Shutting Up Liberals 101: Alan Dershowitz explains why the Bin Laden death photos must be released

Alan Dershowitz appeared on CNN’s Piers Morgan Show with Col. Morris Davis, former chief prosecutor at Guantanamo, and Nicholas Kristof of The New York Times.

We always kind of had a soft spot for Harvard Law Professor Alan Dershowitz. He’s liberal, but pragmatic, which confounds the hell out of most other liberals.

Dershowitz appeared on CNN’s Piers Morgan Show with Col. Morris Davis, former chief prosecutor at Guantanamo, and Nicholas Kristof of The New York Times.

Their two-to-one advantage did them absolutely no good as Dershowitz demolished every argument they made for withholding the Bin Laden death photos.

Dershowitz: The precedent this would establish for suppressing material because it might be offensive or might lead to this, it would give Muslim extremists veto about what we can read, what we can hear. It harks back to the [Muhammad] cartoon issues and other forms of censorship. We should not censor because if we publish it will offend the sensibilities of people who don’t share our values.

Is it just our prejudices speaking or is Obama rapidly dissipating every advantage he got out of the Bin Laden killing?

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