The crooks in the DOJ are far worse than we thought

The crooks in the DOJ are far worse than we thought.  Of course, nothing at all will happen to anyone, save for perhaps a tongue-lashing. If the GOP takes Congress over in November, Mitch McConnell and Kevin McCarthy won’t have the balls to do anything.

Update: Suspect Dressed In FedEx Uniform who Killed Son Of NJ Federal Judge, Found Dead

Update: Suspect Dressed In FedEx Uniform who Killed Son Of NJ Federal Judge, Found Dead. We called it. Arkancide or suicide?

Judge: US Can’t Force Apple To Provide Encrypted iPhone Data

Judge: US Can’t Force Apple To Provide Encrypted iPhone Data. NY Federal Judge Rules in favor of Apple. They still have to deal with the Federal Judge in Riverside County though. It looks like it’s time for the Supreme Court to get involved. Or, will the FBI get tricky and try to use the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISA) to get a rubber stamp?

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