Merry Christmas from

Our families will gather together today to enjoy a special California Christmas which includes chowing down on Mrs Administrator’s delicious lobster tacos and Mrs Editor’s holy guacamole.

lobster tacos
Lobster tacos, an Christmas tradition

We’ll also observe the day with our own unique Christmas traditions:

The Editor will once again leer at the Administrator’s 20-year old daughter’s friends while fantasizing that they see him as something other than a dirty old man. The Administrator will play his annual game of grab ass with the Editor’s wife. And both wives will observe it all while shaking their heads and wondering, “What the hell is wrong with those two?”

After dinner the Administrator will say, “C’mon, we’re smart guys. Let’s come up with an idea that will make us a million dollars” and the Editor will respond with the seasonal, “Shut up. I’m trying to watch football.”

Ahhh, tradition. It truly is the glue that holds society together.

We wish you and your family and friends a wonderful Christmas.

See you on Monday.


View Comments (20)

  • MERRY CHRISTMAS to everyone here at "I Hate The Media". I wish to thank everyone here who has put up with me, debated me, made fun of me, agreed with me, & even defended me. I have enjoyed the exchanges, & may God bless you, 1 & all. I hope you all enjoy the blessings of family & friends.

    Thank you once again, & MERRY CHRISTMAS.

  • Merry Christmas to all ! We had tamales, tacos, napolitos and refried black beans, Toot toot to boot. Going to bro's house for a really big meal today. belch. Please give my best to Mrs. Administrator and Mrs. Editor --

  • Lobster Tacos! What a great idea! Got a link for a receipe?
    Thanks IHTM for all your work this past year.All the best to you and yours. Merry Christmas!

  • Merry Christmas. What many may not realize is that this post is a perfectly accurate description of the Administrator and Editor.

    Ho Ho Ho (or as the politically correct people would have you say "working girl, working girl, working girl."