Maxine Waters says, “The Tea Party can go straight to hell.” Would you please save us a space, Maxine?

It’s tough to tell the difference between a confused Maxine Waters and the normal Maxine Waters, so let’s just let Maxine be Maxine.

Poor Maxine Waters seems to be confused. We realize it’s tough to tell the difference between a confused Maxine Waters and the normal Maxine Waters, so let’s just let Maxine be Maxine.

In this case, the California Democrat seems to be confused about who wants to do something to turn the economy around and who wants to continue the policies that got us into this mess. In her confusion she lashed out at the Tea Party.

We think we just figured out our costumes for next Halloween.

The Los Angeles Times explains:

Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Los Angeles) came out swinging against Republicans in Congress on Saturday as she addressed the unemployed during a forum in Inglewood.

The event occurred a day after new statistics were released showing that California’s jobless rate last month went up to 12%, from 11.8%. California now has the second-highest rate of unemployment in the nation, trailing only Nevada at 12.9%, and its jobless rate is well above the U.S. average of 9.1%.

Waters vowed to push Congress to focus on creating more jobs. “I’m not afraid of anybody,” said Waters. “This is a tough game. You can’t be intimidated. You can’t be frightened. And as far as I’m concerned, the ‘tea party’ can go straight to hell.”

More than 1,000 people attended “Kitchen Table Summit,” which was designed to give the jobless an opportunity to vent to elected officials and share their struggles about finding a job.

Typical liberal concept. “Come on down. We won’t do anything to help you get a job, but we’ll explore your feelings about how tough it is to get a job.

Source: Los Angeles Times

New poll shows Americans agree Tea Party members are terrorists

A recent Rasmussen poll reveals a whopping 29% of Americans agree, while a small group (55%) apparently didn’t hear the question:

Commodore John Kerry and David Astroturf … er … Axelrod tell us that, unlike man-caused-disaster making freedom-fighters of ambiguous religious persuasion, Tea Party types are terrorists.

A recent Rasmussen poll reveals a whopping 29% of Americans agree, while a small group (55%) apparently didn’t hear the question:

Those Tea Party terrorists scare the hell out of Democrats and the media

Fifty-five percent (55%) of Likely U.S. Voters … say members of the Tea Party are not economic terrorists. A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that just 29% believe Tea Party members have been terrorists during the budget debates, while another 16% are undecided.

Wait! So by nearly 2-to-1, likely voters DON’T think Tea Party members are terrorists? Strange we didn’t see that in the media….

… 53% of Democrats view Tea Party members as terrorists, 57% of voters not affiliated with either major party disagree, as do 74% of Republicans.

… 60% of those in the Mainstream don’t see members of the Tea Party as economic terrorists. The Political Class is almost evenly divided on the question.

Democrats and the Political Class seem to think along the same lines. What a surprise.

….85% of the Political Class feel the Tea Party has made things worse for the country in terms of the budget debate. Mainstream voters by a 40% to 33% margin tend to think the Tea Party has made things better.

Voters feel more strongly than ever that decreasing government spending is good for the economy and think tax increases of any kind are bad….

Feckless political class types like Kerry and Axelrod are terrified their con game is in jeopardy. Terrorism, it seems, is in the eye of the beholder.

– Written by Bonfire of the Absurdities

Source: Rasmussen

John Kerry: You know what would be really fair? If the media stopped covering the Tea Party, that’s what

Senator John Kerry suggested that the media is toooooo balanced and should correct that problem by forgetting that the Tea Party exists.

Morning Joe is where liberal politicians go to spew their venom in a cool, calm, generally unchallenged atmosphere. Take, for instance, this clip of Senator John Kerry suggesting that the media is toooooo balanced and should correct that problem by forgetting that the Tea Party exists.

Kerry: “And I have to tell you, I say this to you politely. The media in America has a bigger responsibility than it’s exercising today. The media has got to to begin to not give equal time or equal balance to an absolutely absurd notion just because somebody asserts it or simply because somebody says something which everybody knows is not factual.

“It doesn’t deserve the same credit as a legitimate idea about what you do. And the problem is everything is put into this tit-for-tat equal battle and America is losing any sense of what’s real, of who’s accountable, of who is not accountable, of who’s real, who isn’t, who’s serious, who isn’t?”

He’s not only a horse face, but a horse’s ass.

Pot, meet kettle: MSNBC’s Al Sharpton calls the Tea Party “a monster” that “will destroy you”

The guy makes Chris Matthews look terse, makes Rachel Maddow look conservative, makes Ed Schultz look rational, and makes Lawrence O’Donnell look like a brilliant interviewer.

In a case of the pot calling the kettle black, the Reverend Al Sharpton has called the Tea Party “a monster” that “will destroy you.” Oddly enough, we are of the opinion that Sharpton is a monster that will destroy MSNBC.

The guy makes Chris Matthews look terse, makes Rachel Maddow look conservative, makes Ed Schultz look rational, and makes Lawrence O’Donnell look like a brilliant interviewer.

Need proof? (You probably don’t, but we’re going to provide it anyway.) Here’s the Reverend doing what now passes as an interview with Lee Fang from Think Progress.


John McCain tells “Tea Party hobbits” to jump back in their holes while begging the MSM to do the same with his

It looks like John McCain is in the mood. In the mood for a little mainstream media love. And he knows just how to get it.

It looks like John McCain is in the mood. In the mood for a little mainstream media love. And he knows just how to get it.

First he puts on a little Barry White. Then he pours a little of the bubbly and finally he gets them really purring by lampooning the Tea Party while letting it oh-so-casually slip that the RINO from Arizona has a fetish for those wee little people of Middle Earth.

John McCain covers his face. Unfortunately, it wasn't done in shame.

One Reason story to rule them all:

The five-term Republican senator from Arizona gets his sneer on:

Mr. McCain mocked Tea Party-allied Republicans in the House for believing — wrongly, he said — that President Obama and Democrats will get the blame for a default if Republicans refuse to increase the nation’s debt ceiling.

By that flawed logic, “Democrats would have no choice but to pass a balanced budget amendment and reform entitlements and the Tea Party Hobbits could return to Middle Earth,” he said, quoting a Wall Street Journal editorial

“This is the kind of crack political thinking that turned Sharron Angle and Christine O’Donnell into G.O.P. nominees,” he jeered, referring to two losing Tea Party candidates for the Senate in 2010.

And while we would like to commend the man for the sort of crackhead political thinking that will lead to the creation of a third major party we’re not sure we need any more lessons from John McCain.

He’s already taught us everything we need to know about losing presidential elections.

– Written by Kip Hooker at

Source: Reason

Union perv so offended by Constitution that he uses his First Amendment right to explain tea-bagging to a minor

A 17-year-old high school senior was verbally assaulted by an old democrat who graphically described sexual tea-bagging to him.

In the sixties the counter-culture encouraged the stodgy squares of the era to “teach your children well”. Well, at least the members of Crosby Stills Nash & Young did.

How the times have changed … or are a-changin’ … or something like that.

Big Government has all the details:

The 17-year-old high school senior waded into a sea of communist red to deliver the truth of liberty in the form the US Constitution to the political pagans assembled.

In the process, Patrick was verbally assaulted by an old man who graphically described sexual tea-bagging to the high school student. The incident took place during dueling protests in Jefferson City, Missouri, and was caught on two separate video cameras.

Patrick had grabbed a stack of Pocket Constitutions and Declarations offered for free by the St. Louis Tea Party Coalition The Tea Party held a rally on the south side of the Missouri Capitol. He took those Constitutions to the north side of the Capitol where the unions and socialists had gathered to denounce Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker.

The contrast of the two generations–the dying union generation that demanding more of others with the rising Generation Tea–could not be more stark. Or more encouraging.

On the one hand, you have a creepy old man, speaking filth to a boy. On the other, you have Patrick, politely fending off the old pervert’s sexual advances.

To paraphrase the words of another graying sixties icon, this kid is alright.

Here’s a low-quality video of the incident:

– Written by Kip Hooker at


Highly intelligent union thug chairs sophisticated discussion of Tea Party members’ lack of education

In reality, this short video is an angry, ignorant union thug screaming at the top of his lungs about those stupid, damn Tea Partiers.

Maybe we exaggerated the highly intelligent part. And maybe we stretched the truth when called it a sophisticated discussion.

In reality, this short video is an angry, ignorant union thug screaming at the top of his lungs about those stupid, damn Tea Partiers.

But it is amusing to see someone this ignorant calling someone else ignorant.

Moronic Media Matters claims Wisconsin protests and Tea Party protests are the same thing

In what amounts to an amazing display of left wing lunacy even by Media Matters standards, the Soros-backed scandal sheet has attacked Fox News yet again.

In what amounts to an amazing display of left wing lunacy even by Media Matters standards, the Soros-backed scandal sheet has attacked Fox News yet again.

What has the evil Fox done now? According to Media Matters, “Fox News’ coverage of the Wisconsin protests over Gov. Scott Walker’s proposal to eliminate public employees’ collective bargaining rights, among other things, has been marked with repeated attacks on the protesters. However, by contrast, Fox has relentlessly promoted and even encouraged viewers to participate in tea party and “Tax Day” protests over the past few years.”

As much as we hate to admit it, Media Matters may have a point. The two events are exactly alike if you overlook the fact that the Tea Party was a grassroots movement that was entirely lawful, while the strike in Wisconsin is an illegal strike by teachers, or the fact that “doctors” wrote phony sick notes for the Wisconsin teachers which were not really necessary for the Tea Party members as once again THEY WERE NOT ACTING ILLEGALLY!

The liberal left, who consider themselves to be intellectual giants, seems to have a hard time with the word “illegal” as in “illegal strike” or “illegal immigrant.”

Speaking of hypocrisy however, why doesn’t Media Matters show some of the signs from Wisconsin portraying the Governor as Hitler and showing him in crosshairs? Wasn’t that the same “violent rhetoric” that the left was condemning mere weeks ago?

On second thought, Media Matters doesn’t have a point after all.


Continue reading “Moronic Media Matters claims Wisconsin protests and Tea Party protests are the same thing”

Someone call the doctor: Delusional John McCain is acting like a conservative again

If Arizona Senator John McCain had shown a fraction of the gumption he’s shown this week, he might be President now.

If Arizona Senator John McCain had shown a fraction of the gumption he’s shown this week, he might be President now.

“I’m saying to the Tea Partiers this morning, ‘grab your pitchforks let’s stand up against this, it can be stopped,’” he said of the Omnibus Spending Bill during a Fox News interview on Thursday.

Near the end of the interview, he issued the same battle cry, “Grab the pitchforks and come to Capitol Hill, Tea Partiers.”

Then he led the conservatie troops into battle yesterday and defeated the obscene Democrat bill.

Final score: Pitchforks 1, Democrats 0.

Ten reasons the woman who called the Tea Party f-ing nuts is f-ing nuts

Cher, one of the intellectual giants of late 20th century political thought, told Jay Leno that the Tea Party is f-ing nuts. Of course, this comes from a woman who is f-ing nuts herself.

Cher, one of the intellectual giants of late 20th century political thought, told Jay Leno that the Tea Party is f-ing nuts. Of course, this comes from a woman who is f-ing nuts herself. This is a woman who:

Cher has had so much plastic surgery that she is now virtually indistinguishable from OctoMom
  1. Has had so much plastic surgery that she is now virtually indistinguishable from OctoMom.
  2. Named her son Elijah Blue.
  3. Named her daughter Chastity.
  4. Has a daughter (Chastity) who recently became her son (Chaz).
  5. From 1965-74, added an accent to her name to become Chér, a Frenchification that rendered her one syllable name virtually unpronounceable.
  6. Moved in with a 22-year old bagel maker when she was forty.
  7. Dated a 38-year old biker when she was sixty-three.
  8. Married heroin and cocaine addict Greg Allman three days after divorcing Sonny.
  9. Changed her name to Cher in 1979. No middle name. No last name. No accent, either.
  10. Called David Letterman “an asshole” during an interview on his late night TV show (OK, well, maybe that one doesn’t count against her).

Obama’s terrorist friend doesn’t have a very high opinion of you

Unrepentant terrorist Bernadine Dohrn, wife of Bill Ayers, co-founder of the radical Weather Underground, and close friend of President Obama, spoke her mind during an interview with NewsClick India.

Unrepentant terrorist Bernadine Dohrn, wife of Bill Ayers, co-founder of the radical Weather Underground, and close friend of President Obama, spoke her mind during an interview with NewsClick India.

She said you – assuming that you’re on the right – are “racist,“ ”armed,“ ”hostile,“ and ”unspeakable.“ And while she was on a roll, she said the American government was the “real terrorist.”

If a man is truly judged by the friends he keeps, President Obama was judged properly on Tuesday.

President Obama reacts to last night’s election

“Republicans are extremists. The Tea Party will doom the Republican Party. We’ll hold the majority. People will love ObamaCare once they understand it.


“Republicans are extremists. The Tea Party will doom the Republican Party. We’ll hold the majority. People will love ObamaCare once they understand it. Aaaaaaarrrrrrrrrgggggggghhhhhhh!”

Uh-oh. Look who those crazy, racist tea baggers went and elected

Hmmmmm. Maybe, just maybe, the mainstream media’s narrative about racist Republicans isn’t quite true.

Hmmmmm. Maybe, just maybe, the mainstream media’s narrative about racist Republicans isn’t quite true.

marco-rubioMarco Rubio, Florida’s new Republican United States Senator

david-rivera-2David Rivera, Florida’s new Republican Congressman

susana-martinezSusana Martinez, New Mexico’s new Republican Governor

tim-scottTim Scott, South Carolina’s new Republican Congressman

nikki-haley-2Nikki Haley, South Carolina’s new Republican Governor

bill-floresBill Flores, Texas’ new Republican Congressman

francisco-canseco-2Francisco Canseco, Texas’ new Republican Congressman

allen-west-2Allen West, Florida’s new Republican Congressman

jaime-herrera-2Jaime Herrera, Washington’s new Republican Congressman

brian-sandoval-2Brian Sandoval, Nevada’s new Republican Republican Governor

Coffee Party doesn’t know beans about drawing a crowd

Remember when the Coffee Party was founded – with great fanfare from the media despite attracting a “crowd” of fewer than a dozen people – as a counter-protest to the Tea Party?

Remember when the Coffee Party was founded – with great fanfare from the media despite attracting a “crowd” of fewer than a dozen people – as a counter-protest to the Tea Party?

Well, the Coffee Party has proven itself to be quite a little success. In nine short months, they’ve gone from filling the corner of a coffee shop to filling the corner of a hotel ballroom in beautiful, downtown Louisville, Kentucky.

coffee party annabel park
Annabel Park, founder of the Coffee Party, always looks like her best friend just died

The Courier-Journal reports:

The Coffee Party USA — which was founded on Facebook and is holding its first national convention in Louisville this weekend — bills itself as a more thoughtful and reasoned alternative to the tea party.

Saturday night the organization held a panel discussion, part of its three-day “Restoring American Democracy” convention, that included bloggers, college professors and communications strategists talking about what they can do to make politics more inclusive. They also discussed how to draw more disenfranchised voters back into the democratic process.

The discussion before about 350 people at the Galt House touched on policy, politics and values and how to bridge the partisan divide.

350 people? Surely, that’s a typo. Americans are clambering for more government, more taxes, more intrusion into their lives, aren’t they? Surely a few digits were accidentally omitted and the accurate figure was 350,000. No. We just confirmed. 350 is the correct number. And that included reporters and bus boys.

Ironic, isn’t it, that a gaggle of left wing lunatics should meet at a place called Galt House?

Ayn Rand would laugh her ass off.

Source: Louisville Courier-Journal

Sanity alert! Chris Matthews shows begrudging appreciation for Tea Party

Chris Matthews obviously needs help. He goes from rabid raging one night to being completely lucid the next night.

Chris Matthews obviously needs help. He goes from rabid raging one night to being completely lucid the next night.

Last week the MSNBC host demonstrated one of his more lucid moments when he delivered this rational and impassioned message during his “Let Me Finish” segment:

Continue reading “Sanity alert! Chris Matthews shows begrudging appreciation for Tea Party”

And while we’re at it, screw Karl Rove

Karl Rove trashed Delaware’s new GOP Senate nominee Christine O’Donnell on Sean Hannity’s show last night. And it’s painful to watch. No congratulations for O’Donnell, no job well done, just petulant whining and mocking from The Architect.

Karl Rove trashed Delaware’s new GOP Senate nominee Christine O’Donnell on Sean Hannity’s show last night. And it’s painful to watch.

Rove proved he’s a member in good standing of the Official Inside the Beltway Republican Establishment. No congratulations for O’Donnell, no job well done, just petulant whining and mocking from The Architect.

Isn’t Karl Rove the architect of the Republican strategy that led directly to the election of Barack Obama?

“What happened to your African religion? Christianity is the white man’s religion.”

In the first part, black tea partiers educate a black Democrat who just couldn’t comprehend why other black people would support Beck and attend the rally. In the second part we get a white guy who’s baffled by the concept of black and Christian being used as adjectives to describe the same person.

Ahhhh, the gentle voices of liberal tolerance and understanding as expressed at Saturday’s Glenn Beck rally in Washington, DC.

Consider this clip in two parts:

In the first part, black tea partiers educate a black Democrat who just couldn’t comprehend why other black people would support Beck and attend the rally.

In the second part we get a white guy who’s baffled by the concept of black and Christian being used as adjectives to describe the same person.

But he’s a liberal, so that’s not racism. It’s enlightenment.

H/T: Weasel Zippers

Americans like the Tea Party more than Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi. Who can blame ‘em?

For months, the media’s been pounding home the meme that the Tea Party is filled with extremists and racists who live out their angry lives far beyond the American mainstream. And now…

For months, the media’s been pounding home the meme that the Tea Party is filled with extremists and racists who live out their angry lives far beyond the American mainstream.

And now new research shows that those idiot Americans have ignored the media and made up their own minds about Reid and Pelosi?

harry reid nancy pelosi
Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi. Less popular than the Tea Party, marginally more popular than gonorrhea

Damn it, people, why do you refuse to cooperate with your intellectual superiors in the media?

The Hill reports the people’s preferences:

An NBC/Wall Street Journal poll showed that 30 percent view the grassroots conservative groups very or somewhat positively compared to 34 percent who view them very or somewhat negatively.

But House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) was seen positively by 21 percent of those polled and 46 percent viewed her negatively. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) received a lower positive rating, 11 percent, but also a lower negative rating of 31 percent.

The numbers indicate that the public is dissatisfied with the way Congress has been run; 32 percent believe that this Congress’ overall performance and accomplishments are “one of the worst.” Only 4 percent say that Congress has done above average or excellent work.

So remind us once again – who are the extremists?

Source: The Hill

Gay conservatives reveal, “It was harder to come out as a conservative than as gay”

Liberal stereotypes are falling. This week conservative gay men revealed that they felt more welcome at the Philadelphia’s Tea Party than at gay bars.

Liberal stereotypes are falling left and right. Last week we had the specter of conservative black men revealing that they saw no discrimination in the Tea Party. This week was have conservative gay men revealing that they felt more welcome at the Philadelphia’s Tea Party than at gay bars.

There may be hope for Barney Frank yet.

H/T: Gateway Pundit

Pence to the defense: Congressman excoriates Democrats for calling Tea Partiers “extremist”

Republican Congressman Mike Pence defends the Tea Party by doing something Democrats are loathe to do – he quotes the Founding Fathers.

Republican Congressman Mike Pence defends the Tea Party by doing something Democrats are loathe to do – he quotes the Founding Fathers. (Of course, libs think Franklin Roosevelt was the Founding Father, so it’s not surprising that they don’t quote Thomas Jefferson).

“Yesterday we learned of a new effort by Democrats in Washington to attack American citizens who speak their mind and peaceably assemble as ‘extremists or radicals.’ Demeaning tea party citizens, or other Americans who are simply saying ‘no’ to runaway spending, takeovers and bailouts, is beneath the dignity of a great political party and it smacks of desperation.”

And Pence was just getting warmed up.

H/T: Bluegrass Pundit

Undercover blacks infiltrate Tea Party, reveal the evil truths they discovered

What’s that? They weren’t undercover? They were real members of the Tea Party? And they didn’t discover any vile racism?

What’s that? They weren’t undercover? They were real members of the Tea Party? And they didn’t discover any vile racism?

Well, crap, we probably won’t be seeing this on the evening news.

If the Tea Party is racist, it’s going to come as a big surprise to these guys

Why, slap us naked if Nate Whigham and Herman Cain aren’t black. What the hell are they doing supporting the Tea Party? Either they’re self-loathing blacks or they’re good American citizens who care about what’s happening to their country.

Why, slap us naked if Nate Whigham and Herman Cain aren’t black. What the hell are they doing supporting the Tea Party?

We have two choices:

Either they’re self-loathing blacks or they’re good American citizens who care about what’s happening to their country.

We know which one we believe.

Racist government official tells the NAACP that she discriminates against white people

The NAACP calls the Tea Party racist. Then they turn around and have a black racist speak at their 20th Annual Freedom Fund banquet. Definitely a case of the pot calling the kettle black, as it were.

UPDATE: Was Shirley Sherrod railroaded? Was the tape unfairly edited? She’s now been fired and is lashing out at the White House, the USDA, Fox News and Andrew Breitbart. We’ve added some information to the bottom of the story, and Breitbart’s response as well.

The NAACP calls the Tea Party racist. Then they turn around and have a black racist speak at their 20th Annual Freedom Fund banquet. Definitely a case of the pot calling the kettle black, as it were.

“He had to come to me for help,” said Shirley Sherrod, George State Director of Rural Development for the USDA. “What he didn’t know while he was taking all that time trying to show me he was superior to me was I was trying to decide just how much help I was going to give him,” she said. “I was struggling with the fact that so many black people have lost their farmland and here I was faced with having to help a white person save their land — so I didn’t give him the full force of what I could do. I did enough.”

Got that? She discriminated against farmers because they were white.

The statement itself is shocking enough. But what’s even worse is that the audience – members of an organization that’s raison d’etre is supposedly to support equal rights – didn’t object. Didn’t react. Didn’t boo. Didn’t hiss. Didn’t seem to object at all.

Of course, a firestorm erupted after made the video public and Sherrod has now been forced to “resign.”

But the once proud NAACP, which warmly greeted anti-Semite Louis Farrakhan and put out the welcome mat for America-hating Marxist Jeremiah Wright, has lost the ability to call itself an equal rights organization.

(Read all of our Shirley Sherrod stories, and we have a lot of them.)

National Association for the Advancement of Colored Prevaricators

Hilary Shelton, Senior Vice President for Advocacy for the NAACP, seems to have a little trouble with the truth. Especially when he’s discussing that raaaaacist Tea Party.

Hilary Shelton, Senior Vice President for Advocacy for the NAACP, seems to have a little trouble with the truth. Especially when he’s discussing that raaaaacist Tea Party.

On July 13, he said he’s never been to a Tea Party because he was “afraid to go”.

On July 16, he said he attended the ObamaCare Tea Party rally, you know, just to monitor things.


H/T: Bluegrass Pundit

President of NAACP says he didn’t call Tea Party racist, video says otherwise

What we have here is a basic contradiction between what NAACP President Ben Jealous said on Thursday and what he said earlier in the week. Damn inconvenient videos.

What we have here is a basic contradiction between what NAACP President Ben Jealous said on Thursday and what he said earlier in the week. Damn inconvenient videos.

Politico reports his Thursday comments:

NAACP President Ben Jealous said Thursday that the resolution passed by the group on Wednesday does not call the tea party “racist.”


A portion of the resolution does indeed characterize the behavior as “racist,” but Jealous said Thursday during an interview on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” that the resolution was not intended to condemn the entire movement as such.

“We aren’t saying that the tea party is racist,” Jealous said. “What we’re saying is that with their increasing power comes an increasing responsibility to act responsibly…and to call out when they see those things on those signs.”

And furthermore:

Asked if he thought members of the tea party are racially insensitive, Jealous responded: “No, not at all.”

Of course, this is a little hard to square with the video clip above in which Jealous says the Tea Party is a direct descendent of white supremacist groups.

But never let it be said that Jealous let truth get in the way of a good line of bullshit.

Source: Politico

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