Financial crisis solved, so Senate moves on to football crisis

The United States Senate has moved seamlessly from pork to pigskins.
The United States Senate has moved seamlessly from pork to pigskins.

What? The financial crisis hasn’t been solved? Then why the hell is the senate talking wasting time on football?

Here’s how AP reports the latest complete waste of time and money coming out of the United States Senate:

Now senators are getting off the sidelines to examine antitrust issues involving the Bowl Champion Series.

The current system “leaves nearly half of all the teams in college football at a competitive disadvantage when it comes to qualifying for the millions of dollars paid out every year,” the Senate Judiciary’s subcommittee on antitrust, competition policy and consumer rights said in a statement Wednesday announcing the hearings.

Under the BCS, some conferences get automatic bids to participate in series, while others do not.

Obama and some members of Congress favor a playoff-type system to determine the national champion. The BCS features a championship game between the two top teams in the BCS standings, based on two polls and six computer ratings.

For God’s sake, man. Who cares if Associated Press poll picks USC and the Coaches Poll picks LSU and the computers pick Texas. Don’t these people have better things to do?

We just checked with the sports book in Vegas. Odds are 7-1 that the United States Senate is filled with brain-addled morons. 3-1 its filled with corrupt rip-off artists. And 2-1 it’s filled with bloviating blockheads.

Associated Press

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