Kerry: If we’re wrong on Climate Change, “What’s the worst that can happen?”

Kerry: If we’re wrong on Climate Change, “What’s the worst that can happen?” “What if ’97 percent’ of scientists are wrong?” That 97% line was debunked a long time ago but that doesn’t stop people like Kerry from using it over and over again. Somewhere, a horse is going without an ass because of him.

Lefty PBS scientist wants climate skeptic politicians thrown in prison

Lefty PBS scientist wants climate skeptic politicians thrown in prison. Lefty PBS host Bill Moyers doesn’t have a problem with that, per se, but warns that it will make the prisons awfully crowded. So it’s really just a problem of logistics. Where’s Heinrich Himmler when you need him, eh Mr. Moyers?

Michelle Obama would like students to monitor family members for racial insensitivity

Michelle Obama would like students to monitor family members for racial insensitivity. “First lady Michelle Obama is encouraging students to monitor their older relatives, friends and co-workers for any racially insensitive comments they might make, and to challenge those comments whenever they’re made.” And if you report them to the Ministry of Truth, you’ll get an extra ration of chocolate, Winston.

Attorney general says racial equality threatened in subtle ways

Eric Holder says racial equality threatened in subtle ways: And in some not so subtle ways. Like Attorney Generals of the United States insisting that race and sexual orientation grant certain citizens a greater expectation of due process while denying other citizens their right to equal protection under the law.

Where unsold cars go to die

Where the world’s unsold cars go to die. Apparently, people are not buying new cars anymore and manufacturers are trying to hide that fact. This story was debunked almost immediately ( and we’ve waited two days for Zero Hedge to print a retraction. So far, they haven’t. Summary: cars are not being over-produced and stored in parking lots and abandoned landing strips around the world, and Zero Hedge is run by cowardly weasels.

NY Times publisher denies sexism, calls Abramson bad manager

NY Times publisher denies sexism, calls Abramson bad manager. Well chum(p), we’ve dealt with this kind of thing for years – take Obama, for example, a president we dislike because we disagree with on nearly all policy issues while the Left/media complex insists our real problem with him is that we’re raaaaacists. Now the shoe is on the other foot – feel the tolerance, baby.

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