Salon’s Joan Walsh makes pilgrimage to MSNBC, genuflects at altar of ignorance

Salon Editor Joan Walsh guested on Hardball, where despite video proof offered by host Chris Matthews that senate candidate Richard Blumenthal blatantly lied about serving in Vietnam, she said, “They’re distorting his words.”

Salon editor Joan Walsh should get down on her knees and say a prayer of thanks to whatever God she worships, for He, in his wisdom, endowed her with a blessed ignorance that protects her from seeing what a moron she is. Surely, if she had any degree of self-awareness she would never venture beyond the confines of her own home again, much less attempt to speak in public.

Walsh guested on Hardball, where despite video proof offered by host Chris Matthews that senate candidate Richard Blumenthal blatantly lied about serving in Vietnam, she said, “They’re distorting his words. It’s very difficult to say he lied.” In addition to being ignorant, she also made herself asinine by making those little finger quote motions around the word “lied.”

Save yourself the trouble of watching the entire clip. Go straight to the 6:58 mark of the video. (You owe us one.)

It gets even better at the 7:29 mark when Mathews, painful as it must have been for him, had no choice but to point out that Walsh was wrong, causing her to revert to an expression that one imagines monopolizes most of her face time – the confused dog/tilted head look.

Of course the true depth of Walsh’s “intelligence” was forever memorialized in an earlier video that went viral – her classic exchange with Mika Mxyzptlk, co-host of MSNBC’s Morning Joe show.

Mika, the very model of vapidity, openly mocks Walsh right to her face. And let’s face it, when someone as dense as Mika finds you mockworthy, you must begin to realize just how low you reside on the evolutionary scale.

– Written by Sonny Palermo


37 more lies discovered on Richard Blumenthal’s resume

We have gone over Richard Blumenthal’s resume with the proverbial fine tooth comb and discovered 37 other things this congenital liar claims to have done, but didn’t.

richard blumenthal 37 lies
A contrite Richard Blumenthal wonders if he should reveal that he invented Velcro

We now know that Connecticut Attorney General Richard Blumenthal didn’t serve in Vietnam. And we also know that he wasn’t captain of the Harvard swim team.

But we have gone over his resume with the proverbial fine tooth comb and discovered 37 other things this congenital liar claims to have done, but didn’t. Such as:

  1. Walk on the moon with Neil Armstrong
  2. Lead the National League in hitting in 1997.
  3. Invent the internet
  4. Cure cancer with the power of his mind
  5. Go faster than a speeding bullet
  6. Coin the phrase “tastes just like chicken!”
  7. Serve as Butterfly McQueen’s stunt double in Gone With the Wind
  8. Hear the sound of clowns “crying on the inside”
  9. Maintain the force of gravity
  10. Save an entire bus full of children using a simple paperclip
  11. Continue reading “37 more lies discovered on Richard Blumenthal’s resume”

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