Someone call the doctor: Delusional John McCain is acting like a conservative again

If Arizona Senator John McCain had shown a fraction of the gumption he’s shown this week, he might be President now.

“I’m saying to the Tea Partiers this morning, ‘grab your pitchforks let’s stand up against this, it can be stopped,’” he said of the Omnibus Spending Bill during a Fox News interview on Thursday.

Near the end of the interview, he issued the same battle cry, “Grab the pitchforks and come to Capitol Hill, Tea Partiers.”

Then he led the conservatie troops into battle yesterday and defeated the obscene Democrat bill.

Final score: Pitchforks 1, Democrats 0.

This post was last modified on December 20, 2010


View Comments (6)

  • I have a question I heard he has never in his career ordered pork in bills. If that is true then I dont see a problem here, he is doing what he actually practices.


    Would you people in Arizona just put this vacillating, old fool out OUR misery.
    Am I the only person who has had it with this SLUSH-BRAINED F**K. He has to run around telling us that pork(.1% of the budget) is BAAAAD, but he has NO PROBLEM voting for TRILLION DOLLAR bailouts for irresponsible banks and auto companies.

    • Why don't you show at least some grain of respect for a man who had the courage to fly jets off an aircraft carrier over North Vietnam and was shot down and spent 7 years in a POW camp. It's fine if you don't agree with his politics but give him some respect. The name calling is very liberal of you.

      • I knew I should have given a caveat. I DO respect the man that risked everything for his country and I will always be thankful to him and ALL who serve us in the military. That being said, the man who now sits in the U.S. Senate is a pure politician, who seems to just believe whatever he thinks is most popular, not what is good and best for this country. He has been there WAY, WAY too long and has been corrupted by the D.C. machine.

  • I think the omnibust spending bill was a red herring from the get go. I'm pretty sure the Donks knew they weren't going to pass it but they figured they could pull major wind out of the Repub's sails by waving it in front of them--kinda like a matador waves a red cape in front of the bull. They knew the repubs would see red and they were ready to sucker punch them with DADT and START. Of course, I could be wrong.

  • hey John, I haven't seen that much action from you since the election when you rushed back to DC to make sure the bankers that buy off congress get a generation worth of free money.

    Retire already, you f*cking tool.