well, I’m not going to say the words ‘Barack Obama’, but …”

He added, enigmatically: “It’s more of a thought process than an actuality, but we are heading for a major conflict between the haves and the have nots. I came here many years ago with a biker movie and we stopped a war. Now, it’s about starting the world.

“I prefer to not to use the words, ‘let’s stop something’. I prefer to say, ‘let’s start something, let’s start the world’.

“There’s no room any more for a sissy and, like I said, don’t forget that I’ve got grandsons who I’ve trained with long-distance rifles. We have to run like mofos to change this world.”

We’re picturing Henry Fonda looking down from heaven, giving Jimmy Stewart a little poke in the ribs with his elbow and saying, “I did a great job with my kids, didn’t I? They really turned out to be terrific people. Other than that traitor thing with Jane and the assassination thing with Peter.”

Source: Telegraph UK

Bin Laden death photos show “brains hanging out of the eye socket.” Cool.

Oklahoma Senator Jim Inhofe, one of the select few who was allowed to view the infamous death photos of Osama Bin Laden, told Fox News’ Shep Smith exactly what he saw.

We guess we’re supposed to be shocked and horrified about this, but we’re not. Far as we’re concerned, it couldn’t happen to a nicer guy.

Oklahoma Senator Jim Inhofe, one of the select few who was allowed to view the infamous death photos of Osama Bin Laden, told Fox News’ Shep Smith exactly what he saw.

Bin Laden must have had a premonition, because he’s always worn a bandage on his head

Mediaite has the explicit details:

Inhofe confirmed that the photographs from the compound, taken right after SEAL Team Six members shot and killed bin Laden, are indeed “gruesome,” and clarified that he was also shown three older photos as a means of comparison. So. What, exactly, constitutes as gruesome? Inhofe described two, close-up pictures taken of bin Laden’s ear, adding that he is unsure whether a bullet went through the terrorist’s ear and out his eye, or went through his ear after entering his head through his eye socket. The Senator added that brain matter was visible exiting through the socket.

Inhofe added that bin Laden’s beard was shorter and grayer than it had appeared in older photos, and that he was wearing “underwear.” (Smith, amusingly, seemed to find this rather shocking.)

To tell the truth, we’re far more horrified by the thought of Bin Laden in his underwear than we are by his brains hanging out of his eye socket.

Call us callous. We’ve been called worse.

Source: Mediaite

Keith Olbermann then: Evil Dick Cheney heads a secret, unconstitutional assassination team
Keith Olbermann now: How ‘bout those cool Navy Seal assassins

Just a couple years ago, Keith Olbermann said newly-elected President Obama should shut down the evil Bush-Cheney assassination apparatus. But now…

Just a couple years ago, Keith Olbermann feared a constitutional crisis. He called JSOC “shocking”, “egregious” and “terrifying to the nature of democracy”. He said newly-elected President Obama should shut down the evil Bush-Cheney assassination apparatus.

But now, according to a new video posted on Olbermann’s website, it looks as if hyperbolic host has gained a new appreciation for professional assassins. As long as they report to a liberal Democrat, that is.

Barack Obama got Osama Bin Laden. And every other political calculation, every strategy that suggests Democratic weakness or liberal uncertainty is … as dead as Bin Laden.

There’s certainly one liberal uncertainty that’s no longer uncertain – Olbermann is just as big a putz off the air as he was on the air.

H/T: Tim Blair

The dead pool: Who should we target for assassination next?

All terrorists deserve death. Perhaps it is time for Americans, Europeans, and their media elite to reexamine their most glaring double standards.

Now that the Democrats have suddenly turned their backs on everything they believed in so deeply during the Bush administration and endorsed targeted political assassination, that opens up a big issue.

Have you ever seen another Afghani who dresses like Hamid Karzai?

Michael Rubin explains it succinctly in Commentary magazine:

All terrorists deserve death. Perhaps it is time for Americans, Europeans, and their media elite to reexamine their most glaring double standards: If Americans can kill a master terrorist targeting civilians then Israel too should be able to target Hamas leaders in Gaza, Damascus, Oslo, or Dubai, wherever they may be.

Friggin’ A, Ray.

In fact, if it were up to us the list would be broadened and include a few non-terrorists.

It would include the guy who did Joe Biden’s hair plugs, Nancy Pelosi’s botoxologist. The guy who’s responsible for Donald Trump’s comb-over. The guys who beat up the Giants’ fan in the Dodger Stadium parking lot. Hamid Karzai’s tailor. Whoever gives Janet Napolitano her testosterone injections. Whoever told Jay Carney he had a personality and should pursue a career in public relations. And finally, the fashion designer who always seems to make Michelle Obama’s ass look like the only thing in the room bigger than her husband’s ego.

Source: Commentary Magazine

Liberal journalists working overtime to create image of Obama the Warrior

We’d say liberal journalists are attempting to create the image of Obama the Warrior “for some unknown reason,” but we all know the reason.

We’d say liberal journalists are attempting to create the image of Obama the Warrior “for some unknown reason,” but we all know the reason:

He’s weak on defense and terrorism and as November 2012 draws near they’ll do anything they can do bolster his credentials.

Are we exaggerating? Hardly. Here’s Margaret Carlson on MSNBC’s Morning Joe doing exactly as we said.

Scarborough: We’ll have time to get to the nitpicking. But should this not be about Barack Obama making a decisive decision when the rest of his cabinet wasn’t sure whether he should do it or not?

Carlson: We’re not asking for a Hollywood movie. We’re just asking for a moment when Professor Obama turned into General Obama and ran this incredible raid. That took a lot of guts, the kind of thing you do see in a Hollywood movie.

General Obama?

Surely, you say, this is an isolated incident. This can’t possibly be an on-going liberal theme.

Well, here’s Howard Fineman in the Huffington Post:

By calmly and meticulously overseeing the successful targeting of Osama bin Laden, President Barack Obama just proved himself — vividly, in almost Biblical terms — to be an effective commander-in-chief of the armed forces of the United States.

Biblical, Howard?

The only thing biblical about it is that it’s such an overstatement that it causes us to say, “Good lord.”

Source: Huffington Post

Abbottabad-a-bing, Abbottabad-a-boom

Here you go. Gruesome Reuters photos of some of Osama Bin Laden’s henchmen after the Navy SEALS stopped in for a spot of tea.

We’re pretty damn proud of that headline. This story should get picked up by HotAir and WeaselZippers and those clowns over at iOwnTheWorld and every other website that appreciates genius headlines.

Hell, it’ll probably get us nominated for a Pulitzer Prize. Maybe even a Nobel Prize, because we’ve heard it’s pretty easy to win one of them these days.

Here you go. Gruesome Reuters photos of some of Osama Bin Laden’s henchmen after the Navy SEALS stopped in for a spot of tea.

Continue reading “Abbottabad-a-bing, Abbottabad-a-boom”

Liberal smackdown. Film at 11:00

Coulter does that Coulter thing by telling Behar that every presidential assassin was a left winger. Behar does that Behar thing by stammering and stuttering.

The god awful Joy Behar show may avoid cancellation for a few more days if continues to book Anne Coulter.

Coulter does that Coulter thing by telling Behar that every presidential assassin was a left winger. Behar does that Behar thing by stammering and stuttering.

This may be the first time Behar’s show has actually been watchable.

Bungling Saudi suicide bomber puts the ass in assassination

A bungling al-Qaeda terrorist tried to assassinate a Saudi prince by detonating an improvised explosive device he had cleverly concealed up his…uh…in his…errrr…well, let’s just say where the sun don’t shine.

His Royal Highness the assistant of the Interior Minister for security affairs, Prince Mohammed bin Nayef bin Abdul Aziz survives assassination attempt
His Royal Highness the assistant of the Interior Minister for security affairs, Prince Mohammed bin Nayef bin Abdul Aziz survives assassination attempt

A bungling al-Qaeda terrorist tried to assassinate a Saudi prince by detonating an improvised explosive device he had cleverly concealed up his…uh…in his…errrr…well, let’s just say where the sun don’t shine.

According to the Associated Press, “Al-Arabiya, a Saudi-owned television network, said the attacker concealed the explosives in his anus, allowing him to evade detection. The network also quoted an expert as saying that the method of concealment aimed the blast away from the target, while blowing the bomber to bits.”

Deputy Interior Minister Prince Mohammed bin Nayef, the Saudi prince, survived but the would-be assassin went to meet his 49 virgins in a most undignified manner.

At this point we would like to pause briefly to pat ourselves on the back for the remarkable maturity we displayed by not going with our original headline:

Saudi assassin buries IED in the Hershey Highway.

Source: Associated Press

Wacko Democrat congresswoman claims Cheney operated super-secret assassination ring

California Rep. Anna Eshoo claims former Vice President Dick Cheney ran a super-secret international assassination ring. No proof of course.

Rep. Anna Eshoo of California is even wackier than most of California’s Democratic congressional contingent. And that’s quite an accomplishment.

Eshoo claims former Vice President Dick Cheney was in charge of some very dastardly deeds. Cheney, she says, ran a super-secret international assassination ring.

Who are these people Cheney had offed? Eshoo doesn’t say. But off the top of our heads, we can’t recall any enemy heads of state who were taken out during the Bush years. We can’t even recall anyone accusing us of committing any assassinations. So we can only assume that the people the nefarious Cheney had assassinated were bad guys. So bad that even their own governments won’t ‘fess up to their assassinations.

“This must be investigated,” Eshoo proclaimed.

We agree. And if it’s true, give Cheney a damn medal for ridding the world of scum.

Source: RealClearPolitics.com

Attempted Ford assassin still leftist radical, says “I’m going to go to the Obama thing”

Sara Jane Moore, 1975. Leftist then, leftist now.
Sara Jane Moore, 1975. Leftist then, leftist now.

Nutty Sara Jane Moore, who attempted to assassinate President Gerald Ford back in 1975, has been paroled after spending 32 years behind bars. But she’s still nutty as the proverbial fruitcake.

Matt Lauer interviewed her on the Today Show and had this exchange:

Matt Lauer: And to people who say, briefly if you can, Ms. Moore, someone who attempts to assassinate a President of the United States should never see the light of day again, how do you respond?

Sara Jane Moore: Well, I’m going to go to the Obama thing. We have a Constitution in this country, and we have laws. And those laws are not just, everybody thinks they’re for me, but she, oh, we shouldn’t…We have laws, and regardless of who you are, there are conditions to be met for me to be paroled. I met those conditions. If you have a country of law, if you have a Constitution, it has to apply to everybody, not just to people you like.

What did her odd Obama remark mean? We’ll never know because Matt Lauer never followed up with another question for clarification.

Well, if Timothy Geithner can commit willful tax fraud for years and still be appointed Secretary of the Treasury, there’s every reason to think Moore 32 years in prison qualify her for an equally prominent role in the Justice Department.

We’re confident that “the Obama thing” was her way of hinting that an appointment is imminent.

Source: Finkelblog.com

Joy Behar says chimp cartoon is “an assassination threat” on Obama

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iRGan85AIlAAny day now, psychiatrists are going to walk right onto the set while they’re taping The View and take Joy Behar away to a nice, padded room.

She actually said the infamous chimp cartoon is “an assassination threat” on President Obama. Seriously. She said that. We’re not making it up.

“I think you can be investigated by the FBI,” she declared, “if you make an assassination threat.”

Coming up next week on The View, Behar suggests that Angelina Jolie should adopt Little Orphan Annie, demands increased unemployment compensation for Dilbert, and congratulates Doonesbury on his enlightened drug policy.

Then, as soon as the show is over, she’ll rush off for her annual physical with Rex Morgan, M.D.

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