Supreme Court denies request to halt construction of the border wall

Supreme Court denies request to halt construction of the border wall. Of course, the 9th Circuit gets overturned again! Perhaps they should try basing their rulings on actual laws instead of whatever they pull out of their bungholes.

The Supreme Court by a 5-4 vote has denied a request to halt construction of President Trump’s border wall over environmental concerns.

A federal appeals court had ruled against the administration last month, but the justices, for now, have given another temporary victory to the administration.

Government set to shut down leaving 800,000 federal workers with their pay suspended as Senate adjourns after Democrats dig in and refuse to approve bill with billions assigned to Trump’s border wall

Government set to shut down leaving 800,000 federal workers with their pay suspended as Senate adjourns after Democrats dig in and refuse to approve bill with billions assigned to Trump’s border wall. So it’s not really a complete shutdown. We wonder how many of the 800,000 voted Democrat?

Schumer, Pelosi, Trump ‘Agree’ to Fix DACA and Border Security ‘Excluding’ Wall

Schumer, Pelosi, Trump ‘Agree’ to Fix DACA and Border Security ‘Excluding’ Wall. It appears obstructionists Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell are enjoying seeing Trump’s middle finger for a second time this week.

UPDATE: White House denying wall excluded. We’re not certain at this point if this means the was was excluded from the deal or if the deal excluded the wall.


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