Nancy Pelosi wolfs down a big ol’ Satan sandwich

Poor Nancy Pelosi. She’s not Speaker of the House anymore and now she’s being accused by her loony left constituents in Oakland, California of eating a Satan sandwich.

So what’s in a Satan sandwich? Well, you have one half white bread, one half black bread, you fill it with un-sliced baloney and garnish it with lots of malaise mayonaise. It also comes with a side dish of B.S.

– Written by CO2Insanity

This post was last modified on August 21, 2011


View Comments (25)

    • Pelosi could axe Barney Frank to see if your theory is true. Then again, Barney always sounds like his mouth is full when he talks anyway.

  • Actually she makes Satan a sandwich.....

    "Can I get you another plate of soul O Prince of Death?"

  • Her long boring speech before she let Boehner have the gavel just told me all I needed to know about this lady. She is arrogant, classless and power hungry. However, not sure who is worst Nancy or the people that continually vote for her.

      • She about literally spends $0 on campaign ads and got 81% of the libtard SF vote. How do you fight that? The only way's she's going is term limits.

  • Nancy is defending the spending of money we don't have but her liberal hecklers are angry that she's not spending even more money we don't have. Pelosi is deluded but the hecklers are pathological. Nancy's plans will bankrupt the country in the long run but the hecklers want to bankrupt it now. The Satan Sandwich is actually their poison pill.

  • Hey Nan - the reason you're not Speaker any more?

    It's because you were a freakin' DISASTER...

    • It should be noted that while she helped all she could to jam socialism up our asses and implode the Republic, HER financial GAIN was 62%! While 12 million are out of work, she and her cohorts are RAKING in the cash.