‘What’s the f***ing point?’ John McCain tells Hillary Clinton to move on from her stinging loss to Trump as he lectures that ‘the hardest thing to do is to just shut up’

‘What’s the f***ing point?’ John McCain tells Hillary Clinton to move on from her stinging loss to Trump as he lectures that ‘the hardest thing to do is to just shut up.’ Yes you read it right. McCain, who can’t get over losing the election, is jealous of Trump and throws roadblocks in Trump’s way whenever possible, is telling Hillary to ‘just shut up.’ McCain appears to be establishing a new class of super-hypocrite.


McCain to oppose Graham-Cassidy, likely sinking Obamacare repeal

McCain to oppose Graham-Cassidy, likely sinking Obamacare repeal. Lamebrain McCain strikes again. You can bet he took pleasure from his position. That’s what assholes do.

“I take no pleasure in announcing my opposition. Far from it,” he continued. “The bill’s authors are my dear friends, and I think the world of them. I know they are acting consistently with their beliefs and sense of what is best for the country. So am I.”

John McCain tells “Tea Party hobbits” to jump back in their holes while begging the MSM to do the same with his

It looks like John McCain is in the mood. In the mood for a little mainstream media love. And he knows just how to get it.

It looks like John McCain is in the mood. In the mood for a little mainstream media love. And he knows just how to get it.

First he puts on a little Barry White. Then he pours a little of the bubbly and finally he gets them really purring by lampooning the Tea Party while letting it oh-so-casually slip that the RINO from Arizona has a fetish for those wee little people of Middle Earth.

John McCain covers his face. Unfortunately, it wasn't done in shame.

One Reason story to rule them all:

The five-term Republican senator from Arizona gets his sneer on:

Mr. McCain mocked Tea Party-allied Republicans in the House for believing — wrongly, he said — that President Obama and Democrats will get the blame for a default if Republicans refuse to increase the nation’s debt ceiling.

By that flawed logic, “Democrats would have no choice but to pass a balanced budget amendment and reform entitlements and the Tea Party Hobbits could return to Middle Earth,” he said, quoting a Wall Street Journal editorial

“This is the kind of crack political thinking that turned Sharron Angle and Christine O’Donnell into G.O.P. nominees,” he jeered, referring to two losing Tea Party candidates for the Senate in 2010.

And while we would like to commend the man for the sort of crackhead political thinking that will lead to the creation of a third major party we’re not sure we need any more lessons from John McCain.

He’s already taught us everything we need to know about losing presidential elections.

– Written by Kip Hooker at TheVitaminPress.com

Source: Reason

He’s a maverick, damn it: John McCain has the second lowest approval rating in the Senate

According to the old saying, “If you try to please everyone, you won’t please anyone.” John McCain is the personification of that saying.

According to the old saying, “If you try to please everyone, you won’t please anyone.” John McCain is the personification of that saying.

KOLD-TV has the results of a new poll that Arizona’s senior senator will undoubtedly find particularly unpleasant:

If you thought John McCain was angry before, just wait until he sees the results of this poll

John McCain has the second-lowest approval rating among U.S. senators, according to a new poll.

About one-third of Arizona’s registered voters approve of McCain’s job performance — 34 percent compared with 53 percent who disapprove of the job he’s doing — according to a new poll by Public Policy Polling.

That’s a drop from 40 percent approval in January.

Only Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-CT) scored lower among sitting senators, 29 percent to 58 percent.

To repeat, McCain’s approval rating is a lowly 34%.

Let this be a lesson: Officially abandon your party and become the United States Senator with the lowest approval rating. Unofficially abandon your party and become the senator with the second lowest approval rating.

It appears that people have figured out that the definition of maverick is “someone who has no moral convictions and is willing to screw anyone anytime anywhere.”

Source: KOLD.com

Daring to run against Barack Obama’s record is now “violent rhetoric”

In writing about the horrors that occurred in Tucson, his focus was “violent rhetoric” and it wasn’t just any old violent rhetoric that had Kaplan’s liberal knickers in a knot, but the horrible, evil of “the inflammatory rhetoric of McCain/Palin events in 2008” and “the ugly confrontations at congressional town halls in the summer of 2009.”

If you read the bios of all of the “journalists” at the Huffington Post you might believe them all to be brilliant political strategists, what with “Director” of this and “Professor” of that associated with their names. And Marty Kaplan would fit that mold exactly.

marty kaplan
Marty Kaplan is the highly-esteemed Norman Lear Professor of Entertainment, Media & Society at the USC Annenberg School for Communication & Journalism. How does he fit all that on a business card?

Why is it then that in writing “The Vitriol in Our National Bloodstream” Kaplan feels justified in making up his own facts?

In writing about the horrors that occurred in Tucson, his focus was “violent rhetoric” and it wasn’t just any old violent rhetoric that had Kaplan’s liberal knickers in a knot, but the horrible, evil of “the inflammatory rhetoric of McCain/Palin events in 2008” and “the ugly confrontations at congressional town halls in the summer of 2009.”

It’s kind of amazing how liberal memories work. Which “McCain/Palin events” is the author referring to? If our memory serves correctly, the only examples of violence during the 2009 town hall meetings attributed to the left, such as the infamous SEIU beating of an African-American vendor.

Going even further down the deluded liberal path, Kaplan finds the tragedy in Tucson the perfect opportunity to score political points against “right-wing anarchism” and the ridiculous individuals who “accord scriptural authority to the Constitution” and don’t believe as the author does that “The Constitution isn’t holy writ; it’s a living document whose text and meaning have evolved through the centuries” which essentially means that people like Kaplan can make it mean anything they want it to mean.

The author also wants this tragedy to be “a teachable moment.” That’s a noble sentiment, but unfortunately, he only wants it to teach something that is not true.

The right, whether speaking of Republicans, Conservatives or Tea Party, has no interest in “tearing down the government,” but merely in limiting it.

That became a crime when, Professor Kaplan?

Source: Huffington Post

Someone call the doctor: Delusional John McCain is acting like a conservative again

If Arizona Senator John McCain had shown a fraction of the gumption he’s shown this week, he might be President now.

If Arizona Senator John McCain had shown a fraction of the gumption he’s shown this week, he might be President now.

“I’m saying to the Tea Partiers this morning, ‘grab your pitchforks let’s stand up against this, it can be stopped,’” he said of the Omnibus Spending Bill during a Fox News interview on Thursday.

Near the end of the interview, he issued the same battle cry, “Grab the pitchforks and come to Capitol Hill, Tea Partiers.”

Then he led the conservatie troops into battle yesterday and defeated the obscene Democrat bill.

Final score: Pitchforks 1, Democrats 0.


News flash: John McCain starts acting like someone you would have wanted to vote for

We voted for John McCain, but had to hold our noses while we did it. Now McCain is starting to act like someone we might have voted for with a little more enthusiasm.

We voted for John McCain, but had to hold our noses while we did it. Now McCain is starting to act like someone we might have voted for with a little more enthusiasm.

The Arizona RINO is promising to stop the vote on the Democrat budget by reading the entire document – the entire 1,924-page-page, $1.1 trillion, 6,600earmark-laden document – aloud on the floor of the Senate.

Let us be the first to say it:

McCain 2012.

(Nah, relax. We’re just kidding, but we do appreciate the Senator’s efforts to stop the Democrats from inflicting this abomination on the American people.)

H/T: Moonbattery.com

Devastating: John McCain admits he’s a liar in his opponent’s new TV commercials

The problem with recording an audio book version of your autobiography is that your own words might come back to haunt you. Kind of like John McCain’s just did.

The problem with recording an audio book version of your autobiography is that your own words might come back to haunt you. Kind of like John McCain’s just did.

J.D. Hayworth, McCain’s opponent in the Arizona Republican primary, took a snippet from Worth Fighting For and turned it into a TV commercial that John McCain must hate even more than he hates the North Vietnamese.

In Worth Fighting For, McCain admits that he was less than honest during the 2000 South Carolina primary. When presented with a choice between telling the truth and winning the election, McCain says, “I chose lying.” And Hayworth argues that McCain is now doing again.


H/T: American Spectator

Hmmm. It all makes sense now, doesn’t it?

If you’ve ever wondered about the strange relationship between John McCain and Lindsey Graham, just think about Mr. Burns and Smithers on the Simpsons. Animated homoerotica at its finest and funniest.

mccain graham homoerotic

burns smithers homoerotic

If you’ve ever wondered about the strange relationship between John McCain and Lindsey Graham, just think about Mr. Burns and Smithers on the Simpsons. Animated homoerotica at its finest and funniest.

Any other questions?

New York Times reports that pro-illegal alien protests are growing (from four people to five)

New York Times writer Julia Preston wrote about a five student sit-in at John McCain’s Arizona office. The story was deemed significant enough to include photo of the squatting students.

You could fit some pro-amnesty protests in a phone booth. If you could find a phone booth.

The New York Times routinely ignores massive conservative protests because they’re just too darn busy covering ridiculously small liberal protests.

For example, reporter Julia Preston wrote a glowing 780-word story earlier this year about a four-student march from Miami to Washington, D.C. in support of illegal immigrant students.

This week Preston upped the ante, writing about a five student sit-in at John McCain’s Arizona office. The story was deemed significant enough to include photo of the squatting students.

In an escalation of protest tactics, five immigrants dressed in caps and gowns held a sit-in on Monday at the Tucson offices of Senator John McCain, calling on him to sponsor legislation to open a path to legal status for young illegal immigrants.

Four of the protesters, including three who are in the country illegally, were arrested Monday evening on misdemeanor trespassing charges. The three were expected to face deportation proceedings.

And as if she Preston was worried that you may have missed her earlier story about the four student march, she referred back to it:

Illegal immigrant students have become increasingly public in their protests in recent months, as the prospects for an immigration overhaul faded in Washington. Four immigrant students walked from Miami to Washington, arriving in late April. So far, immigration authorities have not moved to detain student protesters.

Good lord. Why, at the rate these protests are growing, they could be up to ten, maybe twelve people in no time at all. And that’s what the New York Times calls front page news.

Source: MRC.org, New York Times

John Kerry looks and acts French, says we shouldn’t defend ourselves against Russian nukes

John Kerry does not believe it desirable to have a missile defense system that renders Russian nukes useless.

Democrats would have the American people believe their candidates are geniuses. Why, they’ll have to give up the presidency of Mensa to take on the presidency of the United States.

Like John Kerry, for example. This genius served in Vietnam, but based on his answer to Jim DeMint’s question, one would think he served with the French in their defeat at Dien Bien Phu.

DeMint: Is it not desirable for us to have a missile defense system that renders their threat useless?

Kerry: I don’t personally think so. No.

The clip is short, just nine seconds. Watch it several times. Because you won’t believe Kerry’s answer to Jim DeMint’s question. DeMint certainly can’t believe it.

Source: Jim Demint

Now that wily ol’ maverick John McCain wants a border fence. And this time he means it. Really.

“Complete the dang fence,” McCain says. “Where were you on this issue when you weren’t running for reelection, you pathetic old son of a bitch,” we say.

“Complete the dang fence,” McCain says.

“Where were you on this issue when you weren’t running for reelection, you pathetic old son of a bitch,” we say.

Washington Post defines what a good Republican should be: John McCain

We sincerely apologize if you were eating breakfast when you read that headline. We didn’t intend to be the cause of you spitting your Wheaties across the table.

john mccain
The latest polls in Arizona are almost as tight as John McCain's collar.

We sincerely apologize if you were eating breakfast when you read that headline. We didn’t intend to be the cause of you spitting your Wheaties across the table.

That being said, now that a conservative Republican is running against that wily old maverick (correction: McCain tells us he’s not a maverick anymore) Republican John McCain, the Washington Post has seen fit to define what makes a good Republican. And surprise, surprise, it’s John McCain.

A primary loss might be good for McCain’s soul. But it would be bad for his party and for the country. At his best, McCain is precisely what a senator should be — independent, passionate, unawed by power, unmoved by influence.

The Post omitted, of course, its belief that the ideal Republican senator should be devoid of any core conservative beliefs and be willing to abandon the ones he pretends to have if it will revive his flagging poll numbers.

We’re not particularly fans of McCain’s opponent, J.D. Hayworth, but an endorsement from the Washington Post is the last thing a Republican candidate needs in Arizona.

But we do certainly do appreciate the Post’s sincere efforts to help the conservative maverick cause.

Source: Washington Post

Just one question, my friends. When did John McCain get funny?

Sure, we know this commercial was written by some clever ad guy. But damn it, why didn’t John McCain show this kind of spunk during the presidential campaign? Why? Why? Why?

Sure, we know this commercial was written by some clever ad guy. But damn it, why didn’t John McCain show this kind of spunk during the presidential campaign? Why? Why? Why?

Since we’re highly-trained medical experts, you probably want to know our opinion. Well, we suspect that the doddering old fool went into a coma sometime in mid-2008 and just woke up.

Obama was opposed to passing the buck before he was in favor of it

During the presidential campaign, Candidate Obama condemned John McCain for saying he would appoint a commission to solve the deficit problem. Oops. Now President Obama is all in favor of, you guessed it, appointing a commission to solve the deficit problem.

During the presidential campaign, Candidate Obama condemned John McCain for saying he would appoint a commission to solve the deficit problem. Oops. Now President Obama is all in favor of, you guessed it, appointing a commission to solve the deficit problem.

Franken to Lieberman: “Shut the hell up.” McCain to Franken, “No, you shut the hell up.”

Joe Lieberman was speaking on the Senate floor when he was cut off by Al Franken.
Lieberman was both amazed and amused, John McCain was pissed, saying he’d never seen this happen in his 20 years in the senate.

Welcome to democracy, Democrat-style. America’s favorite leftist party is in such a rush to get ObamaCare to a vote that they’re now violating long-standing Senate rules in order to do so.

Joe Lieberman was speaking on the Senate floor when he was cut off by Al Franken.
Lieberman was both amazed and amused, John McCain was pissed, saying he’d never seen this happen in his 20 years in the senate.

One question: Did McCain say comity or comedy?

Either one works.

Source: Gateway Pundit

Too bad this dynamic conservative never ran for president

Here this John McCain doppelganger actually shows the gumption we never saw from the real John McCain during his lifeless presidential run.

Who is this guy and what has he done with John McCain? Here this McCain doppelganger actually shows the gumption we never saw from the real John McCain during his lifeless presidential run.

In one clip this guy actually urges AARP members to cut up their membership cards, telling them they’ve been betrayed by the organization. In the second clip the pugnacious little banty rooster goes toe-to-toe with Democrat Max Baucus on the floor of the senate.

Source: Bluegrass Pundit

John McCain finds his long-lost cojones, calls Jimmy Carter the worst president in history

What did wishy washy John McCain think of Jimmy Carter saying any animosity expressed toward Obama is racist. “It seems to me that President Carter has earned his place as if not the worst president in history, the worst president of the 20th Century.”

What did wishy washy John McCain think of Jimmy Carter saying any animosity expressed toward Obama is racist.

“I’m deeply disturbed by those accusations because it’s an unfair and untrue commentary on the American people and for them to exercise their God-given right to disagree with this administration. It seems to me that President Carter has earned his place as if not the worst president in history, the worst president of the 20th Century.”

Hard to believe we finally agree with the man who has earned his place as if not the worst presidential candidate in history, the worst presidential candidate of the 20th Century.

Proof that John McCain still doesn’t know why he lost the election

This video provides proof that John McCain still doesn’t know why he lost the election. Here he is pandering to the left again. Pandering, senile old coot.

“Consarn you gol’ dang kids. Stop makin’ so much noise or I’ll take you all out behind the woodshed and tan your hides.”

Pandering, senile old coot.

Media bias? Michelle Obama’s delightful $540 shoes versus John McCain’s shocking $520 shoes

There she was — the loveliest, most intelligent, most popular, most down to earth first lady who’s ever graced the White House – volunteering at a Washington, DC food bank.

Naturally, the press fawned over her fashion sense. She was wearing a J. Crew cardigan, an ordinary pair of Capri pants, and…what the hell…a pair of $540 sneakers by Lanvin.

These were no ordinary sneakers. No, siree. They were imported from France, made of suede, laced with grosgrain ribbons and featured metallic pink toe caps.

When reporters asked about the shoes, the First Lady’s spokesperson dismissively snorted, “They’re shoes.”

And that was that. End of story. Except for one thing.

During the Presidential campaign, however, it became a campaign issue when John McCain wore a pair $520 shoes. CNN devoted an entire report to McCain’s “Well-heeled campaign.” His shoes were used as evidence that he was out of touch with ordinary people.

We never bought this regular folks façade the press presses on Michelle Obama. And a pair of $540 seems to show that our cynicism was well deserved.

But what do we know? We’re wearing Nikes. They’re rubber and some sort of synthetic material. The laces are cotton. They set us back $29 down at the neighborhood discount sporting good store.

Source: NYDailyNews.com, HotAir.com

President’s economic advisor looks laughable on Meet the Press, but no one’s laughing


The Obama administration is beginning to look like one of those clown cars. The door flies open and dozens of clowns pour out.

Christin Romer, the latest clown and chairwoman of the President’s Council of Economic Advisors, attempted to snow host David Gregory on Sunday’s Meet The Press. Gregory wasn’t buying.

GREGORY: So back then during the campaign when Senator McCain talked about the strong fundamentals of the economy, it was then-candidate Obama and his team that roundly criticized McCain, saying he was out of touch, he didn’t get it, he didn’t understand how bad the economy was. And yet now the president’s talking about the strong fundamentals of the economy. So what’s different between then, the campaign, and now, except for the fact that the economy’s gotten dramatically worse?

ROMER: I think when the president says he’s focusing on fundamentals, what he means is — is we’re focusing on fixing the fundamentals; that we’ve always said we’re not looking at the ups and downs of the stock market, we’re looking for those crucial indicators: when are jobs turning around; when are sales turning around; when do we see consumers coming to life? That’s the kind of thing that — certainly that I’m looking at in terms of when’s the economy going to be doing better and when can we see some hope.

GREGORY: Are the fundamentals of this economy sound?

Clarification: This is Krusty the Clown. The one of Meet the Press was Christi the Clown
Clarification: This is Krusty the Clown. The one of Meet the Press was Christi the Clown.

ROMER: Well, of course the fundamentals are sound in the sense that the American workers are sound, we have a good capital stock, we have good technology. We know that, that temporarily we’re in a mess, right? We’ve seen huge job loss. We’ve seen very large falls in GDP. So certainly in the short run we’re in a — in a bad situation.

GREGORY: All right, but then what’s different between now and then, when the economy was in even better shape than it is now, when McCain was saying the fundamentals were strong and then-candidate Obama criticized him?

ROMER: I think — again, I think what we’re saying is that the, you know, where we are today is obviously not good. We have a plan in place to get to a good place. I think that’s the crucial — a fundamentally crucial difference, is to make sure that you have put in place all of the comprehensive programs that’ll get us back to those fundamentals.

Quick. Somebody tell the ring master to bring out the elephants. Because the clowns are bombing.

Source: Meet the Press, American Issues Project

McCain rips everyone on earmarks — Obama, Democrats and Republicans

During the presidential campaign, the compliant liberal press believed every word Barack Obama said. Or at least they pretended they did. They assured us that when their man was elected president, he would do as he promised by eliminating earmarks and emasculating lobbyists.

Oops. Turns out there are 9,000-some earmarks in the “stimulus” bill. And lobbyists go to see the document before members of the House and Senate did.

John McCain doesn’t like it and went ballistic on the floor of the senate yesterday. “If it sounds like I’m angry,” he roared, “it’s because I am.”

His anti-earmark oratory was the kind of speech that’s rarely heard in the Senate. McCain hurled invective at President Obama, Democrats and Republicans and he used words that are equally rare in the Washington, DC gentlemen’s club known as the U.S. Senate.

“I just went through a campaign, Mr. President, where both candidates promised change in Washington, promised change from the wasteful, disgraceful, corrupting practice of earmark, pork-barrel spending,” McCain seethed. “So what are we doing here? Not only business as usual, but an outrageous insult to the American people.”

If the Arizona Republican had shown this kind of fire on the campaign trail, he might be president today.

Watch the entire five-minute video. For once, John McCain seems a lot more like “Mr. Smith goes to Washington” and a lot less like Captain Queeg.

McCain chooses Twitter to reveal Top 10 Porkiest Projects

McCain, a lifelong opponent of earmarks, released his list of the top ten porkiest projects in the Omnibus Spending bill the Congress is about to pass. Did he hold a press conference or release a statement to the press? No, instead, he went to the new media–but not Facebook or Youtube. He choose the new rising star in social media, Twitter. He merely made a tweet yesterday that began with “”Tmr I am gonna tweet the TOP TEN PORKIEST PROJECTS in the Omnibus Spending bill the Congress is about to pass”. And his 110,000 followers were instantly alerted, who in turn most likely passed it on to millions of their followers within minutes.

And today he released them. Here is John McCain’s Top 10 Porkiest Projects list:

#10. $1.7M “for a honey bee factory” in Weslaco, TX

#9. $475,000 to build a parking garage in Provo City, Utah

#8. $200,000 “tattoo removal violence outreach program to could help gang members or others shed visible signs of their past” REALLY?

#7. $300,000 for the Montana World Trade Center – enough said

#6. $1 million for mormon cricket control in Utah – is that the species of cricket or a game played by the brits?

#5. $650,000 for beaver management in North Carolina and Mississippi”

#4. $2.1 million for the Center for Grape Genetics in New York – quick peel me a grape.

#3. $332,000 for the design and construction of a school sidewalk in Franklin, Texas – not enough $ for schools in the stimulus?

#2. $2 million ‘for the promotion of astronomy’ in Hawaii – because nothing says new jobs for average Americans like investing in astronomy”

#1. $1.7 million for pig odor research in Iowa”

We’re sure the traditional media is aghast at not receiving a call first. Well, they all better sign up and start following the important people on Twitter. Like us at Twitter.com/ihatethemedia.

Source: John McCain’s Twitter page, of course

NEWS FLASH: NY Times discovers McCain a war hero, Barack a liberal 

In Saturday’s “Pentagon Memo,” NY Times reporter Elisabeth Bumiller reveals news sure to come as a revelation to readers of the Times.

“The military is not a monolith,” Bumiller reported, “but it is safe to say that Mr. Obama was not its candidate in the 2008 election. His antiwar comments ignited the left but struck many in the armed services as naïve. His Republican opponent, Senator John McCain, was a war hero.”

Obama’s a liberal? McCain’s a war hero? Good grief, man, this is one of the greatest coups in the history of investigative journalism. Eat your hearts out, Woodward & Bernstein. Start engraving the Pulitzer Prizes.

This kind of scoop could turn around the election. What’s that? The election is over? Obama’s already been sworn in as president?

Thanks a lot New York Times. Thanks a lot.

Cindy McCain smarter than her husband

cindy mccain john blurryThere’s a reason John McCain married a younger woman. Not only can she spoonfeed the deluded old codger and wipe up his drool, but she’s rational enough to comprehend what the media did to her husband throughout the last election cycle.

“I do believe there was a media bias,” Cindy said. “I do believe that the media had a specific agenda…There is very little difference now between journalism and gossip.”

“The New York Times profile of me is being used as an example of the bias in reporting in journalism classes at Columbia’s journalism school.”

Our sources inside the McCain home report that Senator McCain woke up soon after the cameras were turned off:

“The press loves me,” John said. “I’m a maverick, damn it, and the press loves me.”

Cindy rolled her eyes, patted him on the head and said, “Yes, dear. They love you. Now go back to sleep.”

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