LA school district outraged over “Bruno” school photos, not so outraged by sexual predator teachers

School District honcho Ramon Cortines is outraged by photos of pseudo gay fashion icon Sacha Cohen “Bruno” taken with football players at LA’s Birmingham High School.

Bruno isn't half as fraudulent as LA School Superintendent Ramon Cortines
Bruno isn't half as fraudulent as LA School Superintendent Ramon Cortines

School District honcho Ramon Cortines is outraged by photos of pseudo gay fashion icon “Bruno” taken with football players at LA’s Birmingham High School.

Cortines howls that the district has “allowed our students to be used.”

We’d salute his efforts to protect the city’s children. Except for one thing: It’s nothing but phony showboating.

In reality, Cortines seems far more worried about students being used by comic predator Cohen in a Hollywood photo shoot than about students being used by real predators in the city’s classrooms.

A recent Los Angeles Times report concluded, “Repeatedly, the district failed to follow up on sexual misconduct complaints against employees once police or prosecutors dropped criminal actions. Some ended up at new schools. In at least one instance…the new principal had no idea of his history.”

Molesting your young students? No problem. Sexually involved with your older students? No problem. But shooting some funny photos with an actor? That’s a problem.

It’s not easy to be this stupid. Cortines must be a graduate of the Los Angeles Unified School District.

Source: Washington Post, Los Angeles Times

Bruno tells the gay community where to stick it,
so to speak

We can’t wait for this movie. Sacha Baron Cohen is crude and rude, blasphemous and hilarious. Here’s a red carpet interview with Bruno at the star studded London premiere. His ability to ad lib in character is remarkable.

We can’t wait for this movie. Sacha Baron Cohen is crude and rude, blasphemous and hilarious. Here’s a red carpet interview with Bruno at the star studded London premiere. His ability to ad lib in character is remarkable.

“What I’m trying to undo tonight,” Bruno says, “is the badness done by that film ‘Milk’ which has really set the gay community back 20 years with that terrible stereotype.”

Of course, he says it while prancing around in leather hotpants and a Beefeater hat.

Gay rights groups demand “disclaimer” be added to Bruno movie

Gay rights groups are spitting mad over “Bruno,” the new Sacha Baron Cohen movie that opens July 10. They want Cohen and Universal studios to add a disclaimer to the movie so that people will understand that it’s satire.

Bruno Movie Trailer

Gay rights groups are spitting mad over “Bruno,” the new Sacha Baron Cohen movie that opens July 10. They want Cohen and Universal studios to add a disclaimer to the movie so that people will understand that it’s satire.

Cohen became famous for “Borat,” a movie in which he used the crude but hilarious Borat character to expose people’s prejudices. The gay community is afraid audiences won’t understand that he’s using Bruno, the flamboyant gay fashion journalist title character, to do the same thing in the new movie.

“Ultimately,” Brook Barnes said, “the tension surrounding ‘Brüno’ boils down to the worry that certain viewers won’t understand that the joke is on them and will leave the multiplex with their homophobia validated.”

Brad Luna of the Human Rights Campaign said, “We strongly feel that Sacha Baron Cohen and Universal Pictures have a responsibility to remind the viewing public right there in the theater that this is intended to expose homophobia.”

We think a disclaimer is a great idea. How about this one:

“This film is intended to expose homophobia. If you don’t understand that, you are undoubtedly a homophobic conservative and probably racist, sexist, and ageist to boot. By the way, we’re really glad Carrie Prejean got fired as Miss California. And Barack Obama is The One. And Perez Hilton is The Other One. So there.”


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