Feckless and Cowardly Republicans Join Democrats in Cutting Military Benefits Right Before Christmas

Feckless and Cowardly Republicans Join Democrats in Cutting Military Benefits Right Before Christmas. RINOs bending over even further for the Democrats than we thought possible.

Bin Laden death photos show “brains hanging out of the eye socket.” Cool.

Oklahoma Senator Jim Inhofe, one of the select few who was allowed to view the infamous death photos of Osama Bin Laden, told Fox News’ Shep Smith exactly what he saw.

We guess we’re supposed to be shocked and horrified about this, but we’re not. Far as we’re concerned, it couldn’t happen to a nicer guy.

Oklahoma Senator Jim Inhofe, one of the select few who was allowed to view the infamous death photos of Osama Bin Laden, told Fox News’ Shep Smith exactly what he saw.

Bin Laden must have had a premonition, because he’s always worn a bandage on his head

Mediaite has the explicit details:

Inhofe confirmed that the photographs from the compound, taken right after SEAL Team Six members shot and killed bin Laden, are indeed “gruesome,” and clarified that he was also shown three older photos as a means of comparison. So. What, exactly, constitutes as gruesome? Inhofe described two, close-up pictures taken of bin Laden’s ear, adding that he is unsure whether a bullet went through the terrorist’s ear and out his eye, or went through his ear after entering his head through his eye socket. The Senator added that brain matter was visible exiting through the socket.

Inhofe added that bin Laden’s beard was shorter and grayer than it had appeared in older photos, and that he was wearing “underwear.” (Smith, amusingly, seemed to find this rather shocking.)

To tell the truth, we’re far more horrified by the thought of Bin Laden in his underwear than we are by his brains hanging out of his eye socket.

Call us callous. We’ve been called worse.

Source: Mediaite

Senator Inhofe dances on the grave of global warming

The current United Nations’ Cancun global warming conference is an embarrassing failure. And Oklahoma Senator Jim Inhofe, who has been one of the most vocal critics of the entire global warming scam, is dancing on its grave.

We love this story. The current United Nations’ Cancun global warming conference is an embarrassing failure. Instead of the world’s leaders gathering as they did last year in Copenhagen, this year’s waste-a-thon attracted nothing but lower level flunkies. People who built their reputations on global warming are now avoiding it like it has herpes.

Oklahoma Senator Jim Inhofe, who has been one of the most vocal critics of the entire global warming scam, is dancing on its grave. He started by doing the Watusi, followed that by doing the Twist, then did the Hully Gully, and finished up with a wild rendition of the Monkey.

Dance, Jimmy, dance. You were right all along and never gave an inch when you were standing out there fighting the good fight all alone.

We have come a long way since the last UN Climate meeting last year when President Obama, Hillary Clinton, Lisa Jackson, Nancy Pelosi, John Kerry and dozens of lawmakers made their way to Copenhagen to tell the world that cap-and-trade was going to pass the United States Senate. Yet the truth was it had no chance of passing. To deliver that message, I traveled to Copenhagen as a one-man truth squad. I was only on the ground for about 2 hours, perhaps the most enjoyable 2 hours of my life, but the message I delivered was clear; under no circumstances will Global Warming Cap and Trade legislation ever pass the United States Senate. The reporters and diplomats didn’t like it. They hated me for telling the truth. But here we are: I was right and they were wrong.

The fact is, nothing is going to happen in Cancun this year and everyone knows it. I couldn’t be happier and poor Al Gore couldn’t be more upset: it has been widely reported that he is “depressed” about Cancun.
But let me be clear: despite our success over the past year, global warming alarmists will continue to push their agenda. For example, some leaders in Cancun are stepping up their attacks on capitalism and United Nations officials are saying they need to do more to “spread the wealth around.” All of this is more of the same.

Remember it was French President Jacques Chirac, who said in 2000 that Kyoto Protocol was the “first component of an authentic global governance.” And Margot Wallstrom, the European Union’s former Environment Commissioner, who said in 2001 that Kyoto is about “trying to create a level playing field for big businesses throughout the world.”

Good work, Senator Inhofe. To paraphrase Barack Obama, “You won.”

Democrats threaten future of Christian radio

If the democrats have their way, the ACLU could go after Christain radio shows such as this one.
If the democrats have their way, the ACLU could go after Christain radio shows such as this one.

Oklahoma Senator Jim Inhofe, the most rational man in Washington, DC has given an impassioned speech on the floor of the Senate in defense of Christian radio.

“In a straight party-line vote, Democrats chose to adopt Senator Durbin’s Amendment 591, which calls on the FCC to quote, ‘encourage and promote diversity in communication media ownership…and to ensure that broadcast station licenses are used in the public interest.’ That’s a quote and essentially it makes an end-run around the Fairness Doctrine.”

“The ACLU and other liberal organizations could attempt to file lawsuits against anyone who presents a message that they deem to be counter to federal localism and diversity regulations,” Inhofe continued. “…the chilling effect that the mere threat of a lawsuit will have on religious broadcasters could be substantial.”

“This legislation is so incredibly vague and so potentially far-reaching that I can’t say with any certainty what the end result will be,” Inhofe said. “This is not good governance and it is not good legislative practice to cede such authority to any agency of our government, specifically when the right to speak freely over the airwaves will most certainly be impacted.”

We don’t think the Democrats really want to outlaw religious broadcasters. We suspect they’d be satisfied if they could merely outlaw about seven of the Ten Commandments, pass legislation that Reverend Wright be given equal time on all current religious broadcasts, and have Obama’s inauguration officially designated as the Second Coming.

Is that too much to ask?

Link: Entire speech by James Inhofe at The Hill

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