Schumer, Pelosi, Trump ‘Agree’ to Fix DACA and Border Security ‘Excluding’ Wall

Schumer, Pelosi, Trump ‘Agree’ to Fix DACA and Border Security ‘Excluding’ Wall. It appears obstructionists Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell are enjoying seeing Trump’s middle finger for a second time this week.

UPDATE: White House denying wall excluded. We’re not certain at this point if this means the was was excluded from the deal or if the deal excluded the wall.


Ryan Blocking Concealed Carry Reciprocity, Congressman Tells Armed American Radio

Ryan Blocking Concealed Carry Reciprocity, Congressman Tells Armed American Radio. Yeah, you can bet he has armed personal protection with him at all times. Screw the peasants. He should be removed from being Speaker.

The reason given is Ryan thinks the timing isn’t right to consider H.R. 2909, the D.C. Personal Protection Reciprocity Act, a supplement to state reciprocity provisions of H.R. 38.

Mitt Romney Recently Filed Papers with the FEC to Run for President

Mitt Romney Recently Filed Papers with the FEC to Run for President. Files on January 31,, 2016 names Paul Ryan as Vice President running mate. Interesting considering Mitt maintains he’s not running. This certainly adds to everyone’s suspicions the GOP will try and run a brokered convention. We wonder if Karl Rove is behind this?

Paul Ryan sets fire to the pile of kindling known as Harry Reid’s budget plan

Here’s Ryan explaining the faulty logic behind Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid absurd budget plan:

Here’s the deal. If we can’t have Marco Rubio’s baby, we want to have Paul Ryan’s baby. Both of these guys offer a superior gene pool for little Ronald Reagan Ryan or Ronald Reagan Rubio. We’ll be fabulous mothers and raise the kid right.

Here’s Ryan explaining the faulty logic behind Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid absurd budget plan:

“Let’s pass a bill to cover the moon with yogurt that will cost $5 trillion today. And then let’s pass a bill the next day to cancel that bill. We could save $5 trillion.”

Don’t know about you, but Ryan is getting us kind of hot right now.

Paul Ryan: “I don’t consult polls to tell me what my principles are or policies should be. Leaders change polls.”

David Gregory had a bad day on Sunday’s Meet the Press. He ran into a smart, articulate buzz saw named Congressman Paul Ryan.

David Gregory had a bad day on Sunday’s Meet the Press. He ran into a smart, articulate buzz saw named Congressman Paul Ryan.

The following exchange took place:

Gregory: According to our polling, nearly eight in ten Americans do not want to cut spending for Medicare, even in the name of cutting the debt. You, I assume, are not doing all this as an intellectual exercise. You would actually like to get reform accomplished…

Gregory: But wait a second, but that really is a dodge. You are the chairman of the committee, yes, you’re serious about entitlement reform, yes. You’re also a politician. You say you want to do it on your terms. Law does not become law without building political consensus, and you don’t have that, and now you had a major figure in the Republican Party say this was right-wing social engineering. So, I’m wondering how much you do feel undercut in actually getting this passed, which I assume is your goal?

Ryan: First of all, if people are describing this accurately in polls, it’s far more popular than the poll you referenced. Second of all, leaders are elected to lead. I don’t consult polls to tell me what my principles are or what our policies should be. Leaders change the polls, and we are leading in the House. We are not seeing this kind of leadership from the President of the United States. The Senate Democrats haven’t even proposed or passed a budget for 753 days and we have a budget crisis. So, yes, we are going to lead and we are going to try and move these polls and change these polls, because that’s what the country wants.

Yes, Paul, that’s what the country wants. A leader. A real leader. Someone like Paul Ryan. But why settle for someone like Paul Ryan when we can have Paul Ryan himself?

C’mon, Paul, how ’bout you reconsider that “I’m not running for President” thing.


Newt Gingrich discovers the one thing politicians can’t overcome: ridicule

Actor John Lithgow joins Colbert to give a dramatic, verbatim reading of the Gingrich memo. It sounds like The Charge of the Light Brigade by Alfred, Lord Tennyson.

Politicians can overcome scandal, but they can’t overcome ridicule. Think Dukakis in the tank or John Kerry in the clean suit. Once the public starts laughing at a politician instead of with him, it’s curtains.

Which brings us to the case of Newt Gingrich. As has been reported EVERYWHERE, Newt criticized Paul Ryan’s budget plan as right wing social engineering. All hell broke loose and after making feeble excuse after feeble excuse, Newt tried a new tactic – a press release condemning his accusers.

Unfortunately, the press release itself became an object of ridicule because it was so over the top, so floridly written.

We’ve never been fans of Stephen Colbert and Comedy Central’s Colbert Report. We just don’t find his schtick particularly amusing. That being said, this video is hilarious. Absolutely hilarious.

Actor John Lithgow joins Colbert to give a dramatic, verbatim reading of the Gingrich memo. It sounds like The Charge of the Light Brigade by Alfred, Lord Tennyson.

“Into the Valley of Death rode the 600.”

You can’t help but laugh. Not just at Lithgow’s reading of the press release, but at the absurdity of the press release itself.

Say goodnight, Newt.

We’re pretty sure Newt Gingrich regrets going on Bill Bennett’s radio show

This is just about as tough as an interview can get without the participants coming to blows.

Long-time conservative radio host Bill Bennett absolutely reams newly-announced Presidential candidate Newt Gingrich for coming out against Paul Ryan’s budget plan.

This is just about as tough as an interview can get without the participants coming to blows.

Long-time conservative radio host Bill Bennett absolutely reams newly-announced Presidential candidate Newt Gingrich for coming out against Paul Ryan’s budget plan.

We’re not saying Bennett gently chastised him. We’re not saying he scolded him. We’re not saying he expressed mild displeasure. We’re saying he took Gingrich to the woodshed and spanked his Georgia peaches.

In other words, this is about as much fun as a radio interview can be.

Has a presidential campaign ever gotten off to a rockier start?

Budget brouhaha: Chairman of presidential deficit commission says Ryan’s budget is better than Obama’s

Co-chair the Presidential Deficit Commission, appointed by Barack Obama, says the President’s budget proposal is inferior to Paul Ryan’s plan.

Next thing you know, the President will send a Navy Seal team after Erskine Bowles.

Bowles, a Democrat who co-chaired the Presidential Deficit Commission and was appointed by Barack Obama, says the President’s budget proposal falls short on several key goals. In fact, he says it’s inferior to Paul Ryan’s plan.

Bowles: It is $4 trillion, however, over 12 years. It is heavily back-end loaded, so when you compare it to the Ryan plan and to the Commission’s plan, which also has $4 trillion in savings, it is probably more like $2.5 trillion. And in fairness, the way it is setup, according to our analysis, it really doesn’t stabilize the debt, and the debt as a percentage of GDP gets up to around 77 percent and it never gets to primary balance, which is about a deficit-to-GDP ratio of around 3 percent.

Other than that, how did you like the play, Mrs. Lincoln?

Night of the living brain dead: Zombies protest Republican congressman’s support of Ryan budget

We understand the need for protesters to stand out, to get noticed by being different. But what’s key is being different without being stupid.

We understand the need for protesters to stand out, to get noticed by being different. But what’s key is being different without being stupid. That’s the part of the equation that these morons in Florida overlooked.

Zombies against Social Security cuts: Perhaps the most ineffective protest we've ever seen has the overview of the overzealous:

A group of “zombies” gathered outside 8th District Republican Congressman Daniel Webster’s office on Thursday. They weren’t looking for “brains” to eat though. The protesters wore heavy make-up to get in character. They’re members of a group called “Organize Now.”

They describe themselves as an issue-based, community action group. They’re upset that Webster’s supporting Wisconsin Republican Paul Ryan’s budget plan. It includes deep cuts to social security, Medicare and Medicaid. The group says they dressed as zombies to dramatize their message for Webster.

“Organize Now” member Mike Cantone says, “We’re saying don’t work us ’til we die under the Ryan budget, which Congressman Webster did vote for. This budget would eliminate Medicare as we know it and turn it into a voucher system. It would slash Medicaid benefits to seniors, children and people with disabilities who depend on it. And it threatens the future of social security that we all pay into.”

Don’t look now, kids, but the social security that we all pay into is already broke. Politicians have been raiding it for decades. It’s dead as the zombies you’re pretending to be. And it ain’t coming back to life without Ryan’s plan.

We suggest that Republicans stage a counter protest dressed as vampires, symbolizing the government’s on-going effort to suck the lifeblood out of every tax paying citizen.


Dare we say it? Vice President Paul Ryan? President Paul Ryan?

It’s impossible to watch Ryan without getting a sense of the man’s grasp of the issues and his willingness to say things that may not be popular.

This is a great video – Congressman Paul Ryan talking about the budget crisis and our generation’s defining moment.

Ryan: What if you’re President and your member of Congress saw it coming. What if they knew why it was happening, when it was going to happen and more importantly, they knew what to do to stop it, and they had time to stop it, but they didn’t. Because of politics. What would you think of that person? Mr. Chairman, that’s where we are right now. This is the most predictable economic crisis we’ve ever had in the history of this country. And yet we have a President who is unwilling to lead. We have too many politicians worried about the next election and not worried about the next generation.

Absolutely brilliant. With no notes and no Teleprompter.

It’s impossible to watch Ryan without getting a sense of the man’s grasp of the issues, his willingness to say things that may not be popular and his ability to lay the groundwork for tough decisions that are going to have to be made.

If it looks like a leader and sounds like a leader …

Blind sow finds acorn: Jon Stewart rips Obama’s “spending reductions in tax code”

We have to give Jon Stewart a little bit of credit for turning his guns on Obama’s newly-minted phrase “spending reductions in the tax code.”

We have to give Jon Stewart a little bit of credit here. Despite being reliably liberal, he occasionally find fault with those on the left.

Take this video clip for example. Stewart begins by making fun of preposterous liberal depictions of Paul Ryan. Funny thing is, the audience doesn’t seem to realize that Stewart’s making fun of liberals when he says Ryan’s plan includes beating seniors to death with an Ayn Rand novel.

Then Stewart turns his guns (please pardon the violent rhetoric) on Obama’s newly-minted phrase “spending reductions in the tax code.” Stewart uses a couple colorful analogies to explain exactly what it means.

The audience was undoubtedly confused by Stewart’s criticism of Obama, but they surely rationalized it to themselves by thinking, “Heh-heh-heh. Must be funny. Heard dirty words.”

Another reason to support Paul Ryan’s Medicare plan: Chris Matthews says it will kill half his viewers

Chris Matthews told regular guests Howard Fineman and Richard Wolffe that Paul Ryan’s Medicare reform plan “is going to kill half the people who watch this show.”

Here’s Chris Matthews at his spittle-spewing best. Or worst. Take your choice.

He told regular guests Howard Fineman and Richard Wolffe that Paul Ryan’s Medicare reform plan “is going to kill half the people who watch this show.”

That’s the best endorsement for Ryan’s plan that we’ve heard so far.

Paul Ryan says what we’re all thinking: “We don’t need a good politician. We need a strong leader.”

“Look these are tough times for America. We don’t need a good politician. We need a strong leader. We need to engage this country on the issues that are necessary to secure our prosperity, to get this debt paid off. “

Paul Ryan talked to Fox News’ Chris Wallace on Sunday morning about upcoming Republican budget proposals:

“Senate Democrats have not even passed a bill to prevent a government shutdown. We’ve passed two… I find it kind of ironic that the week we are trying to engage the president, the democrats and the country with an honest debate about our budget with real solutions to fix this country’s problems and prevent a debt crisis, the president’s launching his reelection campaign. Look these are tough times for America. We don’t need a good politician. We need a strong leader. We need to engage this country on the issues that are necessary to secure our prosperity, to get this debt paid off. To get our economy growing right now. We know for a fact that we are giving our children and grandchildren a lower standing of living. And, we don’t need good politics. We don’t need to keep making empty promises to people. We need to engage and fix these problems while they are still under our control.”

Do you think Ryan may have been speaking about himself? Naaaaah.

Another reason we want to have Paul Ryan’s baby: The Path To Prosperity video

This video made by Wisconsin Rep. Paul Ryan, the Path to Prosperity, clearly, compellingly outlines the fiscal problems we face.

He’s remarkably bright. He has complete command of he issues and the numbers. He’s a great speaker. He’s telegenic. And he chewed up and spit out President Obama during the healthcare debate.

This video, the Path to Prosperity, clearly, compellingly outlines the fiscal problems we face.

Prepare to be demonized Paul.

Paul Ryan and Ben Bernanke agree: If you want to stimulate growth, cut spending

Questioning the Chairman on Capitol Hill last week, Republican Paul Ryan got Bernanke to agree that the best way to generate growth in the economy is to cut spending. Direct question, very direct answer.

President Obama may want to spend another $53 billion on high speed trains and other nonsense, but even the Chairman of the Fed knows this madness cannot go on forever.

Questioning the Chairman on Capitol Hill last week, Republican Paul Ryan got Bernanke to agree that the best way to generate growth in the economy is to cut spending. Direct question, very direct answer.

But then Ben said, “I’d really love to answer more questions, Congressman Ryan, but I’m working swing shift on the printing press tonight and I really have to get going. George Soros gets very angry when I’m late.”

OK, well, maybe he didn’t say it, but we’re pretty sure he was thinking it.

Paul Ryan demolishes Democrat: Beware of Washington politicians who use the word “investment”

CNBC’s Squawk Box turned to comedy on Tuesday as Rep. Carolyn B. Maloney (D., N.Y.) parroted President Obama’s call for more stimulus-style “investments.”

CNBC’s Squawk Box turned to comedy on Tuesday as Rep. Carolyn B. Maloney (D., N.Y.) parroted President Obama’s call for more stimulus-style “investments.”

House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan chewed Maloney up and spit her out like a piece of bad kielbasa at the White House Super Bowl party. “When a politician in Washington says ‘investment,’” Ryan noted, “that means more government spending. That is a problem.”

And it went on from there.


House of cards: Rep. Paul Ryan calls ObamaCare a fraud

Damn, we love Congressman Paul Ryan.

Let’s just say it right now: the only thing that can keep this guy from eventually becoming Speaker of the House is an even higher office.

Damn, we love Congressman Paul Ryan.

Let’s just say it right now: the only thing that can keep this guy from eventually becoming Speaker of the House is an even higher office.

Watch this video clip of his speech on the floor of the House on Wednesday. His mastery of the subject is remarkable. His passion is palpable. His oratory skills are ….

Oh, crap. We’re starting to feel that tingle up the leg that Chris Matthews feels when he sees Obama.

Another reason we love Paul Ryan (in the manliest of manly man ways)

Here’s a very persuasive Ryan explaining why we needed to extend the Bush tax cuts and why he was willing to hold his nose and accept the compromise with the President Obama.

Unless we’re mistaken, Paul Ryan has a big future. Of course, we’re not exactly Jeane Dixon, but that’s never stopped us from making predictions.

Here’s a very persuasive Ryan explaining why we needed to extend the Bush tax cuts and why he was willing to hold his nose and accept the compromise with the President Obama.

Four minutes of intelligent, persuasive public speaking, we might point out, without a Teleprompter.

Princess Pelosi cannot, shall not, will not lower herself to speak to Republicans

Remarkable. Congressman Paul Ryan, one of the leading Republicans in the House, says outgoing House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has never bothered to speak to him.

Remarkable. Congressman Paul Ryan, one of the leading Republicans in the House, says outgoing House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has never bothered to speak to him. has details of Pelosi’s silent treatment:

Outgoing House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) is the GOP’s primary source of contact within the Democratic leadership, a top Republican said Monday.

Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.), the incoming chairman of the House Budget Committee, suggested Republicans get along best with Hoyer, the second-ranking House Democrat who will stay in the No. 2 position in the next Congress.

“I get along pretty well with Steny. He’s the only one we really talk to,” Ryan said Monday morning on CNBC. “I don’t know Nancy Pelosi. I had a 30-second conversation with her about six years ago, and that’s about it.”

“…She just doesn’t talk; I’ve never talked to her,” Ryan said of Pelosi. “I’m not casting aspersions — just, Steny talks to us.”

Consider yourself lucky, Paul. Not speaking to Pelosi must be like the congressional version of winning the lottery.


Economics 101: Paul Ryan is the professor, Chris Matthews is the reluctant student

Chris Matthews thought he had Republican Congressman Paul Ryan trapped and condescendingly said, “So, in other words, all this bitching about the deficit doesn’t mean squat.” That’s when Ryan taught Matthews a couple lesson.

Poor Chris Matthews. He thought he had Republican Congressman Paul Ryan trapped and condescendingly said, “So, in other words, all this bitching about the deficit doesn’t mean squat.”

That’s when Ryan taught Matthews a couple lessons and left the sad, little MSNBC host sputtering.

Dunce cap for Matthews.


Paul Ryan says we’re at a fork in the road. And either way, we’re really forked.

Congressman Paul Ryan is one of the few politicians willing to tell the American people that they’re neck deep in a stinking pile of Democrat policy. Here’s what he had to say on CNBC’s Squawk Box the other day:

Congressman Paul Ryan is one of the few politicians willing to tell the American people that they’re neck deep in a stinking pile of Democrat policy.

Here’s what he had to say on CNBC’s Squawk Box the other day:

“Are we going to reclaim the American idea — an entrepreneurial economy where you make the most of your life, you tap your potential, we reinvigorate the principles of liberty, freedom, free enterprise — and defend the morality of that — or are we going to abandon that and switch over toward a European-style, cradle-to-grave welfare state where we drain people of their incentive and will to make the most of their lives and make them more dependent on the government?”

“[Progressives] believe that we ought to have the government so much more involved in our lives, as the more determining factor in our lives, rather than ourselves. So we have to ask ourselves a question: Do we want an entrepreneurial society that gets prosperity turned back on in the 21st century, where individual merit, entrepreneurial activity defines the American economy, or are we going to have more and more people dependent on the government for their livelihoods? And that is going to drain them of their ability and their will to make the most of their lives. That’s sort of the fork in the road we are at, and it’s really being precipitated by the current direction of our government and the debt crisis because of entitlement explosion that’s coming in the future. Those things are coming together. We’ve got to make a decision in 2010 and in 2012 what kind of country we want to be in the 21st century economy.”

Let the chant begin: “Ryan! Ryan! Ryan! Ryan! Ryan!”

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