Wacko Democrat congresswoman claims Cheney operated super-secret assassination ring

Rep. Anna Eshoo of California is even wackier than most of California’s Democratic congressional contingent. And that’s quite an accomplishment.

Eshoo claims former Vice President Dick Cheney was in charge of some very dastardly deeds. Cheney, she says, ran a super-secret international assassination ring.

Who are these people Cheney had offed? Eshoo doesn’t say. But off the top of our heads, we can’t recall any enemy heads of state who were taken out during the Bush years. We can’t even recall anyone accusing us of committing any assassinations. So we can only assume that the people the nefarious Cheney had assassinated were bad guys. So bad that even their own governments won’t ‘fess up to their assassinations.

“This must be investigated,” Eshoo proclaimed.

We agree. And if it’s true, give Cheney a damn medal for ridding the world of scum.

Source: RealClearPolitics.com

This post was last modified on November 17, 2021


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  • This reminds me of a story about Cheney. He had me over to the Naval Observatory one afternoon, back when he was veep, for happy hour. We were down in his bunker sipping some Glen Garioch (nothing but the best for ol' Dickie boy. That's what I call him, you know).

    Anyhoo, we're playing this video game, from some company called Raytheon (It was a lot like Call of Duty, but way cooler) and we're flying these Predator drones over Pakistan and Afghanistan and they have these Hellfire missiles and Dickie's yelling, “WOOHOO!! GIT SUM!! GIT SUM!!”

    Man, I tell you, we were blowing the shit out of those Taliban and Quaida's. I first thought that they looked like family gatherings, you know, like a wedding or something like that. I asked Dickie, “Dickie, how do ya know who is Taliban or Quaida?”

    He looked over at me, took a big slug of scotch and said, “Reddy (that's what he calls me) Reddy my boy , you see that yellow line on the screen there? If they're on the right side of that line they're Quaida and if they're on the left side they're Taliban.”

    I was over to his house the other day and his grand kids were playing it.

  • Gotta break a few eggs to bake a cake. Military commanders since the beginning of the modern era have wished for a magical way to take out bad guys without damage to locals or local infrastructure. Maybe some of O's hollywood buddies could help him dream up a laser beam to neatly pluck bad guys from their hidey holes whilst dispering more American cash to the "innocents" nearby. Sounds nice. Hey Lib, how about we just send terrorists some nice invitations to the White House to read Uhrdu poetry wih the great one?

  • "We agree. And if it’s true, give Cheney a damn medal for ridding the world of scum."

    Lovely. Does that include those that were or are misidentified and wrongly murdered?
    It's been reported that this alleged program was called off by command because of excessive 'collateral damage'. If so, are the collateral damage also scum?
    Thirdly, I guess it's cool and consistent with the rules of engagement for future enemies to murder and torture US citizens and troops since it so widely accepted now. Of course it's no longer torture and murder, it's enhanced interrogation' and 'extrajudicial killing'.
    Just wondering what, if anything, do you consider a war crime by a) the US and b) another?

    • So you are agreeing with Ms Eshoo, and there is proof to support this where? NW, I don't think you are ready to play with the grown ups yet, you see we deal with a little thing called facts and evidence. Your tortured logic here is actually painful to read. Maybe the next bad guy caught alive can come live with you and teach you a little about reality. In the meantime keep dreaming about butterflies and rainbows, and learn all of the words to kumbaya.

  • First, her name looks like a sneeze. So gesundheit!

    Second, why do California voters insist on sending to Washington, people who have for some reason escaped mental institutions? Let's list some of them; Pelosi, Waters, Boxer, this one. Now with the state deficits, you know they are going to release more of these nuts making the next election ever more competitive. It is so embarrassing.

    • Dee Mac, I'll see your questions about the voters of California & raise you(poker reference)I would love to see a movement to throw California out of the republic. They are destroying this country through all of the moronic laws that start there, but then spread across the USA. Plus they send idiots like Pelosi, Waters, & Boxer to Washington DC & ruin the country directly. I say we should cut our losses & boot them.

  • Let's see, the CIA never told Pelosi anything, but they told this wacko? I bet it's more to do with drinking too much while watching "24."