Shocker: Al Sharpton’s listeners support Clarence Thomas and Supreme Court gun decision

You’d expect Al Sharpton’s response to the Supreme Court gun decision would be to dust off one of his old speeches blaming whitey for the violence in the black community blah-blah-blah.

Surprise. Sharpton and his listeners overwhelmingly support the decision.

The Radio Equalizer has Sharpton’s shocking statement:

Sharpton: I would say 90% of the calls I received yesterday were in support of the Supreme Court and people say they want to bear guns. They’re tired of the violence and it’s very very interesting. I have had a few on both sides today, but yesterday was overwhelming, it was stunning to me.

I just told Attorney Lou Meyers, lady stopped me last night; I did the commencement address at Boys and Girls High. She said I listen to your show Reverend and I want you to know I’m saved sanctified by feel of the Holy Ghost, but if they come in my house I’m going to drop them right where they stand. So, and she looked like she was in her eighties.

Sharpton probably isn’t too worried about guns in the black community. But what does scare him to death is the concept that his listeners may finally figure out that the Democrats don’t really represent their points of view.

H/T: RadioEqualizer

This post was last modified on July 1, 2010


View Comments (9)

  • How to clean up Chicago:

    Give free guns to every citizen plus a box of hollow-point shells. Drug the water with something that produces hallucinations and violent rage. End of problem.

  • Someone said it was the "Supreme's Court" - who's going to argue with them after all that great music? /sarc off

  • Denying guns to law abiding non criminal citizens to prevent violence with guns is moronic. Law breaking criminals will not respect the laws preventing use of guns DUH! It will give them an advantage to commit more crimes because they know the people they are committing crimes on will obey the laws. So making it easier for law abiding citizens to have guns derails criminal activity. It is so simple, I dont understand liberals why can't they get that?

  • Majority of black americans have conservative views on social issues, but 90% vote democrats. Why?

    • Like Glenn Beck has said many times, the successful propaganda of Progressives have watered down real Progressivism and the Democrat party. So people who are not well educated (not necessarily their fault but the school system which is controlled by Progressives) and do not GO OUT of their lives to learn the truth about things, do not know that it was the Democrats that wanted slavery and later segregation, etc. So yeah I think it is a perversion of history coupled with the ignorance of people that may explain this issue.

    • Hmm... either it's something about JFK and LBJ, or it's entirely Bush's fault. (GWB)

      Take your pick. Either way, I'm starting to forget what the acronyms actually mean.

  • Alfred will follow the monies. If the majority of the peeps that actually follow this blathering bog-o-wind turn to the right; you can bet your house this weasel will make the same turn. Somebody's got to pay for those suits.