Senate Torture Report Condemns C.I.A. Interrogation Program

Senate Torture Report Condemns C.I.A. Interrogation Program. This report, basically done by Democrats, is probably as full of lies as the C.I.A. Sorry Difi et al, we can’t work up too much sympathy for someone responsible for all the 9/11 death and destruction or their cohorts.

Keith Olbermann then: Evil Dick Cheney heads a secret, unconstitutional assassination team
Keith Olbermann now: How ‘bout those cool Navy Seal assassins

Just a couple years ago, Keith Olbermann said newly-elected President Obama should shut down the evil Bush-Cheney assassination apparatus. But now…

Just a couple years ago, Keith Olbermann feared a constitutional crisis. He called JSOC “shocking”, “egregious” and “terrifying to the nature of democracy”. He said newly-elected President Obama should shut down the evil Bush-Cheney assassination apparatus.

But now, according to a new video posted on Olbermann’s website, it looks as if hyperbolic host has gained a new appreciation for professional assassins. As long as they report to a liberal Democrat, that is.

Barack Obama got Osama Bin Laden. And every other political calculation, every strategy that suggests Democratic weakness or liberal uncertainty is … as dead as Bin Laden.

There’s certainly one liberal uncertainty that’s no longer uncertain – Olbermann is just as big a putz off the air as he was on the air.

H/T: Tim Blair

Heated rhetoric: Barney Frank jokes about assassinating Dick Cheney

Oh, that Barney Frank. What a cut-up. What a card. What a wild and crazy guy. Why, no one can crack a joke about assassinating the Vice President of the United States like this guy.

Oh, that Barney Frank. What a cut-up. What a card. What a wild and crazy guy. Why, no one can crack a joke about assassinating the Vice President of the United States like this guy.

Of course, this is not defined as heated rhetoric. No. This is witty and sophisticated because a liberal said it.


Is Robert Gibbs reading about Dick Cheney?

Maybe the left really does believes Dick Cheney is Darth Vader. Otherwise, a Star Wars pop-up book seem like an odd choice of reading material for the President’s press secretary.

Maybe the left really does believes Dick Cheney is Darth Vader. Otherwise, a Star Wars pop-up book seem like an odd choice of reading material for the President’s press secretary.

H/T: The Big Feed

Chris Matthews thinks Liz Cheney has super powers.
Or something.

Chris Matthews tries to compare former Vice President Dick Cheney to Jor-El, Superman’s father on the planet Krypton.

We are concerned about the health of MSNBC’s Chris Matthews. Very concerned. The MSNBC host has apparently suffered an unannounced stroke that has left him unable to put together a coherent question. Take this clip, for example, where he tries to compare former Vice President Dick Cheney to Jor-El, Superman’s father on the planet Krypton.

Matthews: One of the new ideas that Dick Cheney’s trying to sell right now is his daughter, Steve. He reminds me of that Marlon Brando character in…in Superman up on Krypton. The island is about to…the planet is about to blow up. So he puts his little kid, in this case Superman, into a little capsule and sends him to Earth. It’s like Cheney knows his whole world is blowing up, so he’s put his little daughter in this capsule and is sending her to us. It just seems like he’s spending all his time, it’s kind of like a booster rocket, building one for his offspring. What’s going on with this family?

We were tempted to close this out this story with a Bizarro reference, but it would have been just be too damn easy.


Dick Cheney thinks Joe Biden is chortle-worthy

Dick Cheney: Well (laugh) I guess I shouldn’t be surprised by my friend Joe Biden. I’m glad he now believes Iraq is a success. Of course, Obama and Biden campaigned from one end of the country to another for two years criticizing our Iraq policy.

Dick Cheney showed up on ABC’s This Week on Sunday morning and didn’t disappoint.

He was asked about Joe Biden’s claim that Iraq would be seen as one of the Obama Administration greatest achievements. Cheney response? The former Vice President just couldn’t help himself. He laughed.

Here’s the transcript:

Jonathan Karl: One thing he (Joe Biden) said is that he thinks Iraq would ultimately prove to be one of the greatest achievements of the Obama Administration.

Dick Cheney: Well (laugh) I guess I shouldn’t be surprised by my friend Joe Biden. I’m glad he now believes Iraq is a success. Of course, Obama and Biden campaigned from one end of the country to another for two years criticizing our Iraq policy. They opposed the surge that was absolutely crucial to our getting to the point where we’re at now with respect to Iraq. For them to try to take credit for what’s happened in Iraq strikes me as a little strange. If they had had their way, if we followed the policies of pursued from the outset or abdicated, Saddam Hussein would still be in power in Baghdad today.

Ahhhh, that wild and crazy Joe Biden. The same guy who once took credit for a speech written by a British politician now takes credit for a war won by a Republican president.

Once a cheat, always a cheat. Or once a moron, always a moron. We’re not sure which.

Source: Bluegrass Pundit

Does anyone remember the media’s lapdog coverage of President Bush? Anyone?

You just know you’re in for some big laughs when a Media Matters article starts out like this: “Not content with its lapdog coverage of President Bush over the past decade, the Beltway press has adopted a new, super-soft way to deal with Bush’s former vice president, Dick Cheney, as well as GOP media star Sarah Palin.

You just know you’re in for some big laughs when a Media Matters article starts out like this:

“Not content with its lapdog coverage of President Bush over the past decade, the Beltway press has adopted a new, super-soft way to deal with Bush’s former vice president, Dick Cheney, as well as GOP media star Sarah Palin. Journalists have set aside what had been decades’ worth of guidelines and embraced special new rules for how Cheney and Palin get treated.”

It seems that the author Eric Boehlert is upset that Sarah Palin “Hasn’t allowed herself to be interviewed by a single independent political journalist since she launched her book in November. Instead, she mostly communicates with the mainstream media via Facebook. And now that she’s signed on to join the Fox News staff, the chances of Palin ever speaking with the serious press seem to be less than zero. That lack of openness stacks the deck and leads to dreadful bouts of stenography; of literally recording what controversial Republicans say, and nothing more.”

Yes, of course, the media has treated Palin so kindly that she ought to sign up for all kinds of interviews because we’re sure you are really interested in openness.

Dick Cheney also get’s nothing but love from the media and a super-soft treatment? Well that explains the 5,000 times that the MSM replayed Alan Grayson’s distasteful remarks about “blood dripping from Dick Cheney’s teeth” doesn’t it?

The Media Matters article ends with the bizarre claim that “The press has never cared what a former VP had to say about current events… or what a failed VP candidate had to say just months after losing.” And “Traditionally, pundits and reporters disdain political losers … But for Cheney and Palin, the rules have been generously reworked.”

Hmmmm, let’s see here. Isn’t Al Gore a former Vice President and a political loser? We would have sworn that pundits and reporters pay an inordinate amount of attention to his global warming weather crap.

But we must be wrong. Because Media Matters says so.

So there.

Source: Media Matters

– Written by Patrick Michael

Liberals are dying to get even with President Bush. Literally dying.

There’s a great website called that specializes in running corrections and retractions from newspapers around the world. Some of them are unintentionally hilarious, like this obituary from the People’s Republic of Santa Cruz Sentinel

Bush-is-a-war-criminalThere’s a great website called that specializes in running corrections and retractions from newspapers around the world.

Some of them are unintentionally hilarious, like this obituary from the People’s Republic of Santa Cruz Sentinel:

The final sentence of an obituary about Bernie Feldman on Page B3 on Thursday should have read: If people would like to honor his memory, they can sign a petition to send George Bush and Dick Cheney to jail, his son said.

Gives a whole new meaning to the phrase, “Bush lied and people died.”

Source: Santa Cruz Sentinel via

Howard Dean apologizes to both Bushes, Dick Cheney and John Ashcroft, calls them “great”

Howard Dean was last seen racing frantically from cable news network to cable news network on Sunday, defending former Green Jobs Czar Van Jones, and inadvertently apologized to some of his enemies.

Howard Dean was last seen racing frantically from cable news network to cable news network on Sunday, defending former Green Jobs Czar Van Jones.

“I think he was brought down,” Dean told Fox News Sunday, saying he just spoke to Jones. “I think it’s a loss for the country.” Dean pointed to Jones’ “credentials as a Yale Law School graduate and best-selling author.”

Dean’s statement, coupled with the fact that it is a holiday weekend and we were bored, sent us scurrying for evidence that Yale graduates exist on a higher plane than we lesser beings and deserve greater respect and deference than mere mortals. Although we could find no scientific research to verify Dean’s assertion, we feel obligated to submit to the superior intellect of the former head of the Democratic National Committee.

Dean’s implied apology and the their elevation to near god-like status will undoubtedly be gratefully accepted by Yale graduates George Bush, George W. Bush, John Ashcroft, and the left’s poster boy of ultimate evil, Dick Cheney.

“Hey, wait just a darn minute,” Dean reportedly thought to himself, “I don’t think that’s quite what I meant to say.”

Source: Fox News

– Written by Patrick Michael

Wacko Democrat congresswoman claims Cheney operated super-secret assassination ring

California Rep. Anna Eshoo claims former Vice President Dick Cheney ran a super-secret international assassination ring. No proof of course.

Rep. Anna Eshoo of California is even wackier than most of California’s Democratic congressional contingent. And that’s quite an accomplishment.

Eshoo claims former Vice President Dick Cheney was in charge of some very dastardly deeds. Cheney, she says, ran a super-secret international assassination ring.

Who are these people Cheney had offed? Eshoo doesn’t say. But off the top of our heads, we can’t recall any enemy heads of state who were taken out during the Bush years. We can’t even recall anyone accusing us of committing any assassinations. So we can only assume that the people the nefarious Cheney had assassinated were bad guys. So bad that even their own governments won’t ‘fess up to their assassinations.

“This must be investigated,” Eshoo proclaimed.

We agree. And if it’s true, give Cheney a damn medal for ridding the world of scum.


Biden latest blunder: He agrees with Cheney – not Obama – on Gitmo

Joe Biden looking confused when confronted with the fact that he agrees with former Vice President Dick Cheney, not Barack Obama
Joe Biden looking confused when confronted with the fact that he agrees with former Vice President Dick Cheney, not Barack Obama

When President Obama hears about Joe Biden’s latest statement, you can bet the phone lines will burn up between Washington, DC and Kosovo.

That’s where Biden tossed his boss under the bus and this is how the Telegraph UK reported it:

It seems that all a reporter has to do to find out about the pickle Barack Obama’s is really in over his promise to close the Guantanamo Bay prison is to ask the veep…

So will Obama fulfill his vow – announced amid great fanfare in an executive order on day two of his presidency – to close the facility by January 2010? “I think so,” Biden responded, according to Newsweek’s Holly Bailey.

So perhaps he will. Or perhaps not. We’ll see.

Biden continued: “But, look, what the president said is that this is going to be hard. It’s like opening Pandora’s Box. We don’t know what’s inside the box.”

He also said that “to the best of my knowledge” the number of prisoners “who are a real danger who are not able to returned or tried” has “not been established” by the Obama administration.

So he basically just confirmed his predecessor Dick Cheney’s analysis that the decision was taken “with little deliberation, and no plan”.

So Biden says closing Gitmo is like opening Pandora’s box.

That’s either zen-like in its wisdom or just a really bad simile. We vote for the really bad simile.

Source: Telegraph UK

California congressman jumps all over Hillary Clinton

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was testifying in Congress yesterday. It wasn’t pretty.

When long-time conservative California Congressman Dana Rohrabacher asked her about former Vice President Dick Cheney’s request to release additional CIA interrogation documents, Hillary tried to deflect the question by saying, “I don’t find him to be a particularly reliable source of information.”

Rohrabacher jumped on her like a bulldog on a bone. It was a thing of beauty. What Rohrabacher did, not Hillary.

“Mademe Secretary, I asked you a specific question…we’re not asking your opinion of Dick Cheney…you want to maintain your credibility with us, what is your opinion on the release of those documents”

The woman didn’t answer, wouldn’t answer, couldn’t answer, all of the above.

Source: CNN via

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