You know things aren’t going well for Obama when the Huffington Post slams his job record

You don’t have to go to the highlands of New Guinea to find contemporary cases of cannibalism. No, you simply have to go the pages of the Huffington Post, where liberals are now consuming other liberals.

For example, here’s a Huffington Post-produced video that attacks President Obama’s so-called laser-like focus on jobs.

And a tasty little morsel it is.

This post was last modified on August 15, 2011


View Comments (42)

  • Transcripts please? I usually get here late, and I refuse to watch Sock Puppet live while I'm trying to eat dinner.

    • Sorry, PsychoDad, but transcripts won't work with this one. You'll have to sit back with a brewski and watch it. And it's good enough to watch TWICE.

      But just cause we love you, here's a Cliff Notes version:

      Jobs, jobs, jobs, laser focus, focus, focus, jobs, jobs, jobs [liar, liar] jobs.

      There you go!

        • Kimmy, it looks like we scared her away, at least for a little bit. I guess she just couldn't take it when we mocked her "source" - HuffPo, of all things. LOL!

          • It's funny. She says she only uses "objective" sources to form her opinions from then sites Huff and Puff (which has ties to Soros).

          • drb:"She says she only uses “objective” sources to form her opinions from then (c)ites Huff and Puff (which has ties to Soros"

            Laughable. She's allowed to use HuffPooPoo for reference, but let anyone pull a Fox article, and it's "radical Right wing" propaganda.

            If this chick loved anyone other than herself it would be a triangle.

      • Careful Kimmy my love. Oblivia will be in here correcting your French, because she is, you know, like a native speaker and all.

        • LOL! That would be rich if she did. However, that perhaps explains her lack of mastery of the English language.

          • Don't get me wrong. She travels to France every year so I suppose she speaks some, but clearly not in a position to challenge you. Not that that will make any difference, since she knows all, sees all.

      • KQ: "Notice that you got a thumb down but no actual response… Interesting n’est-ce pas?"

        A paraphrase on an old adage; (S)he who fights and runs away... is a wussy.

        I take each of those silent TD's as a badge of honor. That little e-terrorist will get no rest, no quarter when I visit. I likes you folk. It's nice to hear grounded facts mixed with a little dark humor. It proves that we're still alive and kicking as a team.

          • drb: "Oh, and we like you too, (b)ean"

            That's bean little b, like drb lower case...

            So Fweetness is a wussy, but that's a GOOD thing?

            Sombody get me an aspirin!

          • LOL, Fweetness must be jealous because I said we like you, too.

            Now Fweetness, you know we think you are just the most adorable wittle thing ever!

            Sorry, bean. Roger that on the lowercase. (gotta let our horns show ;) )

            Fweetness will thumb you down for no reason other than the fact that you challenged (and got the better of) Olivia. (S)he like her.

          • drb: "(S)he like her."

            MMffffpphh. Sorry. I know this is TMI, but I threw-up in my mouth a little.

            WARN ME before you say gross things.

          • WARN ME before you say gross things.

            LOL, bean. If I warned you first I wouldn't be nearly as dark and evil. MMMUUUHAHAHA.

        • You are awesome in this place. It is good to have a place to congregate.

          I do take those as a badge of honor as well. It does feel good to know that I angered an idiot and it feels too good to call them on it.

          • KQ: "It does feel good to know that I angered an idiot and it feels too good to call them on it"

            Wanna' solve the national debt? Introduce this Board to every Republican and make them pay a penny every time they THWACK one of Slowlivia's vaccuous diatribes.

            The debt would erase in days.

          • I have a better idea. Pay IHTM every time you THWACK the troll and IHTM would make enough money to pay its monthly server bill. Capitalism at its finest.

          • Sorry Mr. Editor. Thanks to the current economic situation the only "change" I have left is used to keep me supplied with Copita.

          • Don't you realize that Slowlivia needs a home where she can feel safe to utter her complete nonsense, no matter WHAT it costs you mister, mister?

            Of all the nerve... asking us for money, just because we're having fun at your expense.

            /off lefty rant

          • I would go broke! Dang, better enter into another 12 step program, right after I finish the one to stop engaging in dialog with trolls. :)

    • BR: "What is poor Oblivia going to plagarize from NOW??"

      I vacillate on thinking that maybe some of Wasserman's claptrap might suit her purpose, but it's hard to believe that even Slowlivia is that dumb.

      On second thought...

  • Liberals are always consuming each other. It's a constant battle to be the 'most' Liberal. Just as vegans constantly need to out-vegan each other. Greens need to out-Green each other, etc... It's an integral part of those mindsets.

  • Exemplified the difference between being a campaigner and an executive. All talk and no action, no direction, no "Hope", "Change" for the worse. Come on 2012.

  • jobs jobs jobs jobs jobs jobs... there, i said it a bunch of times. problem solved. let's hit the links. -BHO