Why you should get your next haircut in Tucson Taylor, Arizona

A barbershop in Taylor, Arizona has a special 2nd Amendment promotion”…you can enter to win this 9mm Hi Point Carbine. $260 retail value!”

A barbershop in Taylor, Arizona has this special 2nd Amendment promotion.

The fine print on the poster says, “Every time you get your hair cut between now and December 2011 you can enter to win this 9mm Hi Point Carbine. $260 retail value! All ATF rules apply.”

It’s perfect for the patriot who wants to look good when the revolution comes.


Just what you need when that drug-crazed burglar is coming in your bedroom window at 3 a.m.

Oops. Sorry. The Taurus 28 gauge short barreled shotgun revolver no longer available. Not because they were sold out, but because the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives said, “You can’t sell that thing.”

Ladies and gentlemen, we are pleased to introduce the Taurus 28 gauge short barreled shotgun revolver.

Oops. Sorry. It’s no longer available. Not because they were sold out, but because the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives said, “You can’t sell that thing.”

The Taurus shotgun revolver, striking fear in hearts of burglars across the fruited plain

Yes, BATFE dropped by the Taurus booth at a major gun show and declared that the Brazilian-made 28 gauge revolver was actually an illegal short barreled shotgun, not a handgun.

As we understand it, Taurus checked the little box that said it was a shotgun instead of the one that said it’s a revolver. And that, apparently, is enough to get it banned in the United States. Burglars and other assorted bad guys are sending bouquets to the boys from BATFE this morning.

Too bad. We had already worked up a nifty little ad slogan for Taurus:

“When you get burglarized, the burglar gets vaporized.”

Source: TheFirearmsBlog.com

H/T: Hardwurkindaddy

And now let’s take a flight with the politically incorrect airline pilot

C’mon, tell the truth. Wouldn’t you love to have this gun-packing pilot in the cockpit on your next flight?

The official IHateTheMedia tax guy (Miles “No, you didn’t make any money again this year, but you still owe taxes” Snodgrass) sent us this video.

C’mon, tell the truth. Wouldn’t you love to have this pilot in the cockpit on your next flight?

Shocker: Al Sharpton’s listeners support Clarence Thomas and Supreme Court gun decision

Surprise. Al Sharpton and his listeners overwhelmingly support the Supreme Court decision upholding the right to bear arms.

You’d expect Al Sharpton’s response to the Supreme Court gun decision would be to dust off one of his old speeches blaming whitey for the violence in the black community blah-blah-blah.

Surprise. Sharpton and his listeners overwhelmingly support the decision.

The Radio Equalizer has Sharpton’s shocking statement:

Sharpton: I would say 90% of the calls I received yesterday were in support of the Supreme Court and people say they want to bear guns. They’re tired of the violence and it’s very very interesting. I have had a few on both sides today, but yesterday was overwhelming, it was stunning to me.

I just told Attorney Lou Meyers, lady stopped me last night; I did the commencement address at Boys and Girls High. She said I listen to your show Reverend and I want you to know I’m saved sanctified by feel of the Holy Ghost, but if they come in my house I’m going to drop them right where they stand. So, and she looked like she was in her eighties.

Sharpton probably isn’t too worried about guns in the black community. But what does scare him to death is the concept that his listeners may finally figure out that the Democrats don’t really represent their points of view.

H/T: RadioEqualizer

This song is number one with a bullet. A lot of bullets, in fact.

Steve Lee is an Australian gun lover. And “I Love Guns” is available at Australian gun stores and at his own online store.

The phrase “number one with a bullet” comes from Billboard Magazine’s practice of putting a bullet symbol next to songs that were zipping up the weekly record charts at a rapid rate.

We ran across this music video at the fabulous AceofSpades HQ site. It’s a country song, so we assumed Steve Lee, its singer, must be an American.

But wait. Why are Australian flags hanging on the wall in one scene? And why is the steering wheel on the wrong side of the car. And why is he driving on the wrong side of the road?

Hey, we didn’t watch all those old Perry Mason shows without learning how to read a clue or two.

Turns out Steve Lee is an Australian gun lover. And “I Love Guns” is available at Australian gun stores and at his own online store.

“I Love Guns.” Think of it as an Ode to the Second Amendment.

Source: Ace of Spades HQ, ILikeGuns.com.au

A 60-second Second Amendment tale of terror

So do you submit to fear? Or do you conquer it? This sixty second commercial gives you one person’s Second Amendment answer.

OK, imagine that this is being read aloud by that guy with the really deep voice who does all the coming attractions:

“I am fear. I am the menace that lurks in the path of life, never visible to the eye but sharply felt in the heart. 
I am the father of despair, the brother of procrastination, the enemy of progress, the tool of tyranny. Born of ignorance and nursed on misguided thought, I have darkened more hopes, stifled more ambitions, shattered more ideals and prevented more accomplishments than history could record.
 I assume many disguises. I masquerade as caution. I am sometimes known as doubt or worry. But whatever I am called, I am still fear, the obstacle of achievement. I have no power but what the human mind gives me, and I vanish completely when the light of understanding reveals the facts as they really are, for I am really nothing. You see, if you have the courage to acknowledge your fears, you will be taking the first step towards controlling them instead of them controlling you.”

So do you submit to fear? Or do you conquer it?

This sixty second commercial gives you one person’s answer.

Source: The Big Feed, AnxietyZone.com

FBI reports big decrease in murders, big increase in gun sales. Hey, how is that possible?

More guns, less crime? Looks like America’s Second Amendment enemies shot their mouths off one too many times. The basic tenet of their anti-gun religion has just been disproved by a new FBI crime report.

A new FBI report takes direct aim at the heart of gun control

More guns, less crime? Looks like America’s Second Amendment enemies shot their mouths off one too many times. The basic tenet of their anti-gun religion has just been disproved by a new FBI crime report.

The NRA gleefully reports the depressing details for dogmatic Democrats:

Last week, the FBI issued its preliminary 2009 crime report, showing that the number of murders in the first half of 2009 decreased 10 percent compared to the first half of 2008. If the trend holds for the remainder of 2009, it will be the single greatest one-year decrease in the number of murders since at least 1960, the earliest year for which national data are available through the Bureau of Justice Statistics. Also, the per capita murder rate for 2009 will be 51 percent lower than the all-time high recorded in 1991, and it will be the lowest rate since 1963—a 46-year low. Final figures for 2009 will be released by the FBI next year.

According to gun control supporter dogma—“more guns means more crime”—the number of privately owned firearms must have decreased 10 percent in 2009. To the contrary, however, the number rose between 1.5 and 2 percent, to an all-time high. For the better part of the last 15 months, firearms, ammunition, and “large” ammunition magazines have been sold in what appear to be record quantities. And, the firearms that were most commonly purchased in 2009 are those that gun control supporters most want to be banned—AR-15s, similar semi-automatic rifles, and handguns designed for defense. The National Shooting Sports Foundation already estimates record ammunition sales in 2009, dominated by .223 Remington, 7.62x39mm, 9mm and other calibers widely favored for defensive purposes.

Also indicative of the upward trend in firearm sales, the number of national instant check transactions rose 24.5 percent in the first six months of 2009 compared to the first six months in 2008, the greatest increase since NICS’ inception in 1998. Through the end of October, NICS transactions rose18 percent, compared to the same period in 2008.

Consider this evidence that gun control isn’t about guns, it’s about control.

Source: Federal Bureau of Investigation via National Rifle Association

Hmmm. Maybe this is why Switzerland has the world’s lowest crime rate

We’re always told that neutral Switzerland is the world’s most peaceful nation. But opponents of the second amendment don’t want you to know the reason it’s so peaceful is that its citizens are armed to the teeth.

We’re always told that neutral Switzerland is the world’s most peaceful nation. But opponents of the second amendment don’t want you to know the reason it’s so peaceful is that its citizens are armed to the teeth.

The country is crawling with assault rifles. More than 600,000 of them.

All Swiss men aged 21 to 32 men serve in Switzerland’s militia. They’re each issued an M-57 assault rifle and 24 rounds of ammunition which they’re required to keep in their homes.

After fulfilling mandatory military service, Swiss men then serve in something very similar to the U.S. National Guard. They’re issued bolt rifles and are still required to train occasionally. Women aren’t required to own guns, but they’re strongly encouraged to do so.

And you thought Swiss army knives were impressive.

Source: Bluegrass Pundit

Dueling Headlines: Women, Taxes, Guns

The lesson to be learned from these headlines? Don’t turn in any female tax cheats in Chicago.

City to Pay for Informing on Tax Cheats
Source: NBCchicago.com

Number Of Women Buying Handguns Increasing
Source: CBS2Chicago.com

The lesson to be learned from these headlines? Don’t turn in any female tax cheats in Chicago.

Think of it as the flashlight that helps criminals
see the light

The FMG9 is exactly what you need when you’re strolling down a dark street in a dangerous neighborhood. It may look like an ordinary flashlight, but push one button and it transforms into a Glock semi-automatic weapon.

The FMG9 is exactly what you need when you’re strolling down a dark street in a dangerous neighborhood. It may look like an ordinary flashlight, but push one button and it transforms into a Glock semi-automatic weapon.

Who thinks this stuff up?

Man with assault rifle at Obama rally was part of radio stunt

It was big news last week when a man showed up at an ObamaCare rally with a semi-automatic assault rifle slung over his shoulder and a pistol strapped on his hip. Now it turns out the whole thing was just a radio stunt. A stunt by gun rights advocates, to be sure, but a stunt nonetheless.

Where are the headlines announcing that it was just a radio stunt?
Where are the headlines announcing that it was just a radio stunt?

It was big news last week when a man showed up at an ObamaCare rally with a semi-automatic assault rifle slung over his shoulder and a pistol strapped on his hip.

Headlines screamed. News anchors were atwitter. And talk radio was abuzz.

Now it turns out the whole thing was just a radio stunt. A stunt by gun rights advocates, to be sure, but a stunt nonetheless.

Conservative talk radio host Ernest Hancock went on CNN and said he had been in the middle of interviewing Chris (no last name provided) when the news network’s cameras showed up. The two men have known each other for two years.

Rick Sanchez: The more we look into this, the more it appears that it was really planned.
Hancock: Oh, it’s more planned than you think.
Rick Sanchez: This was a publicity stunt.
Hancock: Oh, absolutely.

Unfortunately, the CNN interview has been removed from YouTube and replaced with a notice that says, “This video has been removed due to terms of use violation.”

See, this is one of the reasons we hate the media. The horrifying news of an armed racist at an Obama rally, a potential assassin targeting America’s first black president, spread across the media like wildfire.

But when the reality of the situation is revealed, the media finds it far less worthy of their valuable airtime and newsprint.

We’re embarrassed to have to find the truth at CNN and the Huffington Post.

Source: HuffingtonPost.com

Uh-oh. We just found out why Janet Napolitano called you a right wing terrorist

Of course, Janet Napolitano can have a gun. She didn't define herself as a terrorist
Of course, Janet Napolitano can have a gun. She didn't define herself as a terrorist

They call it “The Denying Firearms and Explosives to Dangerous Terrorists Act of 2009.”

It sounds like a good idea until you find out that it would authorize the Attorney General to deny the sale of firearms to known or “suspected” terrorists.

Of course, you don’t have to remember back more than a couple weeks to remember who Janet Napolitano “suspects” as a terrorist.

Who? You. That’s who.

What Napolitano called “extremists,” more rational civil libertarians call “advocates” for frightening things like Christian identity, anti-abortion, anti-immigration and states rights.

“It doesn’t say anything about trials and due process,” commented Larry Pratt, executive director of Gun Owners of America said about the proposed legislation. “This is one of the most outrageous pieces of legislation to come along in some time. It’s basically saying, ‘I suspect you, so your rights are toast.'”

We’re no mathematicians, Janet, but we can add two and two and get 1776.

Source: Fox News

Quote of the Day
“If they’re going to take my gun rights away, I’m going to buy plenty. Buy ‘em cheap and bury ‘em deep before they do.”
– Lars Larson, syndicated radio talker

Source: LARadio.com

Media rushes to condemn gun ownership, ignores more interesting fact about Binghamton gunman

The left wants to know why it was so easy for Jiverly Wong to get guns. We want to know why it was so easy for him to get in the country.
The left wants to know why it was so easy for Jiverly Wong to get guns. We want to know why it was so easy for him to get in the country.

In the media’s rush to condemn gun ownership, they have conveniently overlooked something very interesting about the shooter.

You can find it in this story from Fox News:

(Jiverly) Wong first came to the northwestern New York town some time in the late 1980s or early 1990s, before moving to California, (Police Chief Joseph) Zikuski said. In 1992, Wong was arrested and convicted of fraud.

Police said Wong became an American citizen in November of 1995 and sometime after that left the country. He returned to Los Angeles Dec. 25, 1999, arriving from Tokyo, police said passport records showed.

What the hell is wrong with our immigration policy when a guy who was arrested and convicted of fraud in 1992 can become a citizen in 1995?

Source: FoxNews.com

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