Gay conservatives reveal, “It was harder to come out as a conservative than as gay”

Liberal stereotypes are falling left and right. Last week we had the specter of conservative black men revealing that they saw no discrimination in the Tea Party. This week was have conservative gay men revealing that they felt more welcome at the Philadelphia’s Tea Party than at gay bars.

There may be hope for Barney Frank yet.

H/T: Gateway Pundit

This post was last modified on January 26, 2021


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  • "There may be hope for Barney Frank yet."

    Doubtful. If you've ever read the gay personals in the paper some of them include "no FOB", translated means no Fat, Old or Black. The "ideal" tends to be slender, young, white males 18-23, but that's negotiable as the time gets later and desperation increases.

    If you want to see real discrimination in action spend an evening in a gay male bar. Notice the old gray-heads sitting at the bar all evening nursing their drinks while their existence is totally ignored by the younger crowd that is busy cruising for the evenings hook-up. No one will even TALK with them. Sad.

    Miss Barney definitely falls into the 2nd category - oooold -, plus a face that would make a freight train take a dirt road. The only action he could get now is from hustlers ( if he pays enough ) or someone sucking up ( pun intended) to get a political job. As in "it's not who you know, it's who you...."

  • Yep, more justification for my having almost exclusively straight friends. Queers are mostly obnoxious assholes!

    • Having seen my comment's "controversial" rating, I'm guessing it might be because of one word. Hey, some groups can use words that other's can't. Didn't say what my "affiliation" was, did I?

      • Well Mike, your comment obviated your affiliation with the sphincter set. No need to go any further than that.

        • "sphincter set"I think that's funny... or should I be offended? I'm not sure. Guess I'm hanging with the wrong crowd, having not heard that one before.

    • Mike,
      Maybe talk to them face to face and don't be concerned about their assholes. Unless of course.......?

  • They said all I have to say about this whole issue of gay marriage. In many ways I even don't care if people want to get together and they are the same gender and they want to call what they have marriage. I just want the government to stay out of it... why? because with increasing government intrusion comes "hate" laws that segregate people into classes in which some are MORE protected than others and thus someone who without any hate but just saying out of faith that they disagree with a certain lifestyle, will get prison time or heavy fines infriging on their freedom of speech... which is wrong.

    Am I surprised they feel ostracized from their lifestyle community? No, not at all. Many women, blacks, hispanics would not give me the time of day because I am conservative. Liberals are the most segregated and racists group there is and I am sick of the lies they tell themselves and others.

  • Behind the Liberal facade of diversity and multiculturalism there's a real intolerance for members of minorities (racial, sexual, ethnic) who throw aside their designated victimhood status and escape the Democrat plantation.

    I would welcome these guys my Tea Party group, so would my fellow partiers.

    • Your comment is among the most right on there is. The Liberal/Socialist ideology CAN be likened to a plantation where the exchange of ideas keep the people enslaved. Very good. Like physical or temporal slavery it takes education, common sense, in many cases faith, and desire for real freedoms to escape it.

  • Another stereotype shot to hell. I'll add another. I'm an Atheist conservative. How does that fry your pickles you who know all and mock the conservatives for their (considered by you) hardcore religious beliefs liberals?

        • She is also into NASCAR if that makes any additional reason for liking her. I didn't know that she was an atheist... by the chance that is life I saw today on PBS that she was going to speak about Christianity and the media or something to that effect I am going to DVR it and see what she has to say.

          • This is why I hate PBS. She is an atheist, but her reasoning was sound. Basically she said that there is a double standard when it comes to how religious people are perceived. That it is now acceptable to make fun of Christians in the media. Christians are not provided with the brand of victimhood like other groups, so they are easier to harass, etc. Obama's brand of Christianity was awesome in the media eyes though, yet Palin's brand of Christianity makes her into a radical that people had to be afraid of. Yet Palin was not the one at the feet of a racist bastard, so the double standard was astonishing, etc... come in the Bonnie Erbe and her gang of idiot women saying that they don't know what Cupp is talking about that there is no discrimination against Christians and that it isthe Muslims that get discriminated against and blah blah blah... There was no REPUBLICAN woman in the forum but there were all either democrats or liberal independent on the panel. I don't even know why Cupp even bother going on PBS to state her case.

  • I accept biblical teaching that the practice of homosexuality is a sin. I also accept biblical teaching that the practice of all the other things that break God's commandments are sin. Churches, synagogues and (gulp... dare I say it?) mosques are filled those who lie, lust and are larcens yet-to-be-exposed. Let him who is without sin cast the first stone... and, while I would love to see these two fellas go and sin no more, I'll concern myself with the beam(s) in my own eye. I say, "Welcome!" to the public eye of conservatism, Men. Like TOWG, I'd welcome them as neighbors, and do so even if they were stark raving lunatic liberals. It is what Jesus Christ of Nazareth would do.

  • First of all, from a female perspective, these two guys are adorable. They are also very intelligent and well informed. It is a crying shame that liberal gays have treated them so abominably. Liberals, in general, are the worst bigots who hide behind a facade of acceptance. I would be very proud to know these guys.

  • Left wing bigotry needs more exposure. Those 2 guys would be welcome in my Tea Party group. Hell,I'd welcome them as neighbors.