Latest Democrat to run for president was part of her father’s campaign comparing homosexuality to incest and BEASTIALITY and arguing that ‘I can’t marry my sister!’

Latest Democrat to run for president was part of her father’s campaign comparing homosexuality to incest and BEASTIALITY and arguing that ‘I can’t marry my sister!’ Well this should go over well with the PC Democrat club.

  • Rep. Tulsi Gabbard worked for her father’s anti-gay organization in early 2000s
  • His group supported gay conversion therapy and referred to homosexuality as ‘unhealthy, abnormal behavior that should not be promoted or accepted’
  • A young Tulsi Gabbard appeared in an ad for the group in the late 1990s that opposed gay marriage
  • However, her position on gay rights has evolved over time
  • She has apologized for her past stance
  • ‘Let me say I regret the positions I took in the past, and the things I said,’ she said

Despite aversion to pots of gold Fed flies a rainbow flag

The Richmond Federal Reserve Bank’s attempt to show inclusiveness in the workplace by flying the rainbow flag outside its building has reignited a divisive gay-rights debate.

We here at try to live by a philosophy best captured in ancient and time honored rhyme:

If you want to get funky, please feel free
Just don’t spread that funk on me

The Fed is inclusive: They're going to destroy all of us

The Federal Reserve of Virginia has decided to let its freaky flag fly just a bit higher than we fly ours. It’s a decision that has caused a bit of a flap.

The Richmond Times-Dispatch runs it up the flagpole for us:

The Richmond Federal Reserve Bank’s attempt to show inclusiveness in the workplace by flying the rainbow flag outside its building has reignited a divisive gay-rights debate.

Del. Robert G. Marshall, R-Prince William, is calling on the bank to remove the flag, terming its presence “a serious deficiency of judgment by your organization, one not limited to social issues.”

Far be it from us to tell this supposedly non-governmental agency how to conduct its affairs. Not even if it does exercise a large amount of control over our economy and, therefore, our lives. But if the Fed must fly a flag might we suggest the white one? Especially when it comes to any number of their inflation inducing policies.

PS – We would like to clarify our reason for suggesting the Fed fly a white flag. It is not, as some trolls might have you believe, because we are racist. It is because this flag has traditionally been associated with surrender. Were we more cultured and euro-centric we might have suggested the drapeau tricolore instead. Thankfully we are not.

– Written by Kip Hooker at

Source: Richmond Times-Dispatch

Sweet. Gay activists heckle Obama in Manhattan.

Oh, my. He’s lost seniors. He’s lost independents. He’s lost whites. But did you ever think you’d see the day when Barack Obama lost gays?

Oh, my. He’s lost seniors. He’s lost independents. He’s lost whites. But did you ever think you’d see the day when Barack Obama lost gays?

They’re loud, they’re proud, they’re queer and they’re here. Well, actually, they’re in Manhattan, but nevertheless, has their raucous reaction:

President Barack Obama was heckled multiple times during his speech at a Democratic fundraiser in one of the country’s most Democratic cities.
Demonstrators held signs that said “Broken Promises” and interrupted his speech to protest AIDS funding and the stalled repeal of “don’t ask, don’t tell,” the policy banning gays from serving openly in the military that Obama has promised to lift.

Obama showed a flash of irritation after he was forced repeatedly off his prepared remarks. “We listened to you, we heard your point,” he told the “young lady” who continued shouting at him about AIDS funding. “This is not the time or the place to do what you’re talking about.”

A flash of irritation? No, he showed a flash of confusion. After all, he’s Barack Obama. How could people heckle him?


Gay rights groups demand “disclaimer” be added to Bruno movie

Gay rights groups are spitting mad over “Bruno,” the new Sacha Baron Cohen movie that opens July 10. They want Cohen and Universal studios to add a disclaimer to the movie so that people will understand that it’s satire.

Bruno Movie Trailer

Gay rights groups are spitting mad over “Bruno,” the new Sacha Baron Cohen movie that opens July 10. They want Cohen and Universal studios to add a disclaimer to the movie so that people will understand that it’s satire.

Cohen became famous for “Borat,” a movie in which he used the crude but hilarious Borat character to expose people’s prejudices. The gay community is afraid audiences won’t understand that he’s using Bruno, the flamboyant gay fashion journalist title character, to do the same thing in the new movie.

“Ultimately,” Brook Barnes said, “the tension surrounding ‘Brüno’ boils down to the worry that certain viewers won’t understand that the joke is on them and will leave the multiplex with their homophobia validated.”

Brad Luna of the Human Rights Campaign said, “We strongly feel that Sacha Baron Cohen and Universal Pictures have a responsibility to remind the viewing public right there in the theater that this is intended to expose homophobia.”

We think a disclaimer is a great idea. How about this one:

“This film is intended to expose homophobia. If you don’t understand that, you are undoubtedly a homophobic conservative and probably racist, sexist, and ageist to boot. By the way, we’re really glad Carrie Prejean got fired as Miss California. And Barack Obama is The One. And Perez Hilton is The Other One. So there.”


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